Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 657 Even the teacher is a fan

Chapter 657 Even the teacher is a fan
Fujiwara Xinghai arrived at his new seat under the guidance of Momiji. He was slightly surprised to find that he was not only next to Momiji, but also seemed to be the center of whispers among his classmates. He frowned and glanced around the class in confusion, feeling the surprise or awe mixed in the many eyes.

"When was this position adjusted?" he asked Hongye in a low voice, with a hint of uneasiness in his voice.

Hongye glanced at him sideways and replied calmly: "A long time ago." Her eyes seemed to tell him that everything here was already her familiar territory.

The arrival of the teacher interrupted their communication. She is a middle-aged woman, with a serious and focused look behind her glasses. She walked straight to the podium with steady steps, and the textbooks and notes in her hands were neatly placed on the table. The atmosphere in the classroom immediately became serious.

"Good morning, students, today we will discuss systematic sampling in probability." The teacher's voice was particularly clear in the silent classroom.

When Fujiwara sat down, his movements were hesitant because he was still thinking about the meaning of those glances. Hongye took out her notebook naturally, as if waiting for some kind of revelation.

As the teacher began to teach, her hands moved quickly on the blackboard, and the sound of chalk rubbing against the blackboard became the background sound. She explains in detail how to select samples at regular intervals throughout the data set. Fujiwara tried to concentrate, but he found his eyes involuntarily peeking at the red leaves. Her brows were slightly furrowed, obviously listening intently.

In class, the teacher's explanations gradually became more complicated. She drew several diagrams on the blackboard, marking the data points and sample points in detail, using a ruler to connect them precisely. Fujiwara noticed that Momiji was diligently taking notes in her notebook. Her pen tip moved quickly on the paper, seeming to record every important concept.

When the math class finally ended, the teacher coughed, breaking the silence of the class. She turned her gaze to Fujiwara, a trace of hesitation flashing in her eyes. Then she took out a copy of "The Worry-Free Grocery Store" from the drawer and placed it gently on Fujiwara's table. The eyes of the whole class were focused on him again.

Fujiwara was stunned for a moment. He did not expect this serious math teacher to behave like this. But soon, he realized the teacher's intention, and a gentle smile appeared on his face. He reached for the book, turned to the prologue page, and elegantly signed his name in the blank space of the page.

His movements are gentle and each letter is vividly carved, showing his respect for the action. Then he raised his head and handed it back to the teacher with a reserved smile.

"Thank you." There was a hint of excitement in the teacher's voice. She carefully put away the book and walked out of the classroom quietly.

Momiji glanced at Fujiwara secretly. There was both curiosity and a hint of unnoticeable approval in her eyes. Fujiwara returned her gaze, and their eyes connected for a brief moment in the air.

"Big star" Hongye turned her head and smiled, her voice low to avoid being heard by others, "Now even the teacher has become your fan."

As soon as Fujiwara sat down, the atmosphere in the classroom took on a new look in an instant. Before the teacher's footsteps completely disappeared, a group of students had already swarmed in. Their enthusiasm and curiosity were like a flood that was released and could not be contained.

A girl wearing glasses pushed up the frame on the bridge of her nose, her eyes flashing with envy. She spoke cautiously, as if she was afraid of scaring Fujiwara away: "Mr. Xinghai, I heard that your painting is very good. I can Can you draw it for us?"

Fujiwara smiled and nodded. His smile was gentle and polite, making the surrounding atmosphere gentle. Before he could answer, a burly boy squeezed over. His voice echoed in the small classroom, full of undisguised enthusiasm: "Come to our swimming club, you will definitely be able to swim as fast as a fish! "

"No, no, no," a tall and thin boy interrupted, holding several heavy literary works in his hands, "The literary club is your destination, and we can discuss your works together." His eyes were on Traveling between the words in the book, it is as if you are looking for some kind of magic that inspires inspiration.

The slight tugging lasted for a while until a bald middle-aged man appeared at the door of the classroom, his forehead reflecting the light in the sun. The slight "cough" sound coming from his throat was enough to draw everyone's attention away from Fujiwara. The arrival of the head teacher was like a cold wind, cooling the warm atmosphere instantly.

"Ooka-san, please come to the office with me." The head teacher's words were concise and powerful, accompanied by his cold eyes, which left no room for doubt.

Fujiwara nodded slightly. When he stood up, he lightly adjusted his school uniform. He followed the class teacher with a steady and calm pace.

After entering the office, Fujiwara's eyes swept around the room involuntarily. Each teacher holds books and various paper objects in their arms, their eyes oscillating between curiosity and awe. The head teacher's voice sounded again, breaking the moment of calm: "We hope you can find your place here, Ooka-san."

His voice was much softer, in sharp contrast to the harshness in the classroom just now, as if he had taken off the mask of authority in this closed space, leaving only concern for the students.

As soon as the head teacher finished speaking, a history teacher wearing round reading glasses mustered up the courage. He carefully took out a worn-out "Death Note" from his back, his voice trembling: "Ooka-kun...this, this is yours." able…"

Fujiwara took the book, his fingers lightly slid over the writing on the cover, then he raised a smile and nodded slightly. He took out his signature pen and danced across the page, writing each letter clearly and forcefully.

A young English teacher then handed over "The Devotion of Suspect X" with a hint of embarrassment in her voice: "I...I really like this story."

Fujiwara signed again, his expression still gentle, but it was not difficult to see a trace of fatigue in his eyes.

In this way, each teacher got an autograph of their beloved book. Fujiwara's signature passed among them as if his name itself held magic.
When the last teacher left and Fujiwara was about to leave the office, the head teacher hesitated and then took out a copy of "Ge Gepai Love" from the drawer. He bowed deeply, with indescribable respect in his tone: "If you can, please..."

Fujiwara was stunned. He didn't expect that a boy would like this, but he didn't ask any more questions and just signed quickly again.

After signing, Fujiwara slowly walked back to the classroom. In the corridor, he noticed the boy wearing kendo uniform. He leaned against the wall, as if deep in thought. When Fujiwara was almost walking past him, he suddenly realized that this boy's face looked exactly like the face of detective Kudo Shinichi.
(End of this chapter)

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