Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 651 Time of Parting

Chapter 651 Time of Parting
The sun is like a golden veil, slowly falling on the square through the clouds, illuminating every face looking up. In the heart of Vespania, the square was filled with people, their bodies rising and falling like waves, and everyone's eyes filled with anticipation of what was about to happen.

Mira, the princess who was about to be crowned, stood on the terrace with a tall and straight posture, as if she were no different from the goddess in ancient statues. The rising sun caressed her face gently, making the air around her seem to condense with a halo.

Fujiwara and Kogoro, two envoys from the East, stood on a special platform specially prepared for them with several other international distinguished guests. Although their costumes were different from those here, they still looked solemn and elegant. Fujiwara held the telescope tightly, and his gaze passed through the crowd and settled on Mira's proud and determined figure. Kogoro alternately wiped the lenses with his palms and sleeves, his brows furrowed, obviously full of curiosity about this exotic ritual.

The archbishop, an old but energetic figure, wearing a gorgeous cassock that symbolized the highest ecclesiastical authority, walked slowly towards the stage. His hands were firmly holding the crown inlaid with various gems, and every step seemed full of weight, as if he was stepping on the drumbeat of history. The sun's rays passed through the crown jewels and reflected a colorful halo, illuminating the archbishop's face and bathing the entire square in a strange brilliance.

The archbishop stood in front of Mira, his clear and loud voice spread in the square, every word was like a carefully carved gem: "People of Vespania, this is a sacred moment, today we are together Witness the beginning of a new era. Princess Mila will accept God's grace and become the Queen of our great nation."

Cheers from the crowd rose one after another, symbolizing the people’s aspirations and blessings. Fujiwara and Kogoro exchanged meaningful glances, and they knew that this moment would be engraved in everyone's memory.

The archbishop turned back, his hand raised the crown, and his eyes showed a kind of solemn awe, as if he was treating a sacred and inviolable holy object: "Accept this crown that symbolizes supreme power, and may your rule be just and fair." Wise and compassionate.”

Mira raised her head and closed her eyes tightly, as if she was praying silently in her heart. Her hands were slightly raised, which was a gesture in which she was ready to accept a major honor. Her breathing was steady and deep, each breath carrying a firm commitment to the future.

The archbishop gently placed the crown on Mira's head. At that moment, Mira seemed to feel the weight of the entire country falling on her shoulders, but her knees did not bend at all. Her body was like a strong oak tree. , rooted in the earth, ready to face the wind and rain.

After the crown was firmly placed, the archbishop's hand gently caressed Mira's head, which was his final blessing to the new queen. He stepped back and paid Mira his deepest respect. Mira slowly opened her eyes, and her gaze swept across everyone in the square, seeming to silently tell them that she was ready.

At this time, a maid slowly walked onto the stage, holding a piece of silk embroidered with the national emblem. She carefully laid the silk on Mira's shoulders. The silk, symbolizing the glory of the royal family, danced in the wind, like the magnificent history. Flow in the moment.

The crowd in the square once again burst into thunderous cheers. Some of them were so excited that their eyes were wet, and some raised their hands in the air to express their support and loyalty to the Queen.

Soothed by the morning light at the port, the figures of Fujiwara, Kogoro and Xiaolan slowly walked towards the prepared ship.

After the enthronement ceremony, everyone stayed here for a few more days at Mira's invitation and visited all the places they had not been able to go before.

Mira turned to the crowd, her voice loud and powerful: "I promise every citizen of Vespania that I will lead our country with wisdom and courage, and let justice and peace be our banner. I I wish to be your queen and your most loyal servant."

"The boat looks good and I hope the trip back will be smooth sailing."

Fujiwara nodded slightly, but did not speak. He turned around and helped Xiaolan carry the heavy luggage onto the boat.

Xiaolan held the travel diary in her hand that recorded every detail of their journey. She gently touched the cover, as if saying goodbye to the past memories. Kogoro waved his hand, as if he wanted to dispel the melancholy atmosphere around him: "Memories are beautiful, but we have to look forward, right?"

Xiaolan shook her head gently, while packing her luggage, while recalling the ceremony of that day in her heart: "Everyone's face has their longing for the future written on it. The scene is so beautiful, it's like something out of a fairy tale book." appeared."

Kogoro suddenly rummaged through his luggage and took out a beautifully decorated wine bottle. His movements were a bit exaggerated, as if he was displaying a treasure, and he said proudly: "Look at this bottle, isn't it very beautiful?" The characteristics of their country? Haha, I want my drinking friends to also try the good wine here."

Xiaolan turned around and scolded Kogoro in a reproachful tone: "Dad, it's so early and you're thinking about wine?"

Hearing this, Kogoro touched his nose in embarrassment, and the smile on his lips seemed a little stiff: "Ah, it's just... I just bought two bottles."

Xiaolan relaxed the tense expression on her face and smiled softly: "Okay, let's talk about it when we get home."

At the same time, Xiaolan took out several exquisite handicrafts from her backpack. Her movements were gentle and careful, as if she was holding a fragile treasure. She showed it to Fujiwara and Kogoro one by one: "I bought these for my mother and Sonoko, as well as the wood-carved violin for Shinichi. I hope they will like it."

The time of separation always comes.

Knowing that Fujiwara and the others were leaving, Queen Mira also squeezed out time from her busy schedule to come and see them off.

Queen Mila's eyes were full of affection and reluctance. She gently raised her hands and waved gracefully and forcefully:
"Mr. Fujiwara, Miss Ran, and Kogoro, the door of Vespania will always be open to you."

"We will definitely come again! When the time comes, please give Her Majesty the Queen your advice!" His voice was full of hope for the future.

A smile flashed in Queen Mila's eyes, and she nodded and replied: "I will wait for your return. I wish you a safe journey."


The three of them finally sat on the deck, surrounded by the busy figures of the crew. They talked, recalled, laughed, and occasionally were silent, just looking at the sea. That silence contained too many emotions.

Soon, the ship slowly left the port, drifted away, and slowly disappeared on the horizon.
(End of this chapter)

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