Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 647: Crusade against national traitors

Chapter 647: Crusade against national traitors

The moment Keith took a slight step back, almost immediately, his face returned to the perseverance and calmness that belonged to a soldier. He took a deep breath, his eyes were firm, and he said slightly apologetically:

"Princess, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the princess. Her voice was not high, but it echoed clearly in the room. Her steps, every step, were filled with unquestionable authority and determination. She glanced at everyone present, and finally stopped at Xiaolan, "You did your best."

Xiaolan stood up so hastily, almost reflexively, and jumped up from the chair. A mixture of gratitude and a slight blush of embarrassment appeared on her face. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she remained silent and just nodded softly, almost invisible.

This scene, seemingly simple, made everyone present feel an unspoken connection.

The atmosphere in the room reached a climax when Fujiwara Hoshiumi appeared. Behind Mira, he was like an unexpected hero, shocking but full of hope. Every step he took seemed so calm and confident, with an indescribable demeanor.

"Brother Xinghai?" Xiaolan was so surprised that she almost lost control of her voice, but Fujiwara Xinghai just smiled gently, with a bit of shyness in his smile.

"Fujiwara?" Keith couldn't help but say, his voice mixed with doubts and surprise.

But Jigen Daisuke couldn't help but let the cigarette fall from his mouth at this moment. He held the pistol firmly and quickly, and asked straightforwardly:

"Why are you?" This brief question seemed to represent the doubts of everyone present.

Fujiwara's words were like a command. Keith and others reacted and began to express their loyalty.

Everyone squatted half-crouched and lowered their heads, which was an expression of deep respect and loyalty.

"Yes, it's me. But what's your expression? Shouldn't it be to welcome me?" Fujiwara smiled and complained, "What's the matter with you kid? Why don't you call me back?"

The memory of the last time this guy stabbed the Goyou gatekeeper with a sword is still vivid in his mind.

"It turns out it was Mr. Fujiwara who rescued the princess."

Everyone looked at Fujiwara at the same time. Fujiwara waved his hands a little embarrassed by so many people and did not start telling immediately.

"But how come you are with Princess Mila?" His question was also everyone's question.

His eyes moved around the room, and finally settled on Mira. After getting her permission, he said: "It's a long story, but since you are all in this room, I think our purpose should be the same. , that is, we must let Mira ascend the throne and punish the treacherous ministers."

Conan touched his pocket anxiously, and suddenly his phone rang. He had dropped it at the airport when he climbed up the landing gear, and it was probably still there.

After a brief period of confusion, Keith seemed to have found some kind of clue. His expression seemed to suddenly understand something, his brows raised in realization, and there was a hint of respect in his voice.

"We must be loyal to the orthodoxy of Vespania and follow the blood of the Queen just like our ancestors..."

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing everyone squatting down, she pulled out her chair in a panic, sat at the table, and carefully tried to imitate their movements.

She was not born in this country, nor was she a noble, so she thought silently in her heart that she would use her wisdom and courage to protect Princess Mila from harm. When Daisuke Jigen saw this, he half-crouched on the ground and muttered in his mind, and used his pistol to repel those who had premeditated the situation before completing the entrustment.

After seeing everyone squatting down, Fujiwara felt that it was not bad, at least there was a group of people following the princess, but wouldn't it be the eunuch who was taking the place of the princess at this moment?


Princess Mila made everyone equal. Although she saw that there would still be people loyal to her, under the current situation, she was unable to resist the Duke. On the way here just now, she saw that the guards before her departure had been replaced by the Duke's people. .

Keith naturally knew that the princess was currently unable to mount an effective resistance, and they were loyal to the entire royal family and could not take action against Duke Gilad.

Fujiwara walked up to Conan, adjusting his sleeves while looking down at Conan curiously. There was a trace of amusement in his eyes, as if he was deliberately teasing Conan.

"How did you guess it?" Fujiwara's voice was full of provocation, and he cast an expectant look at Conan.

Conan looked up, a trace of confusion flashing in his eyes: "Guess what?"

Fujiwara smiled softly, with a bit of amusement in his smile: "This is Duke Gilad's modus operandi. You should have visited the Queen's office. She has many shooting competition awards, and it is said that that day Before the hunt, the Queen personally checked the bullets used in the hunt, and you also saw the burned branches of the cherry blossom tree, right? Moreover, the pistol the prince used to commit suicide was made by Duke Gilad, and it is said to be a cover for emotional excitement. You stole it yourself, guess why the hunter bothered to carry a revolver."

Conan was stunned again. Although he didn't understand who Fujiwara heard these things from, this was what he discovered this morning, but this was far from enough to convict him.

Conan stood up, walked around and thought, and retorted: "That's true, but it doesn't prove anything. The crime scene and related evidence were destroyed, and the only witness was Duke Gilad himself. ah…"

This country is so rotten. The murderer destroyed the scene and hid the evidence. Even if the police called the police, they would not arrest the person. There is nothing anyone can do about this situation.

"Is it?"

Fujiwara crossed his hands on his chest and leaned against a carved pillar. His eyes revealed a trace of determination that refused to admit defeat: "What's the matter? Does this difficulty stump you? You are a high school detective. Kudo Shinichi..."

Conan stopped, put his hands in his pockets, and raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. Although he was anxious inside, his appearance was still so calm and confident: "Haha, no matter how you use the provocation method, it will be useless... But I There is a way, but it requires cooperation, and I need a lot of people to cooperate... and I need Gilad himself to come over."

"Will the murderer himself come over? It's a little difficult, but it's okay. As long as we find an opportunity to make a big noise and let everyone get together with a loudspeaker, then the curious Duke Girard himself will definitely come out."

Before Fujiwara finished speaking, Mouri Kogoro walked in with Officer Zenegata.

Conan and Fujiwara looked at each other, and Fujiwara smiled:

"Okay, now that Teacher Maori is here, I'll leave the reasoning to you, and let me protect the princess."

He patted Kogoro on the shoulder and walked out the door directly, leaving Kogoro confused. He originally wanted to ask how Fujiwara got here.

"Ahem, Xiaolan, I'm here to save you."

However, when he entered the room and saw two identical people, Kogoro was confused for a moment.

Which one is his daughter?

(End of this chapter)

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