Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 640 Lover Chapter Chocolate

Chapter 640 Valentine’s Day Chocolate

Fujiwara and Mira walked along the lively street. A wide variety of products were displayed in the windows of roadside shops. There was an endless stream of pedestrians, and occasionally the singing of street performers could be heard.

Mira looked around curiously, looking excited and a little confused.

"That woman's makeup is so weird."


Fujiwara followed Mira's gaze and found that she was staring at a group of geisha walking past them.

Geishas are especially common on the streets of Kyoto. Fujiwara and she didn't find it strange, but Mira found it strange.

After a simple hello, Fujiwara and Mira continued to look for a date location.

When passing by an ice cream shop, there were various ice creams displayed in the window, and one of them, matcha ice cream, caught Mira's attention. Fujiwara noticed her gaze and walked into the store to buy a matcha ice cream and handed it to Mira.

Mira asked doubtfully: "Why don't you buy one for yourself?"

Fujiwara smiled and replied: "I don't like sweet things. You try it first, maybe you will like it."

In order to keep Mira out of the way, Fujiwara Xinghai exchanged a thousand game coins for Mira and let her play by herself for a while.

Fujiwara turned his head and noticed Mira's little trouble. He covered his mouth and chuckled, took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to her, saying gently: "Take your time, don't be in a hurry."

The female store manager patted her shoulder gently and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, there are many fun games here, you will definitely like it."

The boss smiled and replied: "Don't worry, Mr. Fujiwara. The games we have here are very suitable for new customers."

At the arcade, when Fujiwara was talking to the boss, Mira finally couldn't help but take a sip of the melted matcha ice cream. The unique bitter-sweet taste immediately spread in her mouth, and her eyes lit up. She was pleasantly surprised to find that the taste was unexpectedly to her liking.

Mira was a little skeptical, but still took the ice cream. She observed Fujiwara's expression, as if thinking whether this was another prank on his part. But looking at his calm smile, she finally decided to trust him. Despite this, she didn't try it all the way, and the ice cream in her hand slowly melted due to the summer heat.

She was about to praise the deliciousness of the matcha ice cream, but unexpectedly inhaled some matcha powder, sneezed several times, and quickly covered her nose with her hands, looking a little embarrassed for a moment.

Fujiwara nodded and said to the boss: "Please pay more attention to her. She is from abroad. I hope she can have fun."

Mira took the tissue, smiled sheepishly, wiped her nose, and then said to Fujiwara: "This is really delicious, ahem. Thank you."

Mira had a mixture of uneasiness and curiosity on her face, it was obvious that this was her first time in such a place.

After everything was arranged, Fujiwara left the arcade, continued shopping, and finally found a cafe with a suitable environment and atmosphere.

In fact, there are a lot of coffee shops and teahouses nearby, but it is a bit lively because of the endless flow of tourists and couples celebrating the festival today.

Fujiwara actually likes to be lively, but not today. He should be quieter today. In addition, Fujiwara ordered a Valentine's Day cake and bought 100 bouquets of roses to give to Momiji later.

After everything was ready, he took a short rest, then picked up the phone and dialed Hongye's number.

On the other end of the phone, Hongye's voice was clear and warm, "What's wrong, Fujiwara?" There was a smile in her voice, which seemed to be a little unexpected.

Fujiwara adjusted his sitting posture slightly and said softly: "Happy Valentine's Day. If you have time, I'll wait for you at the cafe here in Kiyomizu-dera Kitamachi."

Fujiwara didn’t say too much, so Momiji must have understood it as soon as he heard it.

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Hongye replied, with a hint of expectation in his voice.

Hongye hung up the phone, and a sweet excitement quietly spread in her heart. She stood in her well-decorated living room, with sunlight shining dappledly through the windows on her gentle face. She gently touched her neck, where she was wearing the delicate necklace that Fujiwara gave her last time when she was dressing up.

She turned and walked to the mirror, staring at her reflection. She put on the pale pink dress that Fujiwara once praised. The hem of the skirt swayed slightly as she turned around. The deer in her heart was fluttering restlessly, and she began to imagine that we would meet again after a month since the last kiss. What was the situation? The reason why Fujiwara chose such a special date for the date was because he wanted to confess his love to her.

However, the real Fujiwara was not present, only the reflection in the mirror responded to her fantasy. Hongye closed her eyes, immersed in the longing for the coming day.

In the past few days, she had wanted to leave everything behind and find Fujiwara many times, but she was always tightly chained by reality. Grandma's condition is like a collapsing cliff, making it impossible for her to leave. Hongye remembered those days when she was sitting on the hospital bench, clutching worries in her hands and tears in her eyes, praying that her grandma could get through the difficulty.

Until recently, my grandma's condition took a turn for the better. This good news was like rain after a long drought, finally giving her room to relax. She recalled her grandmother’s words when she was awake:

"Hongye, don't always worry about me, go ahead and meet the person in your heart." Although grandma's voice was weak, her eyes were firm.

"But grandma..." Hongye held her grandma's hand, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Go, my child, I will get better." Grandma stroked Hongye's hair, full of love.

Suddenly, Hongye opened her eyes, as if she remembered something important, "Chocolate!" She exclaimed in a low voice. Today was Valentine's Day, and she actually forgot the most important thing - Valentine's Day chocolate.

She hurriedly called the maid, "Quick, please help me prepare the tools and materials for making chocolate. I need to make it myself."

The maids acted quickly and before long the kitchen table was covered with everything needed to make chocolate. Hongye stood in the middle of the kitchen, nervous and excited. She wanted to make a special gift for Fujiwara.

"In this way, Miss, you first melt the chocolate over water." The maid patiently guided, and Hongye followed the maid's guidance step by step and carefully operated.

As the chocolate gradually melted in the pot, a relaxed smile appeared on Hongye's face. She carefully poured the melted chocolate into the mold, then gently tapped the mold so that the chocolate filled every corner without air bubbles.

"Miss, you did a very good job." The maid praised, a proud smile appeared on Hongye's face.

After the chocolates were cooled and set, Hongye carefully packed them into exquisite gift boxes, making each piece of chocolate seem to contain her expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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