Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 634 Speed ​​but not passion

Chapter 634 Speed ​​but not passion

"Who sent you?"

Fujiwara squeezed their necks tightly with his palms, and prepared to ask questions with cold eyes, but the sudden sound of the engine interrupted his movements. The black car crashed through the iron gate of the park like a beast, and its wheels tore two deep marks on the grass. The car lights illuminated the night, and Fujiwara squinted his eyes. He immediately realized the new crisis.

"Come on, there are people over there." His voice was nervous and urgent. Fujiwara quickly let go of the unconscious attacker, stretched out his arm, and steadily raised the motorcycle beside him.

Mira was still trembling like a frightened bird. Fujiwara grabbed her without hesitation and forced her into the back seat of the motorcycle without using too much force.

"Huh?" Mira made a surprised sound. Fujiwara stepped on the accelerator. The motorcycle's engine roared like an angry beast and rushed out of the park quickly.

Fujiwara adjusted the rearview mirror to ensure that the black car behind him was not following closely. The motorcycle's tires left marks on the slippery asphalt road, and he had to be careful not to lose control because of the slippery road surface. Mira hugged Fujiwara's waist tightly, and her heartbeat became particularly clear in this quiet and tense night.

"Who are they and why do they come to kill us?" Mira's voice trembled in the night wind, like a leaf swaying in the wind.

"I don't know, but obviously, they are coming for you." Fujiwara's voice was calm, his eyes were as sharp as a hawk, and his hand tightened on the accelerator.

"Kill me?" Mira's voice was full of doubts and fear, "What exactly did I do? Why did they kill me..."

"Because you are a princess..." Before Fujiwara could finish his words, he slowed down the car and turned neatly into the alley on the left. The lights appeared speckled in the narrow space.

Fujiwara gritted his teeth, holding the handlebar firmly with one hand, and gently pressed Mira's hand holding the belt with the other hand, as if to convey a kind of comfort. His sharp eyes swept over every car and pedestrian on the roadside to ensure that no accidents would happen. As they accelerated forward, the oncoming traffic began to increase, and Fujiwara had to weave through narrow gaps while avoiding the pursuers behind him while carefully reaching for the pistol at his waist.

Fujiwara and Mira drove into the alley. The surrounding shops were brightly lit with neon lights, but there were very few pedestrians on the street. Most of the shops at night have been closed, leaving only the neon lights of a few nightclubs outlining the city's night scene. Their speeding motorcycle broke the tranquility, and the neon lights reflected mottled light and shadow on Mira's frightened face. There was both uneasiness and fear in her eyes.

The black cars behind him followed closely behind. One chose to go straight, while the other cunningly went around to the outside, like a hunter surrounding his prey.

"Have you ever used a gun?"

"No, run over there." Mira screamed, her hand pointing nervously at a rapidly approaching curve ahead.

Fujiwara's reaction was almost instinctive. His body tilted slightly, and the motorcycle seemed to fly close to the ground when it turned. The two of them could almost feel the temperature of the ground. They passed through twists and turns, trying to stay away from the busyness and hustle and bustle of the main city.

At this moment, an oncoming taxi suddenly changed lanes. Fujiwara braked suddenly and the taillights of the motorcycle came on. He and Mira almost missed the taxi at the last moment. The taxi driver leaned out the window and yelled angrily at them, but Fujiwara had no time to pay attention to the shouting. "Where are we going?" Mira's voice contained a hint of despair.

"Get out of here," Fujiwara's answer was concise and powerful, "get as far away from the main city as possible."

Heavy traffic on the city's main roads is the norm during the evening rush hour. Fujiwara knew that the traffic jam there was almost a dead end for them, so he had to find a way to navigate through the small streets and alleys to find the gaps that no one noticed.

Although the road leading to the police station should be safe, at this time, it was undoubtedly a death sentence for Mira. The mastermind of the hired killer must have been able to contact the embassy and send more personnel. Fujiwara knew nothing about the internal situation in the Kingdom of Vespania, and he could not take risks.

"Careful!" Mira screamed, her voice sharp with tension.

Fujiwara didn't answer. He was concentrating on operating the motorcycle, the muscles on his face were tense, and every dodge had to be precise. They passed through a commercial area, and even though it was late at night, the road conditions began to get worse and worse. Potholes on the road, sudden construction signs and temporary road closures all brought unpredictable obstacles to their escape.

Fujiwara changed direction and drove into a more secluded area. The road here is more bumpy, lined with undeveloped land and scattered building materials. He must be constantly vigilant, as any small mistake could lead to fatal consequences.

"Don't relax," Fujiwara said to Mira, looking at the curve ahead and reminding her, "Hold me tight."

Mira nodded, her arms wrapping tighter around Fujiwara's waist like vines. She could feel the vibration of the motorcycle under Fujiwara and the tension that spread to the bottom of her heart.

Fujiwara suddenly turned sharply to the left. The motorcycle was almost parallel to the ground. His left foot touched the ground lightly to help stabilize the direction. Mira's body pressed against his back, feeling the gravity challenge of this moment. Her heartbeat accelerated at this moment, but she believed in Fujiwara's driving skills.

They sped past an abandoned construction site, with broken bricks and jumbled steel bars hinting at the former prosperity of the place. Fujiwara dodged these obstacles, intending to guide those behind him into a nearby river.

"We're almost there, get ready!" Fujiwara shouted close to Mira's ear, making sure his voice was louder than the roar of the wind. Mira bit her lower lip tightly, knowing that this meant there would be a greater challenge next.

Before entering the corner, Fujiwara reduced the speed, but only slightly lifted the accelerator and immediately regained speed. Before the corner, he pushed the bike to the limit, and his body and the motorcycle almost became one body, and the tires made a piercing scream as they rubbed against the ground. Mira felt a strong centrifugal force and was almost thrown out.

And just when they successfully passed the curve, there was a loud noise behind them. Mira looked back and saw that the pursuing vehicle ran off the road and fell into the river because it had no time to brake. There was a splash of water, and then the river returned to calm.

Fujiwara didn't have time to stop and celebrate. When he saw four more cars chasing him behind him, he immediately turned around and fled.

(End of this chapter)

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