Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 623 Lonely Foodie

Chapter 623 Lonely Foodie

After Fujiwara left Fei Yingli, his eyes wandered around the banquet hall, and finally landed on Xiaolan, who was standing alone not far from him.

She was concentrating on a painting on the wall, seemingly unaware of the commotion around her.

Xiaolan probably inherited more than 60% of Fei Yingli's beauty, but her triangular bangs were a little weird.

Fujiwara raised a smile on his lips and drank the champagne in his hand. He then put down the glass and approached lightly, then suddenly patted Xiaolan's left shoulder.

Xiaolan felt someone touching her and turned around immediately, but she only saw the movement of the crowd behind her, but not anyone in particular. Just when she was about to turn back in confusion, Fujiwara had quietly walked around to the other side of her.

He stretched out his hand again, this time patting Xiaolan's right shoulder, his movements light and fast. Xiaolan reacted faster, turning around almost as soon as she felt the touch, but she missed the figure of the teaser again.

"Have you encountered a ghost?" Xiaolan nervously took a sip of juice to hide her fear.

Immediately afterwards, Fujiwara quietly approached Xiaolan, gently covered her eyes with his hands, and asked her to guess who it was. Xiaolan was a little confused by the sudden darkness and warm palms at first, but soon she smelled a familiar perfume, which immediately reminded her of Fujiwara.

"Brother Xinghai, stop teasing me."

Fujiwara nodded in understanding, and they chatted easily while choosing food. When Xiaolan took a piece of delicate dessert, Fujiwara stretched out his hand to help her adjust the arrangement on the plate.

The two of them walked to the buffet area together, and Xiaolan seemed more relaxed. She said to Fujiwara, "I'm not too embarrassed to eat here alone, but seeing so many good-looking and delicious things, I really want to try them."

He doesn't wear perfume either?

Then, his expression suddenly changed, as if he realized something, and a smile of understanding spread on his face. "Ah, it smells like laundry detergent. By the way, the buffet here smells okay." Fujiwara looked at the biscuits in Xiaolan's hand and said curiously, "To be honest, I haven't had lunch yet."

Fujiwara knew that at Xiaolan's age, she probably couldn't understand that what was important in such an occasion was communication and worldliness. Desserts and ingredients were actually just insignificant decorations. After all, not everyone thought about eating before handing over the gift money. return.

"Perfume?" Fujiwara frowned. As he spoke, he unconsciously lowered his head to smell his collar, with confusion written all over his face.

Xiaolan nodded, with a shy smile showing in her clear eyes, and recommended, "This animal cookie is delicious." As she said this, she handed Fujiwara a cookie and motioned for him to try it too. .

Fujiwara chuckled and let go of his hand. When Xiaolan turned around to face her, he asked curiously, "How did you guess it?"

"People here are very strange. There are so many delicious things on display but no one tries them. Isn't it a waste?"

"Well, they must have filled their stomachs before coming here."

Although Yuanzi usually likes to tease herself, the tactile sensations given by the palms of boys and girls are completely different.

"Hey, did you guess it so quickly?"

"Brother Xinghai's perfume smells like this, and no one except Brother Xinghai would tease me like this."

At this moment, Officer Shiratori suddenly appeared beside them, and he patted Fujiwara Hoshikai on the shoulder.

Fujiwara turned around and was slightly startled. Officer Shiratori had a serious look on his face.

"Fujiwara-kun, you did a good job protecting Officer Sato the day before yesterday. I thank you on her behalf." Officer Shiratori's voice was full of approval, and he obviously regarded Officer Sato as his future girlfriend. Fujiwara nodded slightly and said in a calm but humble tone, "I just did what I should do."

Officer Shiratori's eyes darkened, he sighed, and his tone became heavy. "To be honest, I never thought Dr. Fudo would be such a person..." He paused, as if recalling that unpleasant past.

Fujiwara and Xiaolan exchanged a look, and both could feel the disappointment and pain in Shiratori's words.

Shiratori continued: "Moreover, I feel very guilty for the death of Police Officer Nara..." His voice choked up, "I recommended him to see Dr. Fudo."

Officer Shiratori couldn't let go of what was originally a well-intentioned move that actually led to the death of the other party.

Fujiwara gently put down the tableware in his hand and looked at Officer Shiratori seriously. "It's not your fault, Officer Shiratori. You couldn't have foreseen such a thing. Let the past be bygones. And today is Miss Sara's happy event, so don't show such a sad expression. You should be happy. That’s right, just be open-minded and relax.”

At this time, Conan also walked around the venue and found Fujiwara and Xiaolan, as well as Officer Shiratori with a grateful look on his face.

"Brother Fujiwara, you are here. I have been looking for you for a long time."

Conan's words interrupted Officer Shiratori's thoughts. He lowered his head and bowed slightly to Fujiwara and then glanced at Conan, "I'm going over there to accompany the guests first. I hope you have a good time."


After Officer Shiratori left, Fujiwara asked Conan if he wanted to eat something.

"No, Brother Fujiwara, thank you." Then he moved closer to Fujiwara and his voice was lower, "Officer Sato was looking for you just now."

A trace of surprise flashed across Fujiwara's face, he stopped what he was doing and put down the rice ball he was about to pick up. He tilted his head slightly and leaned closer to Conan, "Officer Sato is looking for me? Did she say something?"

Conan shook his head, his eyes moving around as if looking for someone, "She didn't say anything, she just said she wanted to see you for something."

"Looking for me?" Fujiwara repeated, and then thought of what happened the day before yesterday, "Maybe there is something wrong. By the way, a girl named Sera was also looking for you just now."

"Huh? Sera?" Conan turned around in surprise, frowning. He turned his body and quickly searched the crowd, "Which one is Sera?"

Fujiwara also turned around and looked around together, but they couldn't find Sera Masumi.

"She was still over there at the Australian Lobster just now. She may have gone to the bathroom or left."

Conan's eyes lit up and he quickly looked over there, but except for a few couples enjoying delicious food, there was no trace of Sera.

"She should be back soon." Fujiwara said calmly, and then he seemed to remember something and asked quickly, "By the way, where did you just say Officer Sato is?"

Conan's finger pointed uncertainly at the balcony at the other end of the hall, "She was just over there."

"Understood." Fujiwara nodded, "I'll come as soon as I go. You can have something to eat with Xiaolan here. The skills of a five-star hotel chef are not something you can get every day."

(End of this chapter)

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