Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 611 Testing the Medicine Servant

Chapter 611 Testing the Medicine Servant

It was dark, and in the small room of the detective agency, Conan was holding his mobile phone. The expression on his face changed from tiredness to surprise in an instant, and uncontrollable eagerness overflowed from his voice.

"Fujiwara, did you lie to me?" he asked softly, eyes fixed on the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Fujiwara, are everything you just said true?" His voice raised, he jumped up from the bed and asked anxiously as he ran to the closet.

Fujiwara's voice came through the phone, with a hint of joking and confidence, "Of course it's true, I can still lie to you." He shook the small box in his hand, letting the pills collide inside to make a crisp sound. Conan could imagine Fujiwara's proud face, "I told you, my friend's genius will have results in less than a week. The specific effects will not be known until you come."

Conan moved even faster. He almost changed his clothes in the air, completely unaware that the front and back of his pants were on backwards.

"Okay, you wait for me at my house. I'll be there soon. Hang up first." Conan said anxiously and hung up the phone.

He hurriedly grabbed the solar skateboard and almost ran out of the room. Conan ran to the living room, where Kogoro was already snoring on the sofa. He quietly walked to the door, put on his shoes, opened the door softly, and stepped onto the night street.

The street was silent except for the sound of the skateboard under Conan's feet. He stood on the skateboard, leaning forward slightly, moving through the night, like a cheetah chasing the light of hope. His heart beat feverishly in his chest, each beat seeming to urge him faster.

Conan's thoughts were flying like the night wind, and he recalled the bitterness and helplessness he had felt over the years, the opportunities he missed because he became smaller, and the days when he had to hide his identity. If everything could happen again, how would he cherish the life he regained?

Turning the last corner, his home was within easy reach. He could see warm lights shining in his home, and Fujiwara's figure was faintly visible. Conan took a deep breath, suppressing all the expectations and tension in his heart. He calmly walked up the front steps, took a deep breath of the cold air in the night sky, and stabilized his emotions.

He calmly opened the door and stepped into the room.

Fujiwara was sitting on the sofa in the living room. When he saw Conan come in, he stood up with a smile on his face.

"It's coming so soon." Fujiwara stretched out his hand, and the small box lay quietly in his palm. The blue and white pills were like the brightest stars in the night sky.

Conan approached, his eyes locked on the two pills, as if he was afraid that they would suddenly disappear. He stretched out his trembling fingers and gently touched the small box to confirm that Fujiwara had not taken away the dream medicine.

"This... can this really make me recover?" Conan's voice trembled slightly, and his eyes shone with hope and uncertainty.


Conan's eyes were fixed on the blue and white capsule in Fujiwara's hand, and his heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his chest. Although he knew nothing about the effects of the antidote, his instinct told him that this might be his only chance to return to his original identity.

Fujiwara's eyes swept over Conan's face seriously. He knew the importance and potential dangers of this drug. "But I have to remind you," Fujiwara's voice was low and powerful, "You must not do anything arrogant with medicine. The name Kudo Shinichi, at least in public, should disappear forever."

Conan's heart tightened and he bit his lower lip. He knew that everyone Fujiwara mentioned was someone he cared about. He said softly: "Yeah, I can assure you about this, I will never be too showy."

Just as he reached out to take the medicine, Fujiwara's hand quickly took the medicine back, stopping his movement. "Also, I hope you can say thank you to that friend of yours for me." Conan's hand hung in the air and he took it back awkwardly.

After he failed to take the medicine from Fujiwara again, he asked cautiously: "By the way, how do you use Fujiwara's medicine? Should you take it directly?" His tone was full of urgency.

Fujiwara stopped him again, this time his expression was more serious, almost stern. "Well, yes, by the way, I almost forgot to remind you," his voice lowered a bit to ensure that only Conan could hear, "This drug is currently in the experimental stage and has not undergone any quality testing. Therefore, it is not licensed. certificate."

A trace of surprise and confusion flashed across Conan's face: "Ah? What does this mean?"

"This means," Fujiwara paused to ensure that his words had enough weight, "this medicine was developed privately and has not passed any official medical testing. If something happens to you after taking it, no organization will compensate you."

Conan's face began to turn pale, his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he could not speak for a while.

Fujiwara continued: "If something happens to you, I will pay for your funeral. As for your parents, when they are old, I will try my best to take care of them."

Conan's face looked pale and green at this time, as if it had been blown by the cold wind of winter. He suddenly wasn't so sure he wanted the pill anymore.

However, thinking that if this medicine can really restore him to Kudo Shinichi...

He took a deep breath, mustered up his courage, and assured Fujiwara again: "I will be careful, I...I will use it carefully."

After Conan made another firm promise, Fujiwara handed over the medicine with confidence. With trembling hands, Conan took the ill-fated capsule. Before he could say anything, he had already swallowed the medicine quickly.

Fujiwara looked at Conan's movements and sighed, as if he had more bad news to say: "I forgot one more thing. This is only a temporary antidote, and the current theoretical efficacy is 72 hours."

When Conan heard this, he felt his heart sink and his face darkened instantly. Fujiwara continued, "In addition, I need you to record changes in body temperature every eight hours, which is crucial for us to improve the efficacy of the medicine."

Conan's face turned from white to green at this time, and he felt a kind of anger of being deceived and betrayed mixed with fear. He hurriedly tried to spit out the medicine, but it was too late. The medicine had slipped into his stomach as he swallowed.

Conan clenched his fists, realizing that he had no way out and could only move forward. Fujiwara looked at him with a hint of apology and worry, as if he was silently praying that the medicine would have the effect it should have.

After a while, Conan felt hot all over, as if the medicine had taken effect, and he immediately ran to his bedroom. Fujiwara followed behind him and said, "If you feel any discomfort, tell me as soon as possible. I will stay tonight." your home."

(End of this chapter)

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