Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 609 Need not to know

Chapter 609 Need not to know

Drop zero zero!

The school bell rang, and Conan was walking home with a touch of exhaustion. His heart was filled with expectations and fantasies about the future, especially the antidote mentioned by Fujiwara.

Conan hopes that this antidote can be developed quickly. At the same time, he is also eager to meet those men in black who turned themselves into children's bodies again and bring them to justice.

"Really, Xiaolan doesn't call me much lately. It's like she's a different person."

The sky was gloomy and drizzle began to fall. Conan tightened the zipper of his coat and quickened his pace. At this moment, he was passing by a block and suddenly heard the sound of gunshots, and his detective intuition was immediately activated. Conan quickly hid in a corner and cautiously poked his head out.

He saw a policeman who was on the phone suddenly falling to the ground, and the phone in his hand was still making a busy beep. Conan caught a figure fleeing the scene quickly from the corner of his eye.

Conan immediately squeezed out of the crowd and ran after the figure.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Pedestrians on the street hurriedly held up umbrellas. The street lights reflected blurry shadows, and Conan's vision became a little blurry. Just then, the prisoner suddenly turned into an alley, followed closely by Conan.

The alley was dark, and the stagnant water reflected the dim light. Conan's steps became cautious involuntarily. He noticed that the prisoner's steps were beginning to become more frantic.

"Stop!" Conan shouted loudly, but his voice seemed a little weak in the rain.

The prisoner glanced back, then quickened his pace, as if he wanted to get rid of Conan completely.

Conan did not give up. He knew in his heart that once the prisoner escaped, the policeman's death might become an unsolvable mystery. He took out the mini spring shoes from his belt and tried to jump faster, but because the ground was slippery, he lost his balance and fell.

The prisoner took the opportunity to disappear into the rain and night.

Conan sat on the ground, looking up at the sky, rain running down his face. At this time, he noticed the previous policeman's action of clutching his left chest when he fell down, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. This gesture seemed to be hinting at something.

When Conan returned to the scene, he found that the crime scene was already crowded with people. Soon after, the police arrived at the scene. As a witness, Conan also followed Kogoro and others to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes. Officer Megure called Kogoro to join him. come over.

After a brief understanding of the situation and some characteristics of the murderer, Officer Megure asked Kogoro to take Conan back to wait for news, and he would inform them of any progress.

Conan, who had just finished playing football a few days later, walked home covered in sweat. He opened the door quietly, hoping not to cause any commotion. However, as soon as he entered the living room, his attention was grabbed by the TV news.

The TV was broadcasting a frightening news: "This morning, a police officer holding a police manual was shot and killed in an underground garage. According to the autopsy report, he was shot last night."

Conan's eyes widened. The scene of blockades and flashing police lights on the news reminded him of yesterday's scene. His heartbeat accelerated, and the scene when the policeman fell kept replaying in his mind. It was almost certain that there must be a connection between the two cases.

Kogoro also turned his head and saw the news at this time. When he discovered that these two consecutive murders against the police, he felt that things were not simple.

So they both grabbed the phone almost at the same time and dialed Officer Megure's number. On the other end of the phone, Officer Memu's voice sounded extremely tired.

"Officer Megure, we saw the news. Is this case related to yesterday's case of a police officer being shot dead in public?" Kogoro asked eagerly.

Although he has not been a policeman for a long time, Kogoro, who has always been concerned about the Metropolitan Police Department, is very eager to know the answer.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and Officer Memu's voice was full of helplessness: "I'm sorry, brother Maori, I can't reveal too much about this case, and you shouldn't ask any more questions. It has nothing to do with you."

Mouri Kogoro clenched the phone receiver, the veins on his forehead were faintly exposed, and his eagerness almost made the phone line transmit the sound of his heartbeat. On the other end of the phone, Officer Memu's silence was like a huge stone weighing on his heart, making his breathing quicken. "Officer Megure, I understand that there must be difficulties for you in this, but I-"

Before Mao Li finished speaking, Conan had already spread his legs and squeezed to the phone, his bright eyes shining unyieldingly through the lenses.

"But Officer Megure, if the prisoner hadn't suddenly escaped yesterday, I would have definitely caught him." Conan's voice was full of reluctance, and his fingers unconsciously tapped the phone table, making a slight ticking sound.

On the other end of the phone, Officer Memu's voice was full of exhaustion and helplessness: "Oh, Conan-kun is here too... This matter is very complicated and I can't explain it right now..." After that, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Maori and Conan looked at each other, and they could see reluctance and curiosity in each other's eyes. Maori decided that they had to go to the Metropolitan Police in person to find out.

The two immediately took a taxi to the Metropolitan Police Department.

After arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department, Kogoro Mori and Conan immediately felt an unusual atmosphere. The expressions of the police were much more serious than usual, and their conversations were in whispers, as if every word might touch upon some unspeakable secret.

They originally wanted to ask Officer Megure about the situation, but the young police officer at the front desk declined the request on the grounds that "Officer Megure was on an urgent mission." Mao Li frowned, and Conan's eyes flashed with disappointment, but they did not give up.

"Let's go find Officer Shiratori." Conan suggested, with an unquestionable determination on his face.

Mao Li nodded and led Conan towards Officer Shiratori's office. In the corridor, their footsteps were particularly clear in the silence.

When we arrived at Officer Shiratori's office, the door was half open. What came out from inside was Officer Shiratori's calm voice, as if he was explaining some important task on the phone. Mauli stood outside the door, hesitated for a moment, and then knocked gently.

"Please come in." Officer Shiratori's voice came through the crack in the door.

Maori pushed the door open and Conan followed him, carefully observing everything in the room. Officer Shiratori sat behind his desk. His face was full of exhaustion and his eyes were slightly red and swollen. It was obvious that he had been working continuously for a long time.

"Officer Shiratori, we are here -" Maoli started, but was interrupted by Officer Shiratori's hand.

"Mr. Mori, Conan-kun." Officer Shiratori stood up. His movements were a little tired, but he still maintained professional courtesy. "I know you are here for yesterday's case."

"Yes, we want to know something, don't know-" Mauli tried to continue.

Officer Shiratori interrupted him again, his eyes became stern, "You don't need to know." He closed a case file, took a deep breath, and then slowly said the sentence that made Maori and Conan The words that shocked everyone were: "Need not to know."

Conan didn't understand the meaning of these words, but Mouri Kogoro, a former detective, knew exactly what it meant and was stunned in place after hearing it.

Obviously, the case involves people within the Metropolitan Police Department, and I am unwilling to tell them in order to cover up the scandal.

The two left the Metropolitan Police Department. The rain had stopped, and the air was filled with the freshness after the rain. They walked on the street in silence, but their hearts were in turmoil.

(End of this chapter)

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