Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 604: Hug it

Chapter 604: Hug it

The afternoon sunshine was mild. After finishing her meal, Mary felt that the scenery on the balcony was particularly attractive, so she slowly walked to the balcony on the second floor and sat gently on the table and chairs nearby. She looked at the distant scenery quietly, touching the vase on the table from time to time, as if thinking about something.

The sound of Fujiwara's footsteps going upstairs interrupted Mary's contemplation. She turned around and saw Fujiwara and smiled slightly. Fujiwara stopped her casually, remembering the topic they hadn't fully discussed this morning.

"You mean you met that girl named Sera Masumi who looks like me?" Mary frowned, seeming to be a little curious about this topic.

Fujiwara nodded and sat on the chair opposite Mary. He supported his chin and said seriously: "Well, the eyes are very similar, the color of the eyes and the face are also very similar. She claims to be Haneda Hideyoshi's sister." As he said, he He took his phone out of his pocket and looked through the photos from that night.

Mary listened quietly, her eyes moving back and forth between Fujiwara's face and the phone screen, as if searching for whether the lines on his face were really similar to the person in the photo.

"So there is a high probability that she is the girl who accompanied Mary back from England..." Fujiwara continued, touching the screen with his finger to enlarge the photo for Mary to see.

Mary did not reply, but nodded slightly. The girl in the photo did look familiar, but it was just because Mary had emptied a large part of her memory and did not recall the specific information, and took a deep breath. Her eyes were wandering and she looked a little lost.

Seeing this, Fujiwara patted Mary's shoulder gently and tried to comfort her, "And there happened to be a girl named Sera on that list, who checked in that day."

Although Fujiwara had the ability to call up the list before, he could not check the people on the list one by one because he did not know the specific surnames. Another reason was that Mary had recovered a memory before and identified Shuichi Akai and Hideyoshi Haneda. Tsukuru is his son, which led Fujiwara to think that the girl whom he had not yet heard from was also named Sera.

He paused, as if looking for the right words, "But luckily, when you were talking there, she should have just gone out, so she was not affected by the explosion..." Fujiwara's tone was relaxed, trying to create an atmosphere. Not so heavy.

Mary didn't react much after hearing this, but her eyes became more solemn. It was a good thing that her daughter was safe, and she should be happy.

Mary's shoulders trembled slightly under Fujiwara's gentle pat, but she quickly controlled her emotions. Fujiwara's eyes were gentle, and although there was some bad news mixed in, he tried to keep the atmosphere relaxed.

Fujiwara smiled and said: "Mary, you know, this is very common in detective novels, everyone has a different identity and name. I guess your family must also have a very exciting story."

Mary raised the corners of her mouth slightly, as if grateful for Fujiwara's humor, "Yes, our family's story is enough to write a book."

Fujiwara frowned, his curiosity completely aroused: "So, Mary, why do your three children have different surnames? There must be some special reason behind this, right?"

Mary sighed and looked out the window affectionately, as if recalling the past: "I think...Akai is the original surname. As for Sera, it is indeed the surname of Elena and I. Haneda, well, this surname is indeed a bit complicated. Maybe it’s because the Haneda family has an indescribable fate with us.”

Fujiwara's eyes suddenly flashed with mischief. He leaned back on the chair, folded his hands on his chest, and looked like he was enjoying it. "Unspeakable fate? It sounds like the plot in a movie."

Mary looked up, with a bit of amusement in her eyes. "When you say that, it reminds me of a movie about an orphan who was adopted by a wealthy family and eventually became the family's darling."

"So, Hideyoshi is the spoiled orphan?" Fujiwara opened his mouth in feigned surprise and covered his cheek with his hand.

A smile appeared on Mary's lips and she nodded. "I don't know. After all, things are not as dramatic as in the movie."

"Oh, that's it." Fujiwara scratched his head in surprise, "I vaguely remember that Haneda Hideyoshi was adopted, which means you are related to the Haneda family?" Suddenly, a trace of trance passed over Mary's face, and she shook her head. Shaking his head: "I really can't remember this part."

Fujiwara looked at Mary's expression and said softly: "It doesn't matter, memory is a mystery sometimes."

The two of them smiled at each other, and the atmosphere became more relaxed. Fujiwara stood up and saw a text message coming from his phone and realized it was Sonoko, so he answered it and said, "Okay, no matter what, the most important thing now is that you are all safe."


Fujiwara's words were reasonable, but she still wanted to wait until her memory recovered before thinking about these things. She shook her head slightly, but a smile appeared on her lips, "Anyway, Fujiwara is the first person I met after losing my memory. Just don't think about driving me away."

[Lord Xinghai, are you free this afternoon? 】

Fujiwara smiled when he saw the content of the text message. He scratched his head and made a helpless expression, thinking that Sonoko was probably bored and wanted to find someone to play with, so he replied a text message and said to Mary, "Kick you away? How is that possible? , you are the guardian of this family." There was a hint of joking in his tone.

"But if possible, I still want to meet this girl myself." Mary finally spoke, with a hint of determination in her voice.

Hearing this, Fujiwara immediately snapped his fingers, "Of course it's no problem. If I have the chance, I will take Mary to meet this girl."

I guess if you reveal something about Kudo Shinichi, that girl will probably come running over.

Mary exhaled softly and looked at the clouds passing by in the sky. She seemed to be looking forward to the day in the future when everything would come to light and everyone would be reunited. Fujihara nodded confidently as if he had read Mary's mind, as if he had already planned everything in his mind.

"However," Fujiwara stood up and broke the brief silence, "before that, we have to solve some other things first."

Mary raised her eyebrows curiously, "For example?"

Fujiwara put away the phone and stretched, "Sonoko said he wanted to come to my house to play, and Xiaolan will come too. I'll go downstairs to prepare some snacks and other things. Mary can come too. I guess Sonoko and the others are. I came to play with you."

Mary shrank on the sofa, as if trying to curl herself into a more comfortable position. She blinked her tired eyes and said, "Go ahead, I'm a little tired."

Fujiwara raised his eyebrows and looked at her doubtfully, "Tired? You didn't do much in the morning. Come on, stop being lazy and come downstairs to help me."

Mary waved her hands and muttered, "Uh-huh...I don't want to walk..."

Fujiwara laughed, walked to the sofa, leaned down and stretched out his hands, "Then I will carry you downstairs..."

As he spoke, he picked up Mary easily and joked as he walked, "It seems that I am not only a bodyguard, but also a part-time nanny."

(End of this chapter)

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