Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 574 About the significance of Ooka’s red leaves

Chapter 574 About the significance of Ooka’s red leaves

Fujiwara walked heavily through the party scene, his mood like the late autumn sky, depressing and gloomy. The lights all around flicker,

The rhythm of the music was supposed to be uplifting, but it was as heavy as cold iron in his heart. The music echoed in his ears, and every beat seemed to hit his fragile nerves, making him feel more anxious.

Unconsciously, he found a remote sofa and sat down. He lowered his head and stared blankly at the cell phone in his hand. His fingers kept sliding back and forth on the screen, but his thoughts had already flown elsewhere - to the safety of those he had to protect.

The surrounding parties were still lively, with laughter and singing forming the theme of the night. However, to Fujiwara, all this is like the light from distant stars that cannot touch his world. When someone noticed his lonely figure and came over to strike up a conversation with a glass of wine, Fujiwara just raised his head slightly, said a few words in an almost inaudible voice, then lowered his head again and continued his contemplation.

Anxiety and uneasiness enveloped Fujiwara like a dark cloud. His mind was filled with worries about the safety of Xiao Ai and Mary, and he suddenly realized that he himself was the source of danger. Belmod's surveillance means that the black organization's eyes are staring closely at him, which may bring danger to the people he cares about at any time.

Every now and then, someone casts a curious or sympathetic glance, but they are quickly distracted by the other attractions of the party. Fujiwara felt their gazes, but he was in no mood to care.

Suddenly, he caught a familiar figure in the corner of his eye - Momiji. She seemed to be completely immersed in the atmosphere of the party. Her drunken smile formed a strong contrast with Fujiwara's mood at the moment.

"It's time to go back"

After Fujiwara came to his senses, he slowly stood up, passed through the colorful lights and swaying figures, and went straight to the familiar and drunk girl.
  "You've had enough fun, I'll take you back..." Fujiwara said softly.

Hongye blinked her hazy eyes, obviously unwilling to leave: "Oh, Fujiwara-kun, let's play for a while longer." She held his hand and whispered softly.

Fujiwara shook his head slightly, his eyes firm: "No, it's already very late, we have to leave." His hand held Hongye's arm stubbornly and held her up steadily.

Fujiwara touched the wine in the maple cup with his fingers, took a small sip, and felt the mild stimulation of the alcohol. His heart sank slightly, realizing that this was not an effect caused by alcohol.

"Didn't I tell you not to drink too much?" Fujiwara glanced at the bartender as he spoke. As if sensing Fujiwara's malice, the bartender quickly waved his hand and explained, "I'm sorry, this lady is here after you leave. Drink the mojito I just mixed for you."

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case. He did forget to take the wine glass when he left.

"Hahaha, I just had a little taste."

The corners of Hongye's eyes were slightly drunken, and her face was flushed from the alcohol. She looked both cute and helpless. She looked at Fujiwara, her eyes vague, but the smile on her lips was clearly visible. Her palms imitated the motion of holding a cup, shaking it in a minimal way.

"I just drank a little, a little..." Hongye's voice was drawn out, with a drunken ending, as if she was trying to convince Fujiwara, and every word she spoke had a coquettish tone.

Fujiwara frowned. He knew that Hongye's alcohol capacity was not as easy to get drunk as she was now. He stretched out his arms and wrapped them around her shoulders, firmly supporting her swaying body. "Then let's go." Fujiwara's voice was filled with helplessness. His arms adjusted from time to time to ensure that Hongye would not fall while drunk. The strength was just enough for Hongye to lean on without making her feel uncomfortable.

If he had known that her drinking capacity was so bad, Fujiwara would not have ordered it for her.
  Momiji didn't seem to be fully aware of Fujiwara's worries. She still maintained her drunken innocence, sometimes leaning closer and sometimes giggling happily.

Fujiwara tried to guide Momiji towards the exit of the party. Whenever she staggered, he would immediately steady her, put Momiji's arm on his shoulder, and hold her steady.

When the two of them walked towards the parking lot outside the villa, Fujiwara's eyes glanced behind him unconsciously. Although Belmod had disappeared just now, he could still feel that cold and stern gaze as if penetrating from a certain corner. , and his mood became even heavier.

When bidding farewell to Eiko Toya, his gesture was as polite as possible. He approached Yingzi, with a hint of nervousness in his eyes:
  "Thank you very much for your hospitality tonight. I'm sorry, we have to leave early." Fujiwara's tone was unquestionable, but he still kept a smile on his face.

Toya Eiko seemed to notice something unusual. She responded softly: "It's okay. You take good care of Miss Hongye. It's best to send her back as soon as possible."

Fujiwara nodded, then turned around, supporting Hongye with one hand and opening the car door with the other. Hongye's steps faltered, and his arms were tightly around her waist to ensure she wouldn't fall. His actions were both out of protection and out of vigilance against Belmod's possible lurking gaze.

The atmosphere inside the car becomes peaceful and deep with the night and the sound of sleeping red leaves breathing. Fujiwara's eyes fell on Hongye's quiet profile. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she felt the fluctuations of the outside world in her dream. Her breathing was even and gentle, causing Fujiwara's thoughts to slow down involuntarily.

His mind seemed to be shrouded in fog. Recalling Belmod's words just now, doubts began to spread in his mind. "What does it mean to forget the mission?" Fujiwara pondered this question in his mind. His brows furrowed slightly, and his eyes became thoughtful and confused.

"You want to find out about the Ooka family through me..." He murmured to himself, his voice falling gently in the air inside the car like his own shadow, and was immediately interrupted by Hongye's soft murmur.

After he broke off the engagement, not only the people of the Ooka family were anxious, but the boss of the black organization was also anxious behind the scenes. He did not hesitate to send Belmode to check the situation. Does it mean that the original engagement was the key point? Could the purpose be Karasuma? Did Renye also spy on the Ooka family's wealth? Do you want to indirectly transfer the part of the property he can inherit to the organization through yourself, or do you want to control the entire Ooka family and the political power behind it through his operation, thereby strengthening the power of the organization?

"No matter what the relationship is, as long as you can be used by me, it's enough." Fujiwara's voice was weak, but with a sense of determination, "I want to protect everyone."


Hongye's voice was like a blurred sleep. Her head tilted slightly towards Fujiwara, unconsciously looking for support.

This slight movement and murmur made Fujiwara's heart suddenly tremble, but soon, a wry smile appeared on his face again. He gently adjusted Hongye's position so that she could lean on his shoulders more comfortably.

His fingers carefully traced Hongye's soft jawline, and his eyes revealed a complex emotion. "Similarly, this is what you mean to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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