Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 568 Xiao Ai’s Fireworks

Chapter 568 Xiao Ai’s Fireworks

Afterlife Ai was sitting in Fujiwara's living room, focusing on her game, but her ears were perked up to listen to the noise upstairs.

The ringing of the phone upstairs suddenly stopped, and a moment later, the sound of Mingmei's footsteps came from the stairs. She still held her mobile phone in her hand and walked into the living room with a complicated expression.

She originally took advantage of Fujiwara's phone call to talk to him about Ai in the next life who came to visit him every day. It seemed that she wanted to talk to Fujiwara about something, but Fujiwara hung up the phone too quickly, and she didn't have time to talk about these things.

Her ears caught the sound of Minmei's brisk footsteps on the stairs, a rhythm that was concerned but trying to remain calm. Afterlife Ai paused the game, turned his head, and followed the source of the sound to the stairs.

Mingmei still held the mobile phone in her hand. The phone call obviously caused her emotions to fluctuate. The expression on her face seemed to be in a cloud. There were some things she wanted to say but found it difficult to say. Mingmei's eyes wandered for a moment, as if she was sorting her thoughts, and then she slowly walked towards the living room.

Afterlife Ai noticed Mingmei's hesitation and complexity. She gently put down the game controller in her hand, leaned forward slightly, and asked with concern and curiosity: "Sister Xiaomei, did Fujiwara just call me?" The voice was soft, with a hint of imperceptible concern.

Mingmei stopped, her phone spinning unconsciously in her hand. She raised her head and her eyes met the love of the next life. She forced a smile on her lips and nodded, with a hint of weakness in her voice.

Mingmei paused for a moment, tapped her phone screen with her fingers, and then nodded slightly to admit: "Yes."

Xiao Ai's fingers temporarily stopped dancing on the controller. She turned around, frowning, and asked curiously: "Did he say when he would be back?"

Mingmei shrugged slightly awkwardly, forced a smile on her lips, and replied, "He didn't say that."

Mary sat quietly listening to the conversation between the two, stroking the Fujiwara cat in her hand. Her movements were gentle and slow, and each stroke elicited a satisfied purr from the cat. Mary's eyes occasionally glanced at the television, but her attention was focused more on the little one in her lap.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Xiao Ai, who was a little disappointed after hearing Mingmei's answer, pouted her lips and felt a little disappointed. After opening a new record, she planned to continue to hit the record left by Fujiwara.

Mingmei stood in the center of the living room, her eyes passing over the two people who were immersed in their own worlds. She sighed softly, trying to break the dull atmosphere, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Ai, do you want to eat some fruit?"

Xiao Ai did not look away from the TV screen, but just shook her head, "No need, Miss Mei." Her tone was brisk, but her hands did not stop working.

Mingmei turned her attention to Mary sitting on the sofa and asked again in a gentle tone, "Mary, what about you?" Her hands were playing with the hem of her clothes subconsciously, trying to hide her inner uneasiness.

Mary removed her hand from the cat, glanced at Mingmei, and shook her head politely, "No, I don't need it either, thank you." As soon as she finished speaking, her fingers resumed their original rhythm of caressing the cat, and her eyes were once again drawn to TV series attract. Looking at the reactions of the two people, Mingmei's smile gradually turned into disappointment, and a hint of loneliness emerged in her heart. She thought to herself that apart from doing housework, she didn't seem to have much use in this home. She turned around silently and walked unsteadily towards the door of the basement. Her hands touched the door handle lightly, hesitating whether to enter.

Mingmei frowned slightly. She knew that Xiao Ai's laboratory was a sacred and inviolable area for her. If she broke in rashly, she might disrupt Xiao Ai's work. She took her hand off the doorknob and stood at the door thinking for a moment. She finally made up her mind and turned around and walked through the living room to the shoe cabinet. She changed into her shoes for going out. She was secretly planning to go to the market to buy some fresh ingredients and prepare a meal for everyone in the evening. Mingmei's eyes became firm and full of expectation. She stood at the door and adjusted her clothes, a trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes. Her hands hung naturally by her sides, her fingertips lightly touching the cold doorknob. She turned her head and looked in the direction of the living room, frowning slightly, then smiled gently and took a deep breath.

"My love, Mary," Mingmei's voice penetrated the silence of the living room, breaking the tranquility that was only filled with the sound of buttons and the sound of the TV. "I'm going to the supermarket. Is there anything you want to buy?"

Xiao Ai's fingers paused for a moment, then continued to move quickly on the game controller. Without looking away from the screen, she replied: "No need to trouble you, Miss Mei, I don't need anything."

Mary did not answer immediately. She raised her head and looked away from the TV screen to look at Minmei. An expression of thought flashed across her face, and then she shook her head, "I don't need anything here." After saying what Mary thought of, she added, "Be careful on the road."

Mingmei nodded, and the warmth in her heart was further warmed by these two short answers. She walked back to the shoe cabinet, bent over and tied her shoelaces lightly, patted her trouser legs smoothly with both hands, and stood up straight. She straightened her collar again, and then slowly walked out of the house. The door closed gently with a slight sound as she left.

At the same time, in the basement, Haihara Ai sat quietly in front of the experimental table, her slender fingers tapping quickly on the keyboard, recording the latest experimental data. The fluorescent screen reflected her focused face, displaying a series of chemical formulas and experimental results. The drug trial she just completed showed that the effective time has reached 12 hours, which means that the efficiency has increased by 300% compared with before. An imperceptible pride flashed in her eyes, and she felt a little satisfied with this achievement.

But Haihara Ai did not immerse herself in this achievement for too long. She quickly gathered her emotions and began to browse through the thick pile of information next to her, looking for possible improvements. She kept calculating various possibilities in her mind, and the pen in her hand quickly sketched new formula comparison plans on the paper. After continuous efforts, she has deduced 96% of the ingredients of APTX.

Among the test tubes and petri dishes piled up in front of her, only her own blood sample was quietly waiting for the next experiment. She considered asking Mary for help, but ultimately failed to do so. She took a deep breath and decided to continue the experiment with her own blood sample.

She knew Fujiwara had never pushed her, but deep down in her heart, a strong sense of responsibility drove her. She was not only doing it for herself, but also for Edogawa Conan, whom she only met once, and even for Mary's mother.

Tonight, she will begin the first round of risky human experiments, not only to verify the theoretical effectiveness time of the drug, but also to determine its actual effectiveness.

Thinking of these, Xiao Ai opened the drawer and took a look at the fireworks he bought with Mary's mother a few days ago. Originally, he wanted to celebrate someone, but the other party didn't come back after the game, so he couldn't ask about it.

However, she still sent her blessings immediately after the live TV broadcast.

"Then I wish myself success in getting through 12 hours tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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