Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 561 King General

Chapter 561 King General
  In the end, after a wonderful reversal, Fujiwara Hoshikai had to admit that the situation had turned into a deadlock.

The generals on both sides are in relatively safe positions and cannot form any further effective offensive. After careful observation and judgment, the referee announced the result of the draw.

Since both sides ran out of game time, and both sides had four wins, four losses and one draw, but according to the rules, Fujiwara took a shorter time to win, so after a brief exchange between the Shogi Association people and the Kansai Ki Institute After that, Fujiwara was always judged as the winner.

After the game, you will receive a special trophy and bonus. This time the bonus is 3000 million yen. It is a check issued in the name of Kansai Ki Yuan, which can be exchanged at any branch of the Toto Central Bank.

On the way to receive the award, Yamato Masato did not show much dissatisfaction. He just silently walked past Fujiwara and left a message, "Say hello to the old lady for me, and thank the Ooka family for taking care of our family." ’ and then left the room, leaving Fujiwara with a puzzled look on his face.

Fujiwara Hoshikai held the trophy he had just received, but he did not feel the joy he expected. He held the 3000 million yen bonus check tightly in his hand, but his steps were hesitant and heavy, as if the check was much heavier than its actual weight. The words Masato Yamato said when he left echoed in his mind, like a fog, making his victory feel doubtful and uneasy.

Walking on the way to the studio, Fujiwara frowned. He recalled the two days of competition, every move, every confrontation, every subtle expression and movement. He tried to find clues in their play.

His pace slowed down, and the doubt in his heart was like a huge boulder pressing on his chest. He began to wonder if his victory was really affected by the outside world? Could it be that the Ooka family really manipulated the outcome of the game behind the scenes? His hand unconsciously touched the trophy on his chest, where the winner's glory should have been engraved, but now it became increasingly blurry.

Fujiwara walked into the TV studio and was greeted by bright lights and warm applause.

Fujiwara Hoshikai sat on the interview chair in the studio with complicated emotions. In front of him was an enthusiastic reporter, ready to ask him questions. Under the bright lights and camera focus, the reporter started the interview with a smile.

However, even in front of the camera, his smile could not hide the confusion in his heart. His eyes inadvertently showed confusion, and his fingers unconsciously rubbed the engraved words on the trophy.

"Mr. Fujiwara, congratulations on winning this fierce competition. How do you feel now?" The reporter's voice clearly spread throughout the studio through the microphone.

Fujiwara Hoshimi smiled slightly, but his smile did not touch his eyes, "Thank you very much, I am very happy to win. Every game is a new challenge, and I try my best to deal with every opponent." His words were calm, but The turmoil in my heart became more intense when the reporter asked questions.

The reporter continued to ask, "So, what moments in the duel made you feel particularly nervous or challenging?"

While answering reporters, Fujiwara Hoshikai kept flashing in his mind the words Yamato Masato said when he left. His voice was slightly thoughtful, "Every chess player has his own unique style and strategy. Some situations are really very challenging. Decisions need to be made in a split second. For me, staying calm and focused is the biggest challenge."

During the live broadcast, Fujiwara's eyes flashed with deep thought from time to time. Although he tried his best to answer reporters' questions, it was obvious that his mind had drifted to other places. He thought repeatedly about Yamato Masato's words and the real reason why he won the game.  His thoughts were elsewhere. He was thinking, if Yamato Masato's words were true, then what was the meaning of his victory? How many times had he dreamed of winning in a fair and selfless competition, but now this dream seemed to be manipulated by invisible hands and became distorted
  Fujiwara Xinghai's heart is full of contradictions. Should he bask in this false victory, or uncover the truth? The camera's hot flash shone on his face, but it couldn't illuminate the shadow in his heart.

After the interview, Fujiwara Hoshikai thanked the host and walked out of the studio quickly. He needed time to digest this sudden doubt. He needs to figure out whether his shogi path is paved by his own talent or influenced by the will of others. Is his victory a glory won by strength, or a gift he reluctantly accepted in the game of thrones?
  The half-hour live interview ended quickly. Fujiwara Hoshikai politely said goodbye to reporters and the audience, and then left the studio with the heavy trophy. He walked in a hurry, wanting to return to the hotel suite as soon as possible to digest all this alone.

On the way back to the hotel, Fujiwara Xinghai accidentally passed by Yamato Masato and his team. The brief moment when their eyes met was filled with wordless communication, but in the end no words were spoken. There seemed to be indescribable complexity in Yamato Masato's eyes. Although he thought he had found his true heart in the last game, he had no way to influence the rest of the game, so he would rather believe that he lost to Fujiwara, or Unwilling to admit that he has compromised with the powerful.

They just passed each other quietly in the corridor, leaving an indescribable atmosphere.

Fujiwara Hoshimi's mood was as complicated as the eyes of Yamato Masato whom he just passed by in the corridor.

The moment he entered the hotel room, colorful lights suddenly bloomed in front of his eyes. Mary's sudden move, the salute in her hand, and the light falling of the colorful paper strips all seemed to bring a bright rainbow to the gray sky shrouded in Fujiwara. For a moment, all his doubts and uneasiness seemed to be dispelled by this simple happiness.

Fujiwara was stunned for a moment. He had never thought of such a thing and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Seeing that Fujiwara was in a daze, Mary urged impatiently, "You should at least smile."

One day before coming to Osaka, she and Xiao Ai passed by a convenience store and found this item for sale, so they simply bought a piece of it, thinking that if Fujiwara could win, she would play it for him. Unexpectedly, it actually came in use.
  "Smile. You should smile."

After Fujiwara came to his senses, he instinctively put down the trophy in his hand and quickly reached out to catch Mary. Colored paper strips were flying around them. He subconsciously picked up Mary and spun her around twice.

Although this move was a reaction, it revealed his inner excitement and emotion.

Mary was startled by Fujiwara's actions. She twisted uncomfortably in mid-air, trying to get rid of the sudden intimacy, but at the same time, there was a trace of warmth surging in her heart. That was because her actions were actively received by Fujiwara. response.

"Okay, okay Fujiwara, let me go, I'm a little dizzy."

(End of this chapter)

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