Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 558 The Dignity of a Chess Player

Chapter 558 The Dignity of a Chess Player

Although Yamato Masato has won four games in a row, there is no joy on his face. His brows were furrowed, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife cutting across the figure of Fujiwara Hoshikai, as if the resentment in his heart was far from subsided.

Fujiwara Hoshikai noticed Yamato Masato's resentful look, but he didn't seem to be bothered by it. Fujiwara's face showed an indiscernible sense of contentment, as if he was completely unaware of the displeasure in his opponent's eyes.

He was silent and stood there quietly, waiting for the start of the game with a calm expression. He just wanted to end today's game as soon as possible and relax early.

The staff of Dongdu TV were busy in the arena. Their movements were skillful and focused, and they were meticulously debugging every piece of equipment to ensure that today's live broadcast could proceed smoothly. The camera lens was carefully wiped to capture every detail of the chess game; the microphone was tested without a trace of noise; and the lighting was adjusted to the best angle to create a suitable game atmosphere.

As the referee team and relevant people from the Japan Shogi Association arrived one after another, the air in the venue gradually became solemn. People in the audience whispered, and their eyes were focused on the chessboard lying quietly in the center.

The referee walked to the chessboard, his face expressionless, his hands behind his back, his eyes serious and calm. He took out a photo of the chess game taken yesterday from his pocket, and then carefully checked every piece on the chess board.

Fujiwara Hoshikai sat quietly across from the chessboard. There was a hint of nervousness in his eyes, but overall he still maintained his usual calmness. He watched every move of the referee, waiting for the move he wrote on the paper yesterday.

The chief referee walked over from the side at this time. He checked the position on the chessboard, and then took the sealed envelope from the referee's hand. His voice was low and serious, echoing throughout the entire arena: "Please keep quiet. Now I will announce the start of the game and restore the last move that was sealed yesterday."

The chief referee slowly opened the envelope and took out the recording paper. His eyes quietly scanned the records on the paper, and then he accurately placed the move on the chessboard according to the records. Fujiwara Xinghai stared closely at the chess piece that had just fallen, a look of relief flashed across his face.

As the referee's voice announced the start of the game, the audience held their breath, and the two players took a deep breath and re-entered the serious atmosphere of the game. Fujiwara Hoshikai adjusted his sitting posture, while Yamato Masato nodded slightly and immediately took the next step.
  The referee's voice echoed in the arena, announcing the start of the game. Fujiwara Xinghai raised his head, a firm light flashed in his eyes. He knew very well that yesterday's conservatism had put him at a disadvantage, and today he needed to return to the fast chess style that he was good at.

The game started again, and every chess piece in Fujiwara Xinghai's hands seemed to carry his determination. His movements became even faster, making every move without hesitation. His eyes were fixed on the chessboard, analyzing every possible change.

Yamato Masato noticed Fujiwara's change, and his brows wrinkled slightly. He has always been known for his calmness, but he seemed to be caught off guard when faced with Fujiwara's sudden attack. His fingers tapped lightly on the edge of the chessboard, a look of contemplation in his eyes.

Fujiwara Xinghai reviewed yesterday's game in his mind, and he realized his mistake - playing slow chess in front of a slow chess master was simply asking for trouble. Today, he had to break the routine, play fast and slow, and look for a breakthrough. Even if he couldn't win, he couldn't be forced to ask for trouble.

The situation has changed subtly. Fujiwara Hoshikai's series of fierce offensives forced Masato Yamato to frequently adjust his position. Fujiwara's flying rooks swept across the board, followed closely by his silver and gold generals, forming a powerful attack front. Masato Yamato's jade will be forced to move around the board, seeking refuge. Fujiwara's chess style changed suddenly, and every move he made seemed to tell Masato Yamato that he was no longer the overly cautious self of yesterday. There was a sharp light in his eyes, and the chess pieces in his hands fell steadily with his quick thinking, and every move was filled with determination and courage.

Yamato Masato's facial expression began to show an undetectable nervousness. His eyes were fixed on the chessboard, trying to find a chance to survive Fujiwara's onslaught. His fingers touched the chess piece lightly, but the pause became noticeably longer, and fine beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead.

As the game progressed, Fujiwara Hoshikai successfully created a change. One of his flying horns cleverly cut into Yamato Masato's defense line, posing a threat. Yamato Masato's defense began to loosen, and the pieces around his jade general were forced to evacuate one by one, leaving a fatal gap.

Fujiwara seized the opportunity, stretched out his arm, and the chess piece landed firmly at the key position. His offensive was like breaking a bamboo. Yamato Masato stared at it for a few seconds, finally sighed, and gently turned his jade general upside down to express his resignation. A relaxed smile appeared on Fujiwara Xinghai's face. I don't know why it was a bit too easy to win this set. Did he not adjust his mentality?
  With such doubts, Fujiwara returned to the lounge, lay down on the tatami and began to think about his countermeasures.

Now the total time remaining is less than 2 hours. If Fujiwara wants to win, he must win four games in a row within the limited time. As long as he draws or loses, he has no chance of winning.

At this moment, in the next room, Yamato Masato was sitting alone in the game seat, and the air in front of the chessboard seemed to freeze.

His hands were clenched into fists, his knuckles turning white. He took two deep breaths, trying to calm down the inexplicable irritability, but the strong exhalation revealed his inner turmoil.

He closed his eyes, the phone call from last night weighing heavily on his heart. His adoptive father's words were like a sharp blade, piercing his belief in sticking to his true nature as a chess player. He didn't understand why on this pure chessboard, he had to succumb to the selfish desires of the powerful, and why his chess skills had to be fettered and controlled by the outside world.

He hated his own powerlessness, hated the fact that he could only rely on his chess skills to speak for himself, and hated his master's preference for him - an unfair preference that made him stand here, but not as a real chess player. His heart was filled with unwillingness and anger towards his fate, but all this injustice and anger seemed so powerless under the oppression of reality.

Yamato Masato's hands unconsciously touched the chess pieces, which was his most familiar and favorite feeling. They represented his chess skills, his dreams, and everything about him. However, these chess pieces seemed extremely heavy at this moment, and every touch seemed to remind him of the choice he was facing.

There was a trace of struggle in his eyes. The game is about to begin, and he knows that he is about to violate his oath as a chess player, and that every move he makes will be full of pain and contradiction. His body was stiff and his heart was trembling. At this moment, he was more vulnerable than ever.

(End of this chapter)

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