Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 528 Ordinary Daily Life

Chapter 528 Ordinary Daily Life
  At dawn the next day, Mingmei opened her eyes and looked at the time. It was 6:01, four minutes earlier than the alarm she set last night.

Xiao Ai and the others have to go to school today, and she has to prepare lunch boxes for them in advance. In addition, she also has to go to her old apartment with Tachibana Maya.
  After simply stretching her body, Mingmei put down the alarm clock and reset the alarm for the next day. Then she got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. Maybe she was afraid of waking up the sister next door, so she turned on the faucet very low.
  She was brushing her teeth while thinking about the current situation. At this moment, she felt like she was dreaming. She had always imagined that one day she could get along with her sister like other sisters and watch her carry her schoolbag to and from school.

After washing up, Mingmei quietly came to Xiaoai's room, glanced at her sister's sleeping posture and the smile on her lips through the crack in the door, and then walked downstairs with peace of mind, and happened to bump into Fujiwara Hoshikai who was going downstairs at the same time as him.

"Fujiwara-kun, you got up so early."

Wearing sportswear and carrying a towel and a water bottle, you can tell that you are going out for exercise.


Looking back, he hasn't been out much recently. Maybe he has forgotten about fitness as a hobby because he is busy with other things. There are many ways to relieve stress, but the one that makes him happiest is running.

Today’s goal is 40 kilometers, which is 20 kilometers round trip, which is still the same as last time.
  "Um, Fujiwara-kun, what would you like to have for breakfast?"

Fujiwara put the towel around his neck and tied it in a loop before replying, "I don't care, my taste is similar to Mary and Xiao Ai's. Just watch them do it." As soon as he finished speaking, what did Fujiwara think of? , immediately added, "I eat much more than the average person, which means I'm very good at eating."

"Well, I understand, then I'll do more."

After Fujiwara went out, Mingmei filtered what the other party said in her mind and made a plan for what to cook this morning.
  Mingmei opened the refrigerator and took out a large bowl of leftover rice, a few fresh carrots, a piece of sweet potato and a few pieces of fish. She first peeled and sliced ​​the carrots, then put them in a saucepan with water and cooked them. Then she washed the sweet potatoes and steamed them in a steamer.

At the same time, she sliced ​​the fish, put it into the pot and cooked it, then added the sliced ​​radish and some seasonings, and slowly cooked it into a pot of delicious radish and fish fillet soup. She brought it to a boil over high heat, then turned it down to a simmer, waiting for the flavors of the radish and fish to blend together.

As for the layout of the kitchen, she had memorized what was where and what was in her mind yesterday. She would not have any trouble with it, so she completed half of the task in less than twenty minutes.

After switching off her temper, she glanced at the time, 6:30.

So I heated the oil in a pan on the nearby gas stove, took out the beef and eggs from the refrigerator, beat the eggs into a bowl and stirred them evenly, then put the beef slices into the bowl, added an appropriate amount of seasoning, mixed well and put them in Fry until cooked. Then she took out the slices of bread, put the fried beef and eggs on the slices of bread, covered it with a piece of bread, and pressed it gently to make a sandwich. Finally, she put the beef and egg sandwich into the lunch box, placed a small apple and a small box of milk next to it, and the lunch box was ready.

Mingmei put the sandwich into the insulated lunch box and put it aside. She took out the ribbon and tied two bows.

Just at this moment, the timer of the rice cooker rang again. Mingmei walked over and saw that the rice grains were thick and sticky, which was obviously because she had added too much water just now.

She saw the remaining slices of bread lying aside and had the idea to use them to improve the taste of the rice. She put the slices of bread into the rice cooker, readjusted the time, and clicked start.

Soft toast can absorb excess moisture
  After doing all this, Akemi began to estimate that Fujiwara Xinghai told her that the food was large and very edible, so she would cook something different.

So Mingmei reopened the refrigerator and took out eggs, bacon, sausages and bread, and took out various jams and butter from the cupboard.

She first cracked the eggs into a hot pan, then slowly fried them into a perfectly cooked omelette; the bacon and sausage were also fried in the pan until slightly browned. She also specially prepared a large bowl of fruit salad and a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

While Mingmei was doing this, Xiao Ai, who had already finished washing, quietly opened the kitchen door with cheerful steps and took a peek inside. It was her sister who cooked for her, just like in a dream.
  Two minutes passed until Mingmei turned around and found that she was startled and held her chest while she gasped, "You scared me, Xiao Ai~"

"I didn't mean it. My sister was too serious and didn't notice me."

Mingmei looked at her sister with a smile and asked her about her sleep status yesterday.

"How did you sleep last night?"

"Not bad," Xiao Ai replied lightly.

It's already great to be able to live with my sister.

So the two sisters chatted for a while, and then Xiao Ai helped her sister serve the dishes and soup, while Mingmei put the breakfast prepared for Fujiwara separately, put it on a plate and set it aside.

After getting dressed and going downstairs, Mary was a little confused when she looked at the steaming rice placed in front of the table. During Xiaozi's absence, she usually just took a piece of bread to nibble on or took milk and bread to nibble. Sometimes Fujiwara would cook her some fish and chips or an egg and bacon sandwich on a whim, but this was the first time he had eaten a full meal like today.

But fortunately, Mingmei was there, and everyone enjoyed today's breakfast. Mingmei looked at Xiao Ai and Mary's satisfied expressions, and her heart was filled with happiness. She knew that this was what she looked forward to every morning, and this was her happiness.

After breakfast, Xiao Ai and Mary walked out of the house carrying small schoolbags and lunch boxes. Perhaps looking at their sister and thinking of herself, Mingmei waved to their backs and said, "Xiao Ai! Mary! You have to have fun."

"Got it," Xiao Ai waved her hand carefully. Mary on the side waved her hand symbolically and immediately put it in her trouser pocket.

After saying that, Xiao Ai took Mary's hand and drove in the direction of Abedo Elementary School. When passing by the intersection where they usually took the bus, they met Fujiwara Hoshimi, who had just run back from exercise.

"Good morning"

"Good morning"

Xiao Ai replied with some surprise. She originally thought Fujiwara was sleeping in his bedroom, but she didn't expect that he went out to exercise.
  After bidding farewell to the two of them, Fujiwara returned home. When he walked in the door, he could smell the aroma of roast beef lingering in the air, the smell of beef with blood removed.

Akemi also noticed that Fujiwara returned and put the freshly squeezed juice on the table with a smile.

When Fujiwara saw the breakfast on the table, he nodded with satisfaction. It seemed to be nutritionally balanced, and even said there was a bit of excess protein. However, the only drawback was that the amount was a bit small, and Fujiwara felt that he was not full enough.

“It looks delicious.”

(End of this chapter)

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