Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 511 Fight until dawn

Chapter 511 Fight until dawn
  Night fell and the earth was shrouded in darkness. Stars twinkle in the universe, dotting the night sky like distant gems. The moon hangs high, casting silver light and casting a soft halo.

The city's nights are equally bright. Neon lights illuminate the streets, vehicles move, and people move through the bustling night market. Cafés and bars emit enticing aromas, attracting night-walkers looking for warmth and entertainment.

Just like Night City, Kyoto also has many nightclubs.

On this bright night in Kyoto, Fujiwara came to a bar called "Charming Night". A few weak lights on the bar cast a soft halo.

"A bottle of ice-cold Crowland," Fujiwara said to the waiter at the bar.

Croland has a low alcohol content and a moderate malt flavor, making it suitable for light drinkers.

The waiter nodded after hearing this, immediately picked out a bottle of wine from the cabinet behind him, opened the bottle for Fujiwara, and handed it to Fujiwara.

Recently, Fujiwara has been trying to reduce his alcohol intake as much as possible, and there is no one to help him when he is drunk.

He didn't want to wake up on a garbage dump the next day.
  After drinking in silence, Fujiwara was about to pay. The waiter at the front desk seemed to hear Fujiwara's worries, so he took the money handed over by Fujiwara with a smile and said:
  "This cup is mine"

After saying that, he poured a glass of fine whiskey and lowered it.


Fujiwara originally wanted to refuse, but was not reminded by his spider sense, so he thought it would be okay to have a drink. He thanked the waiter and sat at the bar. He looked at the spherical ice cubes in the amber liquid in the wine glass and took a sip.

The addition of ice cubes suppressed the spiciness of alcohol very well, but you can still feel the strong alcohol smell that irritates your throat.

"not bad"

Fujiwara, who felt a little superior, casually took out two banknotes with the famous writer Natsume Soseki's name on them from his pocket, threw them at the bar and left with a drink.

"You don't need to ask"

The intertwined rhythms of various music came from the bar, creating a joyful atmosphere.

Fujiwara walked to the dance floor holding a wine glass and started to sway with the dancing crowd.
  The neon lights on the dance floor cast colorful light and shadow, like a dreamy wonderland. The rhythm of the music gradually increased, and Fujiwara felt that his heartbeat seemed to be racing along with it.

The beautiful women danced to the rhythm of the music. They wore all kinds of fashionable nightclub costumes, and the bright lights danced on their costumes, outlining their graceful silhouettes.

The rhythm of the music conveys an indescribable emotion. People on the dance floor seem to be immersed in their own world, releasing the wildness and passion deep in their hearts.

Fujiwara tried to keep up with the rhythm, twisting left and right while holding the wine glass, moving forward and backward. Maybe his body was too stiff and his jumping was more like doing aerobics, so he danced for a while and planned to quit.

After he came to the bar and handed the empty bottle to the bartender, he looked at the menu by himself, and finally chose a sober plum juice after looking around.

At this moment, a man smelling of alcohol came to the side with his arms around a sexy girl. After talking a lot, he finally climbed onto the high chair with the help of the woman.

It happened that the sour plum juice that Fujiwara ordered was handed over to him at this time. When the man saw Fujiwara, he ordered a glass of high-strength whiskey with a disdainful look on his face and laughed at the people who came to the bar to order sour plum juice. They were all sissies.

Fujiwara didn't want to cause trouble, so he didn't care. He drank half of the drink and was about to pay and leave. Seeing that he was ignored, the man came over and bumped him. He took him and was knocked to the ground.


Upon seeing this, the woman immediately came over to help her anxiously, but was slapped away by the man. “Asshole, are you laughing at me too?”

Fujiwara noticed the tattoo on the man's neck and had a premonition that he was a member of a violent gang, so he planned to leave quickly. However, when he saw the man slapped the woman again and threw his hand on the woman's head, he was stopped by Fujiwara.

"You bastard wants to die, let me go!"

The man said that when he was about to hit Fujiwara, he was restrained by Fujiwara and his hands were clasped behind his back.

"It hurts, it hurts"

For a moment, the focus of the bar was on Fujiwara. Realizing that he was nosy again, Fujiwara planned to leave. After all, he was starting to become famous and he didn't want this to become a stain on himself, so he looked at the emergency exit with his eyes.

At this moment, Fujiwara felt that there was danger behind him, so as soon as he turned his head, Fujiwara saw two men in black rushing towards him with telescopic sticks, and they were about to beat him...
  So out of desperation, Fujiwara blocked the man in front of him.

"Boom! Boom!"

After two dull sounds, the thin man's head was broken. The two thugs in front saw that they had broken the president's youngest son's head, so they were shocked and had no time to react when they were knocked down by Fujiwara's sweeping kick.

After the two fell to the ground, two more people ran from the elevator door, looking like they were bar security guards.

Fujiwara tried to apologize, but now that the situation was out of control, it was useless to apologize.

The two security guards waved the solid banana sticks in their hands and threw them at Fujiwara.

Fujiwara quickly dodged to avoid the security guard's attack. Then, he kicked the stick out of one of the security guards' hands, turned around, pushed the other person away and ran towards the elevator entrance.

The onlookers realized that this was no ordinary fight, so they screamed and ran away.

The more he was delayed at this time, the more trouble he would have, so Fujiwara took out a large wad of banknotes and threw them on the bar. When he was about to leave, seven or eight burly men walked out of the elevator and rushed towards him viciously.

The roads in front and behind were blocked, and the stairs were also blocked by people running out.

"I really don't want to fight."

Fujiwara and Fujiwara started a fierce duel, their fists exchanged and their steps were strong. Although Fujiwara doesn't like violence, he has become unstoppable while defending his dignity. This is no longer a question of not apologizing. Even if he bows his head and apologizes now, no one will pay attention.

Fujiwara suddenly realized that something was wrong. The people here seemed to be like ants, swarming out of each box inside, pushing each other from downstairs to upstairs, one fell down, and the other immediately stepped on the person in front and rushed over.

Looking at the dense crowd, Fujiwara first had the idea of ​​how could I beat so many people. Then Fujiwara unconsciously catalyzed the ripples in his body to strengthen himself, punching a man in black.
  The next few moments became chaotic and intense, with bottles on the bar being pushed over, and music accompanied by the sound of fists, intertwined into a chaotic and heroic symphony.

While Fujiwara was enjoying the adrenaline, he was also looking at the escape exit from the corner of his eye, but the group of people left no room for him to escape, so Tengyu retreated to the huge floor-to-ceiling window while fighting, with his back to the huge Ponto Town. Arched door.

At this moment, it seemed that the only way to escape was to smash the window and escape, but this was the fifth floor, and it was at least 15 meters to go down. If he jumped, he would definitely be injured. In addition, because of this trip, he did not bring Kidd's hang glider.

“You really shouldn’t be nosy”

(End of this chapter)

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