Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 507: Attack 1 city first

Chapter 507: Win the first city

The competitive song card, also known as the competitive song ruda, is a song composed of one hundred singers each with one masterpiece. It originated from the competitive activities of ancient court games and should be a variant of the Japanese version of the Feihua order during the Tang Dynasty.
  In traditional Karuta battle, both parties need to sit facing each other on the tatami. Before the start of the game, shuffle 100 cards and randomly pick 25 cards for each person. The remaining 50 notes are set aside and will not be used in this game. The 50 cards owned by both sides are called "out cards", and the 50 unused cards are called "empty cards"

After choosing the cards, Fujiwara browsed them quickly. Although he didn't memorize them all that carefully, he knew most of the lyrics from drawing comics for a long time, so he ranked the cards on top after taking a few glances.

Since the selections were all song cards that appeared in the comics, Hongye also set up his array very casually. After all, it was a casual game, and no one chose the cards as in the official competition.

Fujiwara nodded cautiously to Momiji, she smiled back, and then the two bowed to each other.

There was not much conversation throughout, and then Hongye took out the tape he had prepared and put it into the tape recorder.

As the tape recorder played full of ancient rhymes and chants, the two of them began to get into the mood at the same time.

"Although spring is coming, I can't find any pure clouds. Looking at Yoshino now, snow is falling in Yoshino Mountain. When will I see spring..."

Before the competition, a prelude that is not included in the 100-person song will be read, and the next sentence of the prelude will be repeated to prepare the players mentally. After one second, the first line of the first waka is formally recited.

“It’s a late night snack, and I’m lonely and heartbroken.”

Fujiwara quickly took action and got the "Pheasant's tail in the distant mountains, just like the long night" before the red leaves.

Hong Ye was slightly surprised, then regained her composure.

Just got one point, no big deal
  "excuse me"

Fujiwara pretended to be modest after getting the card. To be honest, he was not very serious. After all, it had nothing to do with interests or positions. It was just an ordinary duel. He had a vague feeling that Hongye would not be very serious either.

"Well, Fujiwara-kun is in very good shape and he is a manga artist."

Although she was smiling, Fujiwara felt strange. Is there any connection between being in good condition and being a cartoonist?

At this moment, the fighting spirit in Hongye's heart is gradually increasing. She originally just planned to play cards to kill some time. When she realizes that the other party is not a novice, then she will abandon all prejudices and contempt and treat the remaining people with a 100% attitude. For each card, try to prevent the opponent from getting a single point.

Fujiwara didn't know that his words completely aroused Hongye's fighting spirit.

"Spring should be..."

Just halfway through the first verse, Hongye struck out with lightning speed, accurately and swiftly hitting the song card in the lower left corner of the array with the following sentence: "Incense utensils are dried in white clothes. According to legend, it is at this time."

At this time, the tape recorder on the side belatedly recited the next line of the Waka.

"Spring must have passed, and summer will be late... Incense tools and white clothes are hung to dry. According to legend, it is at this time."

Fujiwara was a little surprised. While he was still thinking about the next sentence, he didn't expect Hongye to take action so quickly.

(There is something)

Although he has seen others play, this is the first time Fujiwara has experienced this competitive state so intuitively.

Hong Ye stood up and picked up the kata that had been knocked away, and slowly sat down on her knees with her legs upright, her posture dignified and elegant.

She didn't feel complacent about this move. Perhaps it was because she was a little slower just now that Fujiwara Hoshikai underestimated herself.

Before each question, a Japanese song from Ogura Hyakunin One is always played to adjust the players' mentality and give them a sense of standing in front of them and shouting: 'Everyone is on his/her place'.

After singing a song that has nothing to do with the competition, the competition questions began to play.

As a result, the male voice in the tape recorder had just read the first three notes, and Momiji, like a lion locking its prey, stretched his hand to the opposite left side, that is, Fujiwara's right camp.

She quickly recited this poem silently while extending her hand, "The gods have done things for a long time, and they have never been heard of. The maple dyes the Longtian River, and the gurgling water is deep."

She was very familiar with this, after all, her name was taken from this song.

Since she hadn't finished reading, Fujiwara didn't know what card she was trying to grab, but according to her gesture, Fujiwara subconsciously covered the card in the second row on the right.


Since the cards were covered, Momiji mistakenly switched her hand to Fujiwara's hand. "Snapped!"

The collision between the palm and the back of the hand made a crisp sound.

She was a little stunned and silently took her hand back.

At this time, the first half of the sentence was read slowly, "God has done something for a long time, and I have never heard of it."

According to the rules, the designated card is not in the array, but the effective hand touches the card in the array. This is a hand error.

Fujiwara pursed his lips and calmly handed the sign that read, 'The wind blows in your sleeves, there is no need to call for spring to return' to Fujikomiye.

Hongye took the cards and put them away in his camp.

I just happened to record the next round of Japanese songs:

"Although spring is coming, I can't find any pure clouds. Looking at Yoshino now, snow is falling in Yoshino Mountain. When will I see spring..."

Just after the waka was recited, there was another low humming, and then the previous sentence began to be recited:
  "Autumn is full of autumn, and a small house is built."

As soon as he finished reciting Fujiwara's eyes, he immediately turned to the rightmost one on the lower right side of the red leaves, which said, "The thick thatch cannot cover it, and the clear dew wets my shirt."

Whether judging from the meaning of the entire verse or from its rhythm, nothing could be more appropriate.

So Fujiwara quickly stretched out his hand, and at the same time, Momiji also quickly stretched out his hand.

The two of them almost clicked on the cards at the same time, but it was Hongye who was the first to swat the song card away, and immediately stood up and picked up the song card with his hands on the bottom.

In competitive singing cards, each player has their own cards that they are good at and cards they are not good at. Usually people will put the cards they are not good at near their dominant hand and the cards they are good at on the other side.

In this way, you don't have to scan the position of each card during the game. Instead, you will subconsciously reach there when you hear the first half of the sentence. Even if you can't get it, you can make sure that others can't get it.

Everyone's formation should be based on the order of cards they are good at.

It’s a new beginning. After listening to the Waka song that I don’t want to do, after listening to the first half of the sentence, Fujiwara subconsciously touched the first card in the previous section. He took it and found that it was not the one, and there was no corresponding card in the queue. Card.

"Be serious..."

Momiji squinted her eyes like a ghost and smiled, and gave the two cards to Fujiwara, who had offended Sora.


After repeating this for more than ten games, Fujiwara didn't get a single point. Instead, he received a lot of "gifts" for his mistakes.

Soon, the cards in the Red Leaf Formation were cleared, and Fujiwara felt helpless looking at the same number of cards in front of him as in the beginning.

Starting with twenty-five cards, Hongye emptied his deck and still had 25 cards.

Competitive singing is a game that relies on people's quick thinking ability and reaction ability, especially the ability to capture keywords is extremely important.

Although he lost completely, Fujiwara was not discouraged. After all, although he had good reflexes, Hongye was not a girl with big breasts and no brains.

After clearing the cards, Hongye, who was a little unsatisfied, smiled and suggested another round.

"Okay. But is this our second date?"

After listening to this, Hongye put the cards on the tatami and rubbed them for a few times, then said calmly, "Are there any other topics in common between us besides singing cards?"

Fujiwara was startled after hearing this, and thought it made sense.

"Okay, let's have another round."

(End of this chapter)

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