Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 488 Edogawa Ranpo Prize

Chapter 488 Edogawa Ranpo Prize
  Van Gogh's sunflower painting was eventually bought for $200 million.

To celebrate Suzuki Jirokichi invited everyone to attend a dinner, during which Fujiwara and Hakuba chatted for a while.

At noon the next day, Fujiwara and Mary went to London again, but they found nothing. Fujiwara's experience card expired and could no longer be used.

So after two days in London, the two took a flight back to Neon.

As a result, Fujiwara received an invitation to the Edogawa Ranpo Prize the next day after returning.

This time it seems to be real, and it doesn’t look like the ticket will be bounced.

Although the world of Ke Xue is semi-imaginary, many famous figures and famous awards still reflect the neon society at that time, so this world also has this award, and he also won the original Edogawa Ranpo Award-winning work "White Night Walk" this award.

Since the voting rights are in the hands of the awards committee, they will notify the winners one day in advance so that they can be mentally prepared. However, the person who beat her yesterday reminded her that she must not reveal it to the media in advance, nor would it leak to the wind.

Maintain the mystery of the grand prize until the final list is revealed.

Conan should know what this is, but his father's Night Baron series is on the shortlist this time. If I tell him that I won the award, will it feel like a provocative point of view?
  After thinking about it, Fujiwara decided to let other channels know about this matter. Anyway, there was no need to notify them now.

It is said that you can bring your partner or family members to the award ceremony
  Fujiwara glanced at Mary who was drinking porridge, and wondered whether he should take Mary there.

Mary noticed Fujiwara's gaze and gave him a cold look.

Fujiwara thought that Mary's appearance was not suitable for appearing on the live broadcast channel, so he passed Mary's pass and started to choose another candidate.

In fact, he already has a candidate in mind. He has been imagining since last night that when the award presenter reads out his name, the camera will focus on Fujiwara and the beauties around him, and he will pretend not to know that he will win, and then call out to those around him. Zhong stood up slowly, walked among the adoring and envious crowd, walked to the stage step by step, then quietly took the trophy, and then thanked them one by one according to the prepared thank you speech.

Finally, amid applause and flowers, everyone returned to action and enjoyed all the admiration of 'that beauty'...

The idea is beautiful, but who knows the reality?

"I'm going out. I have an awards event in the evening. I might not be back until very late."

After hearing that it was an award ceremony, Xiaozi instantly became interested. He put down the dishes he was washing and walked out of the kitchen to look at the dining table.

"Award ceremony? What award? Do you need to arrange a celebration party?"

After hearing this, Fujiwara shook his head and said in a joking tone, "I may not win the award, so wouldn't it be a waste to hold a celebration party in such a hurry?"

Then he stood up, threw it away, pushed back the chair and asked Xiaozi, "Can you help me iron the brown suit that I didn't wear last time..."

Xiaozi nodded, but thought that there were many identical suits in Fujiwara's cabinet.

"Which one?"

"That's the most handsome one. I wore it once before..."

"Ah, that one when I participated in the shogi competition, didn't you tell me earlier..."

After giving instructions about the suit, Fujiwara returned to the bedroom to prepare a speech for the stage.

I wrote it over and over a dozen times, and finally selected the original version, put it in my pocket, and read it silently twice.

At this moment, Xiaozi brought the ironed suit in. Fujiwara finished changing his clothes and smoothed his hair before walking out with satisfaction.

Fujiwara drove to the Maoyan Cafe and found that the door of the coffee shop was closed and it didn't look like there was anyone there.

After calling and not answering the phone, Fujiwara turned around and walked aimlessly around the road near the cafe for several times before arriving at the Miwa City Hall to prepare for the award ceremony in the evening. Since it is broadcast in the form of live broadcast, every link must be handled carefully, especially the image. I remember a certain actress in her previous life was laughed at because her lower teeth showed when she smiled, so she never dared to laugh loudly again.

To this end, Fujiwara practiced smiling in front of the audience many times in front of the mirror while chatting with the makeup artist.

"Is Mr. Fujiwara also nervous?"

The makeup artist looked at Fujiwara's brows and asked curiously.

"Of course, it's my first time to face so many people..."

"Hahaha, there's no need to be nervous, everything will be fine. I feel like this kind of thing will become very common for you in the future..."

Fujiwara has never liked others to praise him, as he was worried that he would be praised...

The Edogawa Ranpo Award is one of the highest honors in the neon mystery novel world and is awarded to the best mystery novel writers every year. The name of this award comes from Edogawa Ranpo, a representative writer of Japanese mystery novels. His work "The Human Face" is considered a classic of Japanese mystery novels.

Since its inception in 1985, the Edogawa Ranpo Prize has been awarded for more than thirty years and has become an important force in promoting the development of neon mystery novels.

The selection criteria for the Edogawa Ranpo Award are very strict. Only works that meet the following conditions are eligible to participate in the selection:
  1. The work must be a Neon mystery novel, or a mystery novel published in Neon.

2. The work must have been published within the previous year.

3. The work must be a novel or a novella. Short stories will not be considered.

4. The work must be an original work and cannot be a novel adapted from other works.

5. The work must be a work that has not been translated into other languages.

After comprehensive consideration, there seems to be no more suitable option than Byakuya Yue, so this award almost deserves to go to Fujiwara.

“The winner of this year’s Best Novel Award is Fujiwara Hoshiumi, White Night Walk!”

"Mr. Fujiwara, please come on stage to accept the award!"

"Mr. Fujiwara?"

After the host shouted twice, Fujiwara slowly stood up and walked to the stage. After taking the trophy from the host's hand, he adjusted the angle of the microphone in front of the podium in the center of the stage under the guidance of the host, but did not speak. .

The silence lasted for two minutes. At first, people in the audience were talking and laughing, but as time went by, everyone looked at Fujiwara Hoshikai in the center of the party, and all the cameras were aimed at him at the same time.


He felt unprecedented pressure in this silence. His vision gradually blurred and he couldn't see the people in the audience clearly. Even the lights above seemed so dim. Fujiwara's heart seemed to have stopped and was extremely quiet.

“I feel so honored to receive this award, and it’s like unexpectedly discovering a sparkling diamond in my bed at home.”

After making some adjustments, Fujiwara looked at the audience and smiled:
  "I'm very happy that the voting committee can award the award to me... If I don't win, I think tomorrow's news headline will be that the Edogawa Ranpo Award is suspected of being shady..."


There was a burst of laughter from the audience, and Fujiwara finally breathed a sigh of relief. When Fujiwara came off the stage, he looked at the trophy in his hand and thought that next year's award would probably be his.
   Come back, my CSGO, my most proud belief

  I still remember the destination town vividly, and tears are flowing inexplicably.

  I vaguely remember Miraj and the awesome Sha Er.
  (End of this chapter)

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