Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 485 3 months ago

Chapter 485 Three months ago

London, England.

On London's Vauxhall Bridge, a woman was waiting anxiously.

She is waiting for a man, the father of her three children and her closest companion.

More than ten years ago, Haneda Koji suddenly died in an American hotel, and his bodyguard Asaka also disappeared. This case aroused heated discussions between the two countries at the time.

Akai Hidetake was entrusted by the Haneda family head to go to the United States alone to investigate the case. Before leaving, he specifically told her to take good care of the children.

Unexpectedly, she disappeared as soon as she left. The bad thing didn't stop there. Her sister Elena also lost contact with her. She had previously advised them and the couple not to work at Karasuma Biotechnology Research Institute...

After losing her husband, she didn't have time to be sad, so she prepared to take her two sons and their unborn child to the UK to seek asylum from MI6. Unexpectedly, her eldest son went to the United States alone in search of his father.

She was not depressed because of this. After giving birth to a daughter, she adopted her son to the Haneda family and became their adopted son, changing her name to Haneda Hideyoshi.

Mari kept telling the children that their father Akai Taketake was dead, but Akai Shuichi always held out hope and insisted on continuing the investigation as long as the body was not found.

Akai Marie also hoped in her heart that Akai Mutake was still alive.

Later, she heard that her eldest son Akai Shuichi had secretly joined the FBI. She was so anxious that she ran over from the UK with her daughter Sera Masumi, who had just turned five years old, and tried to persuade her son to ignore his father's affairs, but she still failed.

Seeing that her eldest son had made up his mind, she seemed unable to stop him, just like Hidetake Akai who had no hesitation in going to the United States to investigate the cause of his friend's death.

So she gave up and let him go.

Her second son was living well in the Haneda family, which made her feel at ease. The only thing she was worried about now was her eldest son and her daughter who had not yet grown up. She had been waiting for information about her husband. Until a few days ago, Mary's colleagues discovered Akai Mutake and notified Mary to confirm the authenticity.

Akai Muwu has been missing for many years, and there is a high probability that he is a fake, so the people who are most familiar with him must go and confirm.

While she was drinking coffee while holding on to the bridge pier, she saw a person approaching her. When she turned around, she saw that it was the person in her memory.

"Xiu Wu..."

Mary would not be carried away by this short-term happiness. When she saw the man wanting to hug her, she took a step back and stared cautiously at Akai Hidetake in front of her.

The identity of the man in front of him has not yet been determined, he is very likely to be a fake, and Hidetake Akai has not come back for more than ten years, there is a high probability that he has... This guy in front of him must not be easily believed.

Seeing Mary hiding from him, Akai Hidetake said calmly without regret: "Long time no see, Mary, how are your sons?"

What did Mary think of when she heard the man's words?
  Akai Muwu said: "I lost my memory. Later I recovered my memory and came to see you. Did your sons come with you?"

(He actually only mentioned his sons?)
  She had already noticed that something was wrong with Hidetake Akai in front of her. Didn't he remember her pregnancy?
  I remember when he was entrusted by the Haneda family to go to the United States to investigate the cause of Haneda Koji's death. Before leaving, he promised to give a gift to his unborn child.

"No, I came with my daughter."

Akai Hidetake was confused: "Daughter?"

According to the information obtained by the black organization, Akai Marie's family does not have a daughter.

(Is she deceiving me?)

Seeing that the other party was stunned, Mary continued, "Didn't you also hold your daughter?".

"The child should have grown up now."

Mary didn't hesitate, she took out her pistol and put it against the forehead of the showman in front of her.

She was 100% sure that the person in front of her was an impostor.

"You are not Xiuwu, who are you?"

Seeing that things were exposed, the fake Akai Hidetake in front of him no longer concealed anything. He tore off his human skin mask and revealed his true face.

"That's right, I'm not Hidetake Akai."

The person in front of her was Belmod, the Thousand-Faced Witch. While Mary was still shocked, two cold gun barrels were pressed against the back of her head. "do not move!"

The man in black behind him spoke out to stop Mary who was about to fight back, and took the pistol from her hand.

"You are here to replace Hidetake Akai and join MI6." Mary looked at several people and said without a trace of panic in her eyes. She said confidently even though she was in danger.

Belmod smiled and replied: "Yes, we want to bring the dead Hidetake Akai back to MI6, and the only obstacle at the moment is you as his wife."

"Yes, if it were me, I would be able to identify my husband just like today."

Then the topic changed and he continued: "But, it's such a pity. I have already told my colleagues that if I cannot come back in time, then Hidetake Akai will be a fake. I also told my daughter to leave London."

Hearing this, Bermod raised the corners of his mouth, lifted Mary's chin and said ambiguously: "Then let me achieve another goal first." After saying that, he kissed her directly...

Mary stepped back in shock, and Belmod hugged her waist.

She pushed Bellemeade away with difficulty. She thought it was a bad joke, but she didn't expect that she wanted to poison him. She already felt her throat hurt.

"How does it feel to be killed by poison made by your own sister?"


In pain, she heard what the other party said about her missing sister.

The toxicity of the drug began to take effect. She clutched her stomach in pain and felt that it was becoming difficult to breathe.

"When she dies, throw her into the river." After saying this, Belmode turned and left. She was convinced that Mary would die a painful death here.

"It can't end like this!" Mary clutched her chest and turned around to jump into the river. By the time the man in black reacted, she had already disappeared.

Someone among the men in black was about to take out a pistol and prepare to shoot, but Belmod stopped her in time. Because the building next to it is the headquarters of MI6, the sound of gunfire will attract them.

Belmod looked at the flowing river for a while, then looked at the iron can containing the capsule, and already had the answer in his mind. He turned to the two men in black and said, "She can't run away. There has been no error in the organization's medicine."

After Belmode and the man in black left, Mary popped her head out of the river with difficulty. After making sure there was no one around, she climbed ashore. She was surprised to find that her body had shrunk!
  After repeated confirmations, she believed the fact. The medicine the woman fed her actually had such a function. However, she didn't have time to think about it. She was about to call her daughter and ask her to pick her up. She dug into the pockets of her windbreaker and found them empty.

When I jumped into the river just now, my phone may have been lost in the river. Fortunately, there were no important phone calls stored in it.

What we need to do now is to transfer with our daughter to see if we can get in touch with our eldest son. First of all, she had to go home. She had lied just now. She had not told her daughter about leaving London. She must be waiting for her at this time.

At this time, Zhenzun was watching a baseball game in the hotel. Before her mother came over, she ordered a pizza, which should be delivered after a while.

"Dong dong dong" the knock on the door sounded.

"How fast?" Zhenchun was a little surprised. She got up and walked to the door. For the sake of caution, she observed it with a cat's eye.

Found out to be a cute blonde loli.

She opened the door and said, "Little sister, who are you looking for?"

She couldn't help but touch her blonde hair because it was so cute.

"Ahem~ Ahem, I am your mother. I was turned into this by those strange guys."


After Mary's narration, she began to believe that the girl in front of her was her mother.

"But how could he become a child?" Zhenchun still had some doubts.

"Hurry up and pack your bags, we have to leave here..."

(End of this chapter)

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