Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 413 Furahata Rensanlang

Chapter 413 Furuhata Rensaburo

When Fujiwara woke up the next day and was going to have breakfast, he learned from the staff that the referee who presided over the competition yesterday had died in the fish tank in his room.

The cause of death was said to be a cerebral hemorrhage due to a loss of center of gravity while taking a bath while drinking and his head hit the edge of the bathtub.

Fujiwara had no other reaction to this bizarre way of death. After all, he respected everyone's fate, and whether the Neon Man died or not had little to do with him.

But it’s not certain whether the game will be reset if the referee dies. After all, the envelope with the next step written on it and the chessboard used in yesterday’s game are in the referee’s safe. If you don’t take them out, you won’t be able to continue playing chess. .

Fujiwara passed by the deceased's room while having breakfast and accidentally saw an 'acquaintance'

The acquaintance turned his head and saw Fujiwara unexpectedly. The two looked at each other and nodded in greeting.

"Brother Fujiwara, are you here too?"

Although Officer Megure was surprised, there was a certain feeling in his eyes. After all, no matter where the master and apprentice went, they were always involved in murder cases. This time when he took Takagi on a business trip, he also encountered a murder case.
  "Yes, Officer Megure, why are you here? And Officer Takagi, I remember that the cases here in Kyoto are not under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police Department, right?"

Each prefecture has its own police headquarters. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is the Metropolitan Police Department, and the Metropolitan Police Department is the Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters.

Normally all parties perform their respective responsibilities without interfering with each other, so why not today?
  (It can’t be because of me. Officer Megure and the others just happened to pass by here on a business trip.)

At this time, Furuhata Rensaburo and Imaizumi, who came out from the next door, were also surprised to see Officer Megure.

"Megure Police Department, are you here for vacation?" Imaizumi asked stupidly.

"Hey, Furuhata? Imaizumi? Why are you here too?" Officer Megure asked in surprise again.

Furuhata? Hearing the name, Fujiwara glanced back, but the man in front of him was obviously unfamiliar and did not look like the Furuhata Rensaburo he knew.

(Maybe they have the same surname?)

According to Mumu Shisan's judgment, the deceased, and thus the referee, should have slipped and accidentally fell, hitting the edge of the bathtub, and died from the impact.

"I just checked the scene and there were no signs of a fight, and the guests around can also prove it, so this should be an accident."

Furahata Shinsaburo remembers that many cases were deemed accidental due to the negligence of the investigators at the time. In the end, the cases were overturned one by one due to the efforts of multiple private investigators. In the end, they successfully proved the incompetence of the Metropolitan Police Department, which led to the police chief becoming the police chief for many years. The object of people's condemnation.
  However, he did not directly comment on the judgment of his colleagues, so he also wanted to take a look at the scene.

"Where is the murder scene?"

"Does Furuhata Criminal also want to see the deceased's bathroom?" Takagi asked curiously.

"Yes." Furuhata Rensaburo nodded, so everyone followed him back to the crime scene. Seeing this, Fujiwara also gave up breakfast and prepared to go to the scene to take a look.

After all, if this incident is not an accident, their game may be affected and postponed. There are still a few hours left on the Master Experience Card. If he doesn't decide quickly, Fujiwara will probably lose the game.

At this time, Ayanokouji Fumimaro, who was leading the 1st Investigation Section of the Kyoto Police Headquarters, was listening to a report from his subordinates. When he saw another group of people coming in, he frowned and started to chase them away.

"Why did you come in again?"

Although the leading fat police officer had just revealed his identity, Ayanokouji Fumimaro, who is from Kyoto, did not want the Tokyo police to get involved in any cases that occurred in Kyoto Prefecture. After all, this group of people had previously created the "Kudo Shinichi Rescue" due to their incompetence. "The Metropolitan Police Department" is such a ridiculous thing, and the people of Kyoto deeply despise Tokyo, the "New Kyoto" to the east.

Furuhata Rensaburo ignored the police who organized him, went directly to the bathtub, looked carefully, and looked around again.

"You are really." Ayanokouji Fumimaro wanted to stop Furuhata, but Imaizumi saw a "rat" on the shoulder of the police department opposite and immediately warned him.

"There's a rat on the police department's shoulder!"

When he heard that his friend was recognized as a mouse, Ayanokouji Fumimaro became furious and immediately explained that his friend was not a mouse, but a chipmunk!
  "But chipmunks are mice too."

"It's not a mouse, how many times do you want me to say that!"

At this moment, Officer Megure also came forward to smooth things over, saying that Imaizumi was a newcomer and was ignorant.

Ayanokouji Fumimaro took off his gloves and clapped his hands. The chipmunk on his shoulder actually started clapping simultaneously and looked at Imaizumi with disdain.

"Forget it, this seems to be an accident, but I can't figure out why he drank and took a bath last night when there was a game today for him to be the abbot?"

"This" Officer Memu scratched his head in embarrassment and found that it was true.

"Maybe the deceased liked to drink bars." Imaizumi, who had been criticized just now, replied.

At this time, an observer from the Shogi Association came in and heard Imaizumi's words and immediately retorted, "This is unlikely. Mr. Negishi Ryuji rarely drinks."

"Oh, you never drink? So it might be an illusion to hit your head while drunk?"

"I don't know much about this, but Negishi Ryuji and his wife divorced a week ago and are arguing about dividing the inheritance."

After checking the fish tank, Furuhata apologized for his men and was about to take him away when he accidentally noticed the flatly stacked suits.

"Has anyone moved here?" he asked curiously.

The police officer who was collecting evidence at the scene immediately returned respectfully after seeing the police officer certificate in Furuhata Rensaburo's hand.

"Report to the police department, no."

He looked at the way the suits were stacked and couldn't help but feel a little strange. He just heard from Officer Megure that the other party was holding a competition this morning.

Most people take off their suits by directly hooking them on a hanger, but they never stack them like this, and the suits are not folded like this. Looking at the technique, the murderer should have helped fold them, and he is not very familiar with suits.

Fujiwara also inadvertently noticed the suit. Combined with the policeman named Furuhata's previous questioning, it is not difficult to see that this must be a false impression.

(It seems to be a murder case.)

At this moment, he was 100% sure that this was a murder case, and he also realized that the Furuhata in front of him should be the Furuhata Rensaburo in the famous Japanese drama.

If I remember correctly, the prototype of Shiratori Rensaburo in Conan is the one in front of me.

Fujiwara has long been accustomed to fantasy linkages. After all, the missions in City Hunter and Lupine III that appeared a while ago can show that this is not just the world of science, but a multiple world.

He wouldn't be surprised if a plot involving Li Gouhi suddenly popped up that day.

Fujiwara could vaguely feel that the murderer in this case should be someone in the association, but he couldn't remember who it was.
  (End of this chapter)

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