Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 401 Shogi Association

Chapter 401 Shogi Association
  When Fujiwara was about to send Mary back to the orphanage the next day, the director refused to accept her and told them not to come again. He also threatened to call the police if they came to harass her again.

Obviously, the other party regarded Mary's behavior as a prank, and regarded Fujiwara as the father who came up with such an idea because he refused to raise him.

So Fujiwara changed another orphanage. As a result, Mary repeated her old tricks and was able to escape and return to the Fujiwara family every time. Sometimes as soon as he came out after talking to the dean, Mary was already waiting for him in the car.

Others would probably have a headache and be irritated, but Fujiwara felt vaguely funny when he saw her like this, just like in Jackie Chan's Adventures where no one could control Xiaoyu, no one could control Mary.

Since her parents' death was related to the black organization, Fujiwara did not dare to call the police, for fear that the organization's minions would follow the clues and come here to cause trouble for him.

So Fujiwara thought for a long time and decided to temporarily adopt the girl as a way to adapt to the way of getting along with Haibara Ai in advance. Moreover, he sympathized with her experience and was basically the same as Haihara Ai. Relatives were also killed by black organizations.

And Mary is not like other children who want to go out to play, buy new toys, buy new clothes, and eat delicious food. She is always so quiet.

In this way, Fujiwara Hoshikai's office has a "freeloader" boarding girl. Fujiwara claims to the public that she is the child of his cousin's family and she comes to play with him for a few days.

Her routine is to play with the cat in the living room after dinner every day, and then put the cat down to take a nap after lunch. After waking up in the afternoon, I would hold the cat again and go to the balcony on the third floor to drink black tea and stare into the distance until night. After dinner, she would watch TV with Fujiwara from time to time, and from time to time she would go to the piano in the corner of the living room to be in a daze.

At the beginning of the period, Mouri Kogoro and others were a little surprised, but after thinking that they also had a free-wheeling boy, they were not surprised. They tried to interact with Mary, but were defeated by her extremely cold attitude, and Shanshan left.

At first, Conan felt that the girl who suddenly appeared in the Fujiwara house was a bit strange, but later he gradually accepted that the girl who always looked at people with a dead eye lived across from his house.

During this period, Fujiwara thought about sending Mari to school, but he thought that it would be difficult for her personality to communicate with other people and make friends in school, so he gave up the idea.

This morning, while eating breakfast porridge and watching TV, Mary was also eating her favorite fish cakes. The morning news mentioned a piece of news that shocked Hoshimi Fujiwara.

"Genichiro Takayama, President of the National Shogi Association, responded yesterday to the absence of shogi players in the upcoming shogi champion match. Because the former shogi champion Fujiwara Hoshikai did not arrive on time to complete his comeback match, the match originally scheduled for the end of this month The order of honor battles has been shifted, and all games in the second half of the year will be delayed, and the title battle at the end of the year cannot be held on time. In addition, President Takayama requested the former chess king Fujiwara Hoshikai to pay attention to the honor of the association and the oath of the players, otherwise the association will impose penalties on the players As a means of forced delisting, I hope the player will seize the last chance and give a clear answer within three days or else his comeback will be cancelled."

Cough cough~cough~
  Fujiwara coughed twice after hearing the news. Where did this go? When did he say he wanted to come back? Isn't this all the fault of the Ooka family?
  Azusa Enomoto, who was mopping the floor, immediately handed over a tissue when he saw this, "Are you okay? Are you choking?"

Fujiwara Xinghai waved his hand and wiped off the rice grains with his hand, "No, I'm just a little surprised. It's okay. I'll take care of you and go do your work."

Azusa Enomoto groaned and turned around to see a video of Fujiwara Hoshiumi's participation in a competition being played on the TV, with the text, 'Why did the once undefeated Dragon King become a coward and dare not fight? ’

Seeing the Dragon King's name, Fujiwara Hoshiumi, mentioned in the caption, Azusa Enomoto was stunned at first and immediately turned around to let Fujiwara watch TV.

"The chess player in the news has the same name as you, Fujiwara!"

Fujiwara rolled his eyes at Azusa Enomoto, feeling that the other party didn't recognize that the chess player in the video just now was himself before time travel.

However, Fujiwara did not expect that the Ooka family's methods would be so forced. Even though he knew that he could not complete the game, he still had to arrange a comeback for himself.

He had thought that the Ooka family would most likely use other means to force him to go back, but he did not expect that they would actually want to make him a joke and a coward in front of millions of people. This was something Fujiwara did not expect.

It’s really so spicy!
  However, Mary saw the surprised expression of the people in the video and Fujiwara, and understood the Fujiwara Hoshimi mentioned on the TV.

(Turns out he is a chess player. I thought she was a manga artist for girls’ comics.)

Azusa Enomoto was full of expression and began to complain about Fujiwara Hoshimi on TV in front of Fujiwara Hoshimi. "This person is so mean. Why do you still challenge me when you don't even dare to come over? In comparison, you, Fujiwara, are braver."

After hearing this, Fujiwara's face darkened, he slowly stood up, wiped his mouth and said:

"I'm full. Let's go back to work. Call me when lunch is ready."

"Oh, okay, but it's so funny that such a timid person has the same name as you, Fujiwara."

Mary looked at Fujiwara's leaving figure and thought of something.

Back in the room, Fujiwara sat at his work table and turned off his cell phone with a somewhat complicated mood, intending to avoid everyone who came to inquire.

Fujiwara didn't really care that he had become the laughing stock of others for no reason. What made him angry was that even though he had planned not to have anything to do with that family, they still came to mess with him.
  Azusa Enomoto saw that Fujiwara did not come downstairs during lunch. When she was about to deliver the meal herself, Mary stretched out her hands to take Azusa Enomoto's bowl.

"Are you going to bring Mary to Brother Fujiwara?"

Seeing her nod, Azusa Enomoto handed the bowl to Mary with some caution.

Mary felt a little hot after taking the meal, but it was okay.

"Is it hot? Let me come?"

Mary shook her head and walked up.

Arriving in front of Fujiwara's bedroom on the third floor, he pushed in gently.

When he heard someone coming in and smelled the aroma of food, Fujiwara, who was revising his drawing, put down his brush.

"So it's already lunch time? Just call me. There's no need to deliver it in person."

When he turned around and found that it was Mary who was delivering the food, Fujiwara was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Thank you, Mary."

After taking the bowls and chopsticks and placing them on the table, Fujiwara Hoshikai put away his drawing book and brushes, cleared the table, and when he was about to start eating, he found Mary looking at him with doubtful eyes.

"What's wrong? Is there anything you want to know?"

Perhaps because she felt it was inconvenient for her to ask more about what had just happened, Mary shook her head and walked out of the room.

"If you have anything to do, just tell me, don't take it to heart and let yourself get entangled."

Fujiwara shouted to Mary who had already gone out.


(End of this chapter)

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