Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 393 Blonde ‘Cat Eyes’

Chapter 393 Blonde ‘Cat Eyes’

With five minutes left before the Maoyan preview, Officer Zhongmori arranged for his men to evacuate from the exhibition hall immediately.

"Everyone, evacuate quickly and wait for my order."

As Officer Zhongmori was talking, all the lights in the museum went out, and even the surveillance video became extremely blurry.

Everything has been broken into the museum with a peephole's eye.

"Don't go back, go in and take a look, the peephole has damaged the electrical equipment, hurry!"

The police officers in charge of guarding were confused by the successive orders, but they still picked up the flashlight and returned to the exhibition hall. However, as soon as they entered, they were knocked down by the blond woman who attacked from behind.

"It's a cat's eye!"

In the dark environment, the blonde woman quickly pounced on the guards. She is agile and moves through the darkness as nimbly as a cheetah. She used the surrounding shadows and the remaining faint lights to cleverly hide her movements and position, making it difficult for the guards to detect.

A tall guard with a scar on his face immediately picked up his baton and flashlight and looked around. He was anxiously preparing to help his friend who had just been knocked down. Suddenly, he felt a chill. At this moment, a blond woman rushed from behind him. came out and quickly knocked him down. The guard quickly grabbed her wrist, but he was so stunned by the blonde's strength and speed that he could barely resist.

‘Cat Eyes’ used quick kicks and flexible body turns to force him to let down his guard, and then punched him hard in the cheek, knocking him to the ground.

The other guards saw Jack being knocked down and immediately became alert. They quickly spread out, trying to surround the blonde.

"Don't disperse, everyone, let's deal with her together!"

‘Cat Eye’ deftly dodged a guard’s fist, and then kicked the flashlights from the hands of the three people behind him with a high kick. At the same time, she cleverly used the gaps between guards and the cover of darkness to launch surprise attacks again and again.

Not to be outdone, the guards tried their best to counterattack the blonde woman's attack.

When Maoyan pounced, the leading guard ducked sideways in an instant, and then struck with an accurate front fist at lightning speed. However, the blonde managed to dodge the attack, leaping into the air during the attack and knocking him to the ground with a stunning spin kick.

The remaining two people hurriedly rolled around and used the beam of their flashlight to illuminate the figure of the blonde woman, leaving her nowhere to hide. Upon seeing this, the other people immediately rushed towards her with batons in their hands.

The blonde woman was not afraid, she quickly dodged several people's attacks and kicked everyone away with a quick low kick.


The person who was kicked away fell heavily to the ground and fainted. The few who were still conscious were touching their abdomens in pain and struggled feebly.

The blond woman didn't stay too long. She glanced at the people who were knocked down and then quickly walked towards the exhibition hall where the gems were hidden.
  Walking to the target display cabinet, she smashed the anti-theft glass with an elbow without saying a word, and obtained the Tears of the Goddess Alunes.

The blond woman held the tears of the goddess Alunes that she had snatched tightly, feeling the cold touch of the gem.

"Hmph, this gem is good, it will definitely fetch a good price."

She took a deep breath and decided to hide the gem. She carefully buried the gem in her clothes, close to her heart. She could feel the faint beating of the gem, as if it was one with her heart. To her, this gem was not just wealth, but a symbol of strength and freedom.

Feeling proud, she quickly moved towards the exit of the exhibition hall, leaving the defeated guards lingering. Her movements were quick and smooth, carefully avoiding the recovering light so as not to reveal her whereabouts.

Finally, I came to the stairs and started climbing the stairs quickly. She used the shadow of the handrail as cover to avoid possible guards. Every step is light and precise, without any unnecessary movement. As she climbed the stairs, the blonde woman's mood was full of excitement and nervousness. She felt the weight of the gem on her chest and knew it was a treasure that was hers alone. At the same time, she also knew that she was still in danger. She must remain alert to ward off any possible trackers.

Finally, the blonde woman reached the top of the building. The moonlight shining in the night sky illuminated her figure, making her look even more mysterious and charming. She glanced around to make sure no one noticed her arrival. Then, she walked straight to a corner on the roof and quickly found a dark place.

She carefully took out the gem from her chest and carefully studied the tears of the goddess Aluneth. The gem emits a deep blue light, like stars twinkling in the night sky.

Just then Hitomi Kaisei, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped down from the roof.

"Are you the fake cat eye?"

The blond woman smiled as if she expected it, "Have I finally attracted you here? It's good, as it saves me from looking for you at the Maoyan Cafe."

In the next life, the pupils' pupils changed drastically, and the 'cat's eyes' in front of them actually knew their identities.

"You stole in our name just to attract us?"

"Yes, with your intelligence and my physical strength, we will definitely be able to steal all the gems in the world." The blonde woman said excitedly and put the gems into her chest and stepped inside, "How about it? Do you want to cooperate with me? "

Afterlife Hitomi replied with a look of disdain, "Sorry, we are not a gang that aims to make money. We only take the gems and paintings that we should take."

"Stop pretending to me. A thief is a thief and there is nothing noble or noble about it."

Afterlife Tong was still very calm, "I'm not trying to gain your understanding."

"Since you don't want to cooperate, then go and die." As she said that, the blonde woman whipped her leg towards Laisheng Tong.

The blond woman's whip legs struck at Kaishengtong, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to dodge. However, Afterlife Hitomi was not flustered. She keenly caught the blonde woman's movements and quickly ducked sideways.

The moment he landed, Hitomi Kaishi counterattacked with a leg sweep, but the blonde woman easily dodged it.

The blonde woman's attack was fierce and fierce. She used her flexible body and agile movements to try to defeat Future Hitomi. Hitomi Raisei showed extraordinary skill and calm thinking. She quickly counterattacked, using precise fist and kick skills and quick movements to fight back against the blonde woman.

The two fought back and forth, neither one convinced the other. In the end, Hitomi deliberately used a flaw to let herself be caught by the other side, and then took advantage of the other side to relax their vigilance and knocked the blond woman unconscious with a high-altitude side kick.

Looking at the woman who had fallen into a coma, Hitomi finally felt relieved and planned to return the gems stolen by the woman to the police to clear their names.

But just after stretching out, the blond woman opened her eyes and suddenly exerted force, knocking the afterlife pupil to the ground with a punch.

He stood up and came to her side, patted the dust on his body, and said condescendingly, "Hahaha, do you think you can defeat me with just such a small fight?"

After the next life, Hitomi was just about to get up but was pinned down by the blond woman again. He couldn't get out of her. He sighed helplessly at how strong the other party was.

"Too weak, too weak."

(End of this chapter)

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