Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 366 Comics are money printing machines

Chapter 366 Comics are money printing machines

Since taking care of a cat at home, Fujiwara has appropriately reduced his outing activities.

In addition to editing comics for Ooka Momiji, his usual entertainment is answering emails. If the weather is cool, he doesn't mind going to the rooftop to contact Kendo...

The rest of the time, as long as Conan didn't disturb him, he would lie lazily on the sofa and listen to music in a daze.

Raising a cat seems simple but is actually very troublesome. Fujiwara once underestimated his patience and thought that he could feed a cat as long as he fed it some food and gave it space to move freely.

It's a pity that the cat's patience is a bit beyond his expectations.

First of all, cat poop stinks, and Fujiwara was careful not to urinate it everywhere. He spent a whole week teaching it to use the toilet, but the effect was not good and the cat couldn't understand human speech.

So he saw from the Internet that most cat owners would buy cat litter to deal with this problem, so he spent money to buy two bags of cat litter and changed it every day.

Last week, several children from the detective team came to him and planned to fly a kite together.

Fujiwara did promise a few people to fly kites together, but at that time, Fujiwara saw that winter had lasted for so long and spring had not yet arrived, so he just said it casually...

As a result, after seeing the tabby cat when they were about to go out, they all forgot about flying kites and all they wanted to do was play with the cat.

Chasing from the first floor to the third floor...

However, the tabby cat, which was not fully recovered at this time, refused to let anyone get close, much to their disappointment.

So the three of them decided to come back next week, but Fujiwara waited for seven or eight days and they didn't come.

Fortunately, things at Fujiwara Feeding Company are busy during this period. The entertainment company successfully resolved Yoko's contract dispute and started planning a new album as originally said. The current progress is that the recording and recording of the album have been completed.

The album produced for Yoko included 12 songs by Yoko Minamino and a light rock song requested by Yoko, which was considered a test of the waters.

Fujiwara was fully involved in the album collection and other work, striving to be meticulous in every step.

Because he knew very well that if this album didn't work, then he really didn't know how to face the Suzuki family.

Back then, the two Suzuki sisters had hastily agreed to their request for a partnership after being fooled by them, and they were also responsible for generously paying for someone to form a team.

Without their help, it would have been almost impossible to build such a large company with Fujiwara's personal connections.

Even though Fujiwara can afford it if he is fully funded, everything from lighting and makeup artists to screenwriters and agents all rely on personal connections. Otherwise, for a nouveau riche like Fujiwara, how would any screenwriter or director be willing to work with him? company signed a contract.

Moreover, when Fujiwara was recruiting people, he was targeting a Suzuki consortium that had entered the entertainment industry and deceived many people under its banner.

Judging from the current scale, the company can be established, and the contribution of the Suzuki family is immeasurable. If the first album prepared by the company does not have a blockbuster effect, not only the investors will be disappointed, but the Suzuki family will probably also complain.

Fujiwara can guarantee the quality of the songs, but he can't say how many sales they will have.

Who knows whether the aesthetics and opportunities in the two worlds will be the same.

This much-anticipated album is expected to be officially released at the end of this month. For this reason, Fujiwara did not hesitate to spend money to start promoting the album in various media. In addition, Fujiwara also purchased an animation studio at a low price and began to look for some experienced painters to form his own animation team, so that he could directly produce the redeemed comics into animations in the future and seize the opportunity.

Because of the system store, the comics in the store can be printed and published directly without the need for an artist. This not only avoids suspicion caused by conflicting different painting styles under the same pen name, but also relieves Fujiwara's pressure to a certain extent. .

Previously, because Fujiwara had no funds to do this, he had to cooperate with various comics and animation companies.

A printing plant can continuously produce comics, and these comics have been tested in the market by Fujiwara in his previous life. Almost all of them will become popular once they are released.

How violent this must be.

So what Fujiwara has to do now is that the steps from the release of comics to printing, putting them into the market, to animation adaptation, film and television adaptation, etc. all happen within the same company, and the transfer of copyright fees is also done internally to avoid copyright transfers to the greatest extent. To maximize efficiency, all the money earned will be his own after paying off other people's wages. Fujiwara then exchanged the money for comics and continued to repeat the above steps.

The result is that money begets money, there will be more and more money, and Fujiwara Hoshikai will become richer and richer.

The redeemed works have no authors, that is, there is no need to pay royalties or the royalties are all Fujiwara's own, and the animation of the works does not require the author's consent or is a one-sentence matter anyway. Fujiwara just put the company account The money in it is transferred to another account of yours.

The only troublesome thing is that the authors of these works are not allowed to show up, and they are not allowed to attend the company's annual meeting. Even the money collected is paid into various accounts under Fujiwara's different names.

However, Fujiwara Hoshikai also has a solution to this problem. When the time comes, he will refuse any interviews and interview activities on the grounds that the author does not want him to appear.

Just imagine how great it would be if the company's turnover, author's royalties, and copyright transfer fees were all concentrated on one person.

Of course, these are the most ideal situations. In fact, it takes three months to half a year for a comic to be put into the market to make a real profit. During this period, there are many silent costs that have not been calculated. If the profit is a positive number, then it is Difficult thing.

At present, the company's development plan is to use Yoko's album to gain a foothold in the entertainment market and stabilize the continued investment of the Suzuki Foundation, and then use the Kamen Superman cartoon to break into the animation field and lay the foundation for the future. Continue to work hard to pave the way.

In addition, Fujiwara was worried that this confusing timeline would mess up his plans.

"If only this timeline could be predicted."

The seasonal climate doesn't matter. He can adapt to sudden cooling or heating, but he is more worried about missing some more important events.

"But I will become a rich man sooner or later, right?"

As he spoke, Fujiwara put down the pen in his hand and picked up the tabby cat that was about to fall asleep on his lap and lifted it into the air.

"You think so too, right?"

After listening to Fujiwara's words, the tabby cat pretended to understand and nodded vigorously.

"Okay, let's add cat food tonight!"

As he spoke, Fujiwara carried the cat and walked downstairs. When passing by the second floor, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have never bathed the cat.

"Then take a bath today and eat the cat food tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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