Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 357 Procurement

Chapter 357 Procurement
  The next morning, the sun shone through the window on the floor of the Maoyan Cafe. Fujiwara Hoshikai arrived at the door of the cafe on time, parked the car on the side of the road and prepared to step into the door.

Just when he was about to take a step, a familiar voice suddenly called from behind. Fujiwara looked back urgently and confirmed that it was just his hallucination. So he turned around subconsciously, but unexpectedly bumped into Xiao Ai who was about to go out.

Fujiwara lost his balance slightly under the force of the impact, but he could barely stand still, while Xiao Ai was knocked back a few steps and accidentally fell to the ground, with the bag in his hand also falling to the ground.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Ai, I didn't see you. Let me pick it up for you." Fujiwara quickly came to his senses, squatted down, and lowered his head to help Xiao Ai pick up what she had just dropped.

However, just when Fujiwara was about to reach out to help Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai suddenly shook off Fujiwara's hand with force, her expression slightly indifferent. "You don't need to help me." Her voice was full of rejection and alienation. She stood up, patted her pants, picked up her bag and walked out of the cafe door.

Fujiwara stared at Xiao Ai's leaving figure with his mouth open, his heart in chaos. He didn't know what was going on and why Xiao Ai was so indifferent to his help. He felt that his behavior seemed to have touched some sensitive nerve, but he couldn't understand what it was exactly.

Recently, he could clearly feel that Xiao Ai's attitude towards him was a little cold, as if he was deliberately angry.

(What's going on here?)

Fujiwara Hoshikai was still in a daze when Hitomi Laisheng walked downstairs carrying a big bag and Laisheng Tears, and said: "Then are you going on a long trip?"

"No, Fujiwara, just take a rest first. We can move this ourselves."

Fujiwara was slightly startled. He originally wanted to help, but Hitomi's refusal made him feel a little embarrassed.

"Okay, but are you going on a long trip?"

"That's right." Laishengtong didn't explain too much, "But you came a little early today."

"Then it's unlucky that I came here. It seems I can only wait a week."

Last week Lai Sheng Hitomi told herself to arrange a cooking test this week.

"No, no, no, Sister Lei is not with us. She will be responsible for supervising Fujiwara's learning results today." Speaking of this, Hitomi remembered what happened yesterday and patted Fujiwara Hoshikai on the shoulder in a solemn tone, "The examiner this time is Sister Lei, Fujiwara must be serious." After saying that, he picked up his backpack and went out.

Fujiwara Xinghai looked outside the door for a while and then turned around to find that the next life of tears was also looking at him with solemn eyes.

(What's wrong with them? They are all so strange. Did someone quarrel with whom during the time I wasn't here?)

Afterlife Tears and Fujiwara Xinghai returned to the kitchen, thinking about how to take the next step.

Fujiwara Xinghai thought about it for a moment, feeling confident in his cooking skills. Through past study and continuous practice, he has reached the intermediate level. Since this was an assessment, he thought it would be a good idea to ask the next life to cry.

"Since it is an assessment, let Miss Lei set the questions."

"That's right. Let me check the refrigerator and see what I can do?"

"Okay, let me prepare first."


After Lai Sheng Lei left, Fujiwara took out the knives used for cutting vegetables and meat as usual and began to clean them. When he was halfway through washing, he heard Lai Sheng Lei's voice, "I'm so stupid, how could I forget this."

"What's wrong?" Fujiwara Xinghai put the knife back and went to check.

"Oh, it's nothing. Xiaotong was always doing the grocery shopping. Today she had something to do, so I forgot about it."

"No, it's my fault. I'm here to learn cooking, so I should be the one to buy it. I was in such a hurry this morning that I forgot about it. Let's do this, Miss Lei, wait for me, and I'll buy it back."

Fujiwara just turned around and took a few steps before running over in tears and holding his hand.

"Let's go together, I just have to do some shopping for the store."    "Okay."

Fujiwara was delighted and he readily agreed.

The two walked side by side to a nearby supermarket and started shopping for ingredients. Laisheng Lei personally taught Fujiwara how to choose fresh ingredients.

They came to the vegetable area, and Lai Shengli demonstrated how to choose fresh vegetables. She carefully observes the appearance, color and texture of each vegetable.

Laisheng Lei picked up a round tomato, pinched it gently, and then explained to Fujiwara: "Look, a fresh tomato should have a certain elasticity and bright color, without obvious spots or damage. And it should have a certain weight, which means it’s very moist and tastes better.”

"This little Tong hasn't taught you anything, has he?"

"No, Xiaotong never mentioned it."

Because every time before, Xiaotong prepared the food in advance and waited for him to mess with it.

Together they selected fresh vegetables, carrots and onions. Laisheng Tea taught Fujiwara how to identify fresh leafy vegetables. She pointed out that the leaves should be bright green and shiny, with no signs of chlorosis or yellowing.

"This is what was used in the sandwich you ate at the store last time. If the color is wrong, it will taste very astringent and not delicious."

"That's it"

Next, they headed to the meat section. Afterlife Tears shows how to choose tender and meaty options.

She picked up a piece of pork, pressed it gently, and then said to Fujiwara: "The tender meat should have a certain degree of elasticity, and the meat should look moist and shiny. Come to Fujiwara and you can touch it and feel it." The steak was handed to Fujiwara Xinghai.

"Well, it's indeed pretty cool, but there won't be any technology or ruthlessness in it, right?"

He remembered that there was something called meat tenderizer, which could soften the meat by adding water and tenderizing it.

"What kind of technology?" Laisheng Lei, who was choosing tendon meat, turned around and asked.

"Nothing, do you need to use all of these?"

"Oh no, leave some for next week, and Xiaotong and Xiaoai won't be back tonight, so we don't have to leave food for them."

"That's it"

Fujiwara was inexplicably excited when he heard that there was only one person in the cafe tonight who was in tears. She was the only one, didn't it mean that she could stay a little longer tonight?
  Seeing the smile on Fujiwara's face, the afterlife tear monster said, "What? Fujiwara-kun, is there anything you want to say to me?"

"No, no, no, I think it's a bit simple to just cook a meal. Why don't you just buy more ingredients and let me cook it at noon and evening?"

"I want to make dinner too, but Fujiwara-kun, you have to work hard. If it doesn't taste good, you have to finish it by yourself."

Cooking food that tastes bad is the greatest disrespect for the ingredients. This is worse than wasting food.
  "Ah? Is it so strict? That's okay, I can do it well."

If that doesn't work, he can also spend points to advance his cooking skills to advanced levels.

"That's good. Since Fujiwara-kun is so confident, I'll leave the cooking for lunch and dinner to you."


(End of this chapter)

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