Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 334 Sherlock Holmes Fan Murder Case

Chapter 334 Sherlock Holmes Fan Murder Case

In the silent valley, a black van drove slowly.

In the quiet valley, a black van was driving slowly. The middle-aged man in the front seat heard the woman next to him say, "You also like the study of words in blood."

"Yes, that was the case where Sherlock Holmes first appeared, and it was also the most amazing case in the entire series." The middle-aged man replied.

"Haha, I like the red-haired league the best." The young man in the back seat said with a smile.

"Really? I think The Hound of the Baskervilles is the most classic case." The woman on the side said, her eyes showing her love for that story.

"My favorite four signatures." After finally meeting a Ford fan who also likes Sherlock Holmes, Conan started a discussion excitedly.

The adults found it a bit funny when a child who seemed unable to read a word said that he liked Sherlock Holmes, but they still encouraged him, "It seems that the child knows a lot of words, right?"

"Yeah." Conan nodded excitedly.

The middle-aged man focused on talking about the hounds that Barley conquered. He vividly described the insidious and cunning enemy as well as Holmes's ingenious reasoning and case-solving process. His gestures and expressions make you feel like you can see the scene of the case and feel like you are in the story.

In the car, they were preparing to attend a gathering of Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts. At this time, they took advantage of the driving break to start talking about their favorite Sherlock Holmes storylines.

Fujiwara Hoshikai was sitting in the second row talking on the phone about business, because not long after they signed Yoko, they were sued by Yoko's old club for breach of contract and were cleaning up the remaining mess.

Unlike Conan's excitement, Mouri Kogoro had a downcast face and didn't understand why he wanted to attend such a boring gathering of Sherlock Holmes lovers.

(If I had known better, I wouldn’t have played mahjong)

At this time, the middle-aged man noticed the uninterested Mouri Kogoro and asked, "Which case in the Sherlock Holmes series does this gentleman like?"

Kogoro, who was suddenly called upon, seemed a little flustered. He quickly thought about Sherlock Holmes in his mind, but he didn't have any impression. The only thing he had an impression of was the Western Express Murder Case, which didn't seem to be from Sherlock Holmes.

At this time, someone said on behalf of Kogoro, "Maybe we have finished talking about the case just now, and this gentleman may not know what to say for a while."

Conan looked at Kogoro Mouri helplessly after hearing this, thinking that fortunately this man didn't talk nonsense and make himself look embarrassing.

Just as he was thinking about this, what Kogoro said the next second made him fall to the ground, speechless and impressed.

"I still prefer works like Night Walk and The Devotion of Suspect Z."

As soon as these words came out, the carriage fell into silence, and even Fujiwara, who was chatting on the phone, stopped and said "Let's talk tomorrow" and hung up.

Without waiting for Kogoro to be confused, the middle-aged man pointed it out directly, "I'm afraid this gentleman is a fake detective fan. The book you are talking about is clearly Fujiwara Hoshikai's Byakuya and The Devotion of Suspect X, and you don't even have a Sherlock Holmes." I can’t even explain the case, so I’m afraid it’s not a fake Sherlock Holmes.”

"Uh uh uh" After realizing it, Kogoro bowed his head in embarrassment. He felt that he was sorry for his students, but it was enough for this group of book lovers to question such a clever detective like him.

Fujiwara also felt that it was a bit outrageous. Even if he hadn't read the book, he should know the name.

Conan patted Fujiwara on the shoulder sympathetically. With such an out-of-character teacher, Fujiwara would probably be unlucky for eight lifetimes.

(So ​​why did Fujiwara Hoshikai seek apprenticeship with Mori Kogoro?)

The middle-aged man still didn't want it to end like this, and sarcastically said, "I really don't know how this kind of person got in. A fake detective fan came to a gathering of Sherlock Holmes lovers. He probably can't even reason. You don’t know anything.”

"It's really disappointing."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the car was getting awkward, the girl who was driving the car took the initiative to intervene and said, "Actually, it's not just you, there is another group of selected people who are sitting in my boss's car and rushing to the villa." "Ah? There is another group of people who were selected." Approval of people?" Kogoro felt his head pounding when he heard this.

"Wouldn't it be more fun this way? Wouldn't it feel like a Baker Street team for a group of Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts to get together and decipher the secrets together?"

Kogoro was worried that he had no chance to vent. When he heard Conan interrupt, he immediately punched him, "I told you to talk too much."

Conan felt aggrieved and touched the spineless man on his head, and began to curse the black organization for making him smaller.

(Damnable men in black, I will catch you in jail sooner or later.)

As soon as the matter came to an end, several people in the car noticed that Fujiwara, who had been on the phone since he got in the car, finally put down the phone. They wondered if this person might also be a fake fan and asked, "This is because I like it." Which Sherlock Holmes case is it?”

Fujiwara, who had already prepared for this gathering, obviously would not be troubled.

"Dancing villain, I still think that the plot of Sherlock Holmes deducing the operating logic of the code word through those symbols is particularly exciting. Even now, I still think that only the Orient Train Murder Case can rival it."

"Fujiwara-san also likes Sherlock Holmes, but I've never told you before."

Fujiwara looked at Conan who jumped out at this juncture, pinched the big bump on his head and smiled without saying a word.

Kogoro lowered his head and thought about whether to correct the Express Murder Case, which was not an 'Eastern' one but an 'Occidental' one. As one of the few novels he had read completely, he was still very confident in himself.


The middle-aged people nodded after hearing this, indicating that they felt the same way.

With the addition of Fujiwara, the originally dull atmosphere broke away with laughter. Everyone was laughing and discussing which of Agatha's Poirot and Sherlock Holmes was more powerful. Only Kogoro was in a depressed mood and didn't know what to do.

After arriving at the destination, everyone got off the car, lamented the remote location and began to look forward to today's prize.

The first English edition of A Study in Scarlet is extremely valuable for collection and is now almost impossible to find on the market.

At this moment, another van arrived slightly later, probably Hattori Heiji and others.

Fujiwara saw that several people had left and had no intention of waiting for another car to get off.

(It’s not impossible to meet again later anyway.)
  So he put away his cigarette and followed Kogoro and others into the house.

As soon as he left, the door of the opposite car was opened, and the first person to get off was a boy wearing a hunting hat and a brown slim-fitting windbreaker. After getting off the car, he glanced at his pocket watch and said, "9:29:54, quite on time. "

With that said, he walked into the house.

This strange behavior soon aroused Hattori Heiji's confusion. He pulled the boy who had been chatting with him and asked, "Has this person always been like this?"

When asked, Koshimi Nanatsuki shook his head and said he didn't know.

"This is also the first time Mr. Baima and I have met, so we are not very familiar with each other."

"Really? I just saw you guys chatting so deeply that I thought you were friends. By the way, is the boy named Fujiwara Hoshimi you just talked about the best-selling author?"


(End of this chapter)

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