Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 324 The Ooka Family’s Sincerity

Chapter 324 The Ooka Family’s Sincerity
  "What do you want to do?"

Fujiwara's face became a little ugly when he saw that the suspicion in his heart came true, especially when the other party said that he had been away for less than a month, which made him feel nauseous and wanted to vomit.

How could it be that he left Ooka's house only for a month?

I still remember that they had agreed not to interfere with each other, and for this reason he specially took away 100 million yen.

The group of people today were quite impressive. The three people next to them each carried two suitcases. Except for Qian Fujiwara, he couldn't figure out whether there was anything that needed to be packed in a suitcase of this level, so he carried it back.

(Is it possible that they plan to continue spending money to get something from me?)
  When he left the Ooka family, he didn't seem to have taken anything except 100 million yen, and he didn't seem to have any clues about the Ooka family left on him.

In short, Fujiwara can't figure out the purpose of this group of people, and under what circumstances they need to bring money...

The person opposite clearly anticipated Fujiwara's reaction and smiled, "The fate between Fujiwara-kun and our Ooka family is a long story, so it's better to talk about it slowly."

It was rare for the other party to say such polite words, so Fujiwara planned to bring them in first. Anyway, as long as he entered the house, the initiative would be in his hands.

At this moment, he was not making any threats to win over.

Several people followed Fujiwara into the living room, waiting for Fujiwara to sit down and motioning for the other party to sit down. At the same time, their inquiring eyes never left the men in black, watching their movements vigilantly.

As a big family that has had a prime minister, it is hard to predict whether their bodyguards will carry guns or anything like that.

Seeing that the leading man was hesitant to speak, Fujiwara took the lead and said, "There is no tea at home. If you feel thirsty, there are drinks in the small refrigerator at your feet."

He couldn't do the task of making tea for these people.

The man touched his bald head awkwardly, and said as if he had made a difficult choice, "It seems that Fujiwara-kun has changed a lot in the past month. If they hadn't said that you live here, I'm afraid I couldn't even recognize you when you passed by. I heard that you have been busy running around the publishing house recently, and you have gained a bit of fame. The old lady was very happy when she heard about it..."

After listening to the somewhat incomprehensible words, Fujiwara, who thought he had a good temper, did not calm down. He leaned on the sofa and crossed his legs with an unhappy look on his face.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. I have to go out for something later. I don't have much time to spend a lot of time with you. Besides, even in Kyoto, I don't know you very well."

Letting them waste time is not a good option. If the other party keeps delaying, Fujiwara will evict them.

This obviously arrogant provocation did not dissatisfy the middle-aged man, but the expressions on his men's faces turned ugly. One of them was just about to remind him, when he was interrupted, "There is a saying that a person who has been separated for three days should treat each other with admiration. I I can also understand Fujiwara-kun's mood at the moment. In fact, Fujiwara-kun must have had a premonition of the purpose of my trip. After all, I was responsible for Fujiwara-kun's living arrangements before..." Fujiwara listened to the other party's self-righteous speech and shook his head crazily in his heart,' This Taima didn't say anything, but because I knew everything, how could there be such an outrageous thing.

Feeling that he was being tricked, Fujiwara was about to get angry, but then he thought that this might be the other party's words, with the purpose of making him angry or irritating.

Thinking that Fujiwara suppressed his anger and chose to remain calm, thinking that whoever gets anxious first will lose, his heart gradually calmed down.

Seeing that the reaction he expected did not appear on the other person's face, the man spontaneously lamented his miscalculation and began to talk about what happened three years ago.

"After Fujiwara-kun lost to Hoshishima Ichiro in the Dragon King Tournament, Fujiwara-kun seemed to have changed. He couldn't even speak. But seeing as he was the son-in-law appointed by the master, we didn't say much and helped. You contacted the welfare institution and the language school, and you also received half a year of training there. In this matter, our Ooka family has done our best to be benevolent and righteous, and we also followed Fujiwara-kun's advice and did not force us to return to the Shogi Association. You must admit this to yourself, Fujiwara-kun, about participating in the competition, right?"

Fujiwara Hoshikai nodded. At this point, the Ooka family had nothing to say, and they provided some basic help. However, in the matter of the language school and the welfare home, it was the Shogi Association that really played a role. At this point, they seem to be taking credit for themselves.

"But in the subsequent battle with the King, we also chose to understand that you refused to fight three times in a row and gave away the title in vain. In addition, in order for Fujiwara-kun to recover as soon as possible, we specially hired a master to be your sparring partner. Even though you tried your best, you still chose to refuse the fight because of insufficient preparation, and you won’t deny that the title of chess king was transferred to someone else.”

Fujiwara didn't say anything when he heard this, silently recalling that there was indeed a time when he learned shogi three years ago.

As a soul traveler, he knew very little about this 'new world', and he didn't even recognize that it was the world of Detective Conan. He didn't even inherit the memories of his predecessor, so naturally he didn't have his original memories and abilities. , it is naturally very difficult to learn shogi, but the other party did miss one thing. Not long after the teacher came, the head of the Ooka family passed away, and Fujiwara only learned it for less than ten days in total. How could he be in the same situation at this time? Play against Hideyoshi Haneda, who became famous at a young age.

Instead of being completely beaten and lost by the opponent in public again, it is better to give up the hot title without fighting and save yourself some trouble.

The middle-aged man continued to speak without stopping, "Actually, many people in the family were very optimistic about the master's decision, and they all felt that a genius like Fujiwara-kun was worthy of our young lady, but you later fell into obscurity... "

Although what the other party said was unpleasant, Fujiwara couldn't refute it. Although there were many objective elements in this matter, it was indeed him who got to that point step by step.

However, this matter can still be explained. It is said that a suburban black iron player who has not practiced heroes very much and only plays robot duels was forced to get the account of a Korean server master. Without a language barrier, he played dozens of high-intensity games in a row. I feel helpless after losing all the rankings and losing all my points.

It's true that it was Kurogane, but he was forced into such a high-pressure situation all of a sudden, and he was not given a Chinese translation package to translate the language and text, so he had to make an unprecedented effort in his life to learn Japanese from scratch. Fortunately, the teacher at that school can understand Chinese, otherwise it would be very difficult for him to learn it on his own.

It took him half a year to do the most basic thing, and the language problem had just been solved. He didn't even know much about the rules and tactics when he was arranged to participate in the title battle.

It would be strange to win in this situation...

(End of this chapter)

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