Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 322 Yoko is box office poison

Chapter 322 Yoko is box office poison

Fujiwara sat quietly in the study room of the office, his eyes falling on the movie scripts and songs provided by the system on the table. He thought deeply about his vision for Japan's entertainment and film industries.

Two weeks later, the movie was also withdrawn from theaters. After more than a month of release, the cumulative box office reached 35.21 billion, making it undoubtedly the biggest dark horse this year.

Fujiwara's total revenue has also soared from the original 5 million to about 7 million yen.

At the same time, calls from financial management companies kept coming. They promised to help Fujiwara realize wealth appreciation, but Fujiwara knew clearly that wealth is not just the growth of numbers, but also includes investment in oneself and future planning. He remained cautious and did not blindly accept the promises of these financial management companies. Instead, he chose to conduct face-to-face consultation and discussions with professional financial advisors.

After receiving calls from investors and new directors, Fujiwara decided to remain calm and cautious. He understands that cooperation requires careful consideration, not only based on the strength of the other party and the potential of the project, but also to ensure that it is consistent with his own values ​​and goals. He carefully screens every cooperation request and conducts in-depth research and analysis.

During this time, he realized that starting a brokerage firm was a promising option. By hosting the full spectrum of action, film and music, he can bring his creativity and talent to work with others to achieve greater impact and wealth. He recalled that he had good themes, stories that could be turned into movies, and potential scripts in the system store. These resources provided him with strong backing after establishing his brokerage company.

However, Fujiwara was also aware that he was faced with the dilemma of what to do with these scripts. Taking out your own script and making a movie for others, although you can get dividends, it may not necessarily maximize your wealth growth. He understood that in order to maximize his wealth, he needed to establish a movie theater, supervise the production alone, and negotiate cooperation with the theater in the name of the company. The risk of doing this is that you cannot predict whether the script you are optimistic about will continue to be popular. If it fails, you will suffer huge pressure and losses.

At the same time, he also realized that the long-awaited Kamen Rider series in the system was about to be released, and it would likely become the mainstay of the tokusatsu series. Fujiwara is excited about the future of the series.

To be fair, he does have a few good themes that can be remade into movies, and there are also a few scripts in the system store that he is quite optimistic about. At this time, cooperating with others is a good choice, but taking his own script It is not a very wise choice to make movies for others and only earn dividends. If you want to maximize your wealth, you have to set up your own movie theater to supervise the production alone, and then negotiate cooperation with the theater in the name of the company. However, the difficulty in doing this is that it is difficult to predict whether the scripts you are optimistic about will continue to be popular. If they fail, there will be no chance to play. Moreover, the system also provides songs. After a simple browse, Fujiwara found that the songs above were all smash hits, including famous theatrical versions such as "Dead Man on Baker Street" and "Time after time ~花 Dance Streetで~" song.

I remember that there are several celebrities with the same name in the real world in this world, and Mai Kuraki is one of them. It would be interesting to sign her and sing these songs that originally belong to her.

Moreover, the Kamen Rider series that has been gathering dust in the system warehouse for a long time is about to be released, and it will surely become the mainstay of tokusatsu dramas soon.

He has been thinking about this for a while, but since this is his first time trying to start a company, he doesn't understand many things, and he doesn't dare to rashly invest hundreds of millions in a field that he is completely unfamiliar with. Not only will he not make any money, Even lose money.

During this period, he began to actively seek consultation and learn relevant knowledge and experience about starting a company. He read many stories of successful entrepreneurs, attended entrepreneurship seminars, and had in-depth discussions with some industry experts. Through continuous learning and accumulation of knowledge, he gradually built up his confidence in starting a brokerage company.

At the same time, Fujiwara also began to contact and negotiate with some potential partners. He hopes to find like-minded people to jointly create excellent works and business models. He knows that the selection of partners is crucial, and they should have professional capabilities, a deep understanding of the industry, and be aligned with his ideas, values, and goals.

Fujiwara also met with a professional financial advisor to discuss his financial situation and future plans in detail. They helped him evaluate investments and risks and provided targeted advice and strategies. Understanding the importance of financial planning in achieving wealth growth and sustainability, Fujiwara decided to follow professional advice and develop a workable financial strategy.

In fact, he had several candidates in mind that he thought were suitable. The two Suzuki sisters, who come from a wealthy family and have a rich family, are potential partners, and two of them fully meet all his fantasies about partners.

She is knowledgeable and generous, and she is not as reserved as others when getting along with her. Fujiwara vaguely remembers that the Suzuki family trained Sonoko as their heir, and Ayako did not choose to join the family group, but opened a clothing studio on her own. It was obvious that she wanted to do something on her own. And Yuanzi, who has always been out of tune, must have some fantasies of his own.

Although Sonoko should not be viewed with a snobbish eye, Fujiwara understands that she should be the easier one to convince among all the people he has come into contact with. As long as she makes up her mind to get involved, the Suzuki Group behind her will enter the market, and other investments will then be made. If investors know that the Suzuki Group is behind this company, they will increase investment.

As long as the company scales up, Fujiwara can guarantee long-term operation.

Therefore, it is very important to establish this relationship with the Suzuki family. Once things are done, we can continue to make money.

As for signing artists and directors, that's a matter for later.

Thinking about this, Fujiwara put the iron kettle filled with water on the gas stove. His thoughts were interrupted by the incoming call notification on the mobile phone nearby.

After turning on the stove, I took the phone and saw it was Yoko Okino.

What is she looking for?
  Unable to figure it out, he picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

"Congratulations, Ms. Yoko, the movie starring you broke the record."

"Huh? Oh, yes, I saw that report too, but it's very inappropriate to give me the credit for the box office explosion. After all, this is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

As an idol singer who has been in the industry for many years, her answer can be said to be spotless.

"There's no need to be so polite. Isn't this the first time Yoko and I have met? Please be honest..."

After a few seconds of pause, Ms. Yoko finally spoke, her voice weak and slightly trembling: "I'm very happy that I'm no longer a box office poison. The last time the movie I starred in failed at the box office, the audience blamed me. .I am really worried about this movie. I am especially afraid that everyone will be disappointed because of me. I am paying attention to the box office statistics every day..."

(End of this chapter)

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