Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 320 Fishing

Chapter 320 Fishing
  Mouri Kogoro was stimulated by Professor Matsuda who liked fishing next door, and took Conan and Fujiwara to the fishing club near the golf course on Hachijo Island, thinking that I could catch bigger fish.

The sun shines through the blue sky on the blue lake, and the breeze blows, bringing a bit of coolness. Mouri Kogoro held the Supreme Card and three sets of fishing poles in his hands. While distributing equipment to Fujiwara and Conan, he taught them how to wind lines and hang fishing bait.

Fujiwara, who knew nothing about fishing, had no choice but to consult Kogoro, who obviously had some experience.

"Fujiwara-kun, you have to remember that fishing is a sport that requires patience and meticulousness. When winding the line, keep the line neat to avoid tangles. First pass the line through the wire loop, and then wrap the line tail around the reel , use your fingers to stabilize the thread end, and gradually turn the reel to make the thread evenly taut." Mouri Kogoro demonstrated with focused eyes and skillful movements, and it is difficult not to think that he is an expert in this field.

Fujiwara carefully observed Mouri Kogoro's movements and tried his best to imitate the steps of winding the thread.

Conan stood aside, watching Mouri Kogoro's every move intently. Although he thinks he knows a little bit about every field, and he went fishing with his father when he was in Hawaii, but in his current state as a child, he needs to play the role of a learner who doesn't know anything.

Mouri Kogoro noticed Conan's busy tying the fishing line. He walked up to Conan with an uncharacteristic smile and explained patiently: "Conan, fishing requires a lot of skills and experience, but the most important thing is observation and patience. You have to learn to observe. The behavior of the fish, choosing the right bait, and mastering the timing of releasing and retracting the line at the right time. Of course, your small body may not be able to pull the fish here, hahahaha.”

Although he was teased for being short, Conan still nodded and showed with a serious expression that he understood.

Mouri Kogoro then picks up the bait box and shows Fujiwara and Conan the different types of bait. He explained: "These baits have their own characteristics and uses, and can be selected according to different fish species and environments. For example, this soft bait is suitable for sea fishing, while this floating bait is suitable for freshwater lakes."

Under the guidance of Kogoro Mori, Fujiwara and Conan began to hang the bait on the hook. They carefully adjust the length of the fishing line to ensure that the bait is close to the water and attracts the attention of the fish.

"Okay, now we just need to wait and patiently wait for the fish to take the bait. Remember to be patient. It doesn't matter if you can't catch the fish, but you must be patient." Mouri Kogoro encouraged the two of them.

Fishing is a process that requires waiting, and it is also a moment to get close to nature.

Conan and Fujiwara sat on the fishing chairs, relaxing and waiting for the fish to appear. The sun was shining on them, there was a gentle breeze, and the only sound around them was the sound of waves crashing against the rocks.

In a peaceful atmosphere, Kogoro Mouri enjoyed fishing with them. At this moment, they forgot about the busy work and complicated cases, and only focused on the fishing line in front of them and the moment they were looking forward to.

Two hours later, Conan, who was feeling a bit out of sorts, planned to chat with Fujiwara to kill time, but found that the other party was standing on a pole by the water and chatting on the phone with no intention of chatting with him at all.

Kogoro, who was also obviously impatient because the fish didn't bite the hook, looked at the fish swimming in the water and scolded Conan on the side. Conan, who was scolded, lowered his head and returned to the previous position and threw another shot. "Didn't I tell you, kid, you have to be patient when fishing? Do you understand patience?"

But just this moment, the fish that was about to bite Kogoro's hook ran away, causing Kogoro to complain.

"Running away again, you are sincerely against me, right?"

In the end, Conan even started to criticize Kogoro for showing his true colors. He even said things like being patient even though he couldn't hold on for long.

While Conan was fishing, he noticed that the brown-haired boy who came over half an hour ago had already caught three fish.

Conan looked at his empty bucket and the two small fishes caught by Kogoro and sighed, "Oh, if it weren't for those people in black, I wouldn't be so bored."

As soon as the video game company found traces of a black organization, the other party was killed in a bomb, and even the last clue disappeared. Just when he was thinking about this, Conan felt like his fishing rod was being bitten by something and kept pulling. Conan was also startled by this sudden change and screamed, "It's bitten!"

Just when Conan was about to close the rod and drag the fish out, Conan found that his strength could not drag it out. After several consecutive flops, when Conan felt that he was about to be dragged down, someone came over to help him pull the fishing rod. .

With the help of that person, Conan finally dragged the fish ashore. When he turned around to thank him, the other person spoke first, "At 13:25:36, the kid caught the first fish of the day."

"Ah?" Conan, who didn't understand the other person's thoughts, looked blankly at the brown-haired boy in front of him, wondering why he said this.

Conan looked at the strange boy suspiciously, not quite understanding his intentions. Mouri Kogoro came over to check out the big fish Conan caught. When he saw the size of the fish, he couldn't help but frowned in jealousy.

"This... this is just a novice benefit! A novice can actually catch such a big fish!" Kogoro muttered with some dissatisfaction.

Conan knew Kogoro's temper well. He smiled and said to Kogoro: "Uncle Kogoro, this is just a coincidence. It's just good luck. If uncle hadn't taught me the trick, I would definitely not be able to catch the fish."

After hearing Conan's words, Kogoro showed a happy smile on his face. He touched Conan's hair and said, "But you are indeed lucky. This fish is really big!"

Conan smiled and thanked the brown-haired boy next to him who helped him pull the pole.

"Thank you big brother for your help. If you hadn't helped me in time, I might not have been able to catch this fish."

Bai Ma Tan put away his pocket watch, nodded with a smile, and replied: "You're welcome, fishing is also an activity that requires teamwork. Everyone is here to relax and enjoy time, and it is natural to help each other. I'm leaving first, kids. ."

"Yes." Conan nodded gratefully.

At this time, Fujiwara, who came back from the phone call, saw Hakuba Tan chatting with Conan.

(How could he be in a place like this?)
  He never expected to meet this man in a place like this. He and Kaito had just met him last week and completed the theft under his nose.

Seeing Fujiwara coming over, Conan was excited and took out the fish he had just caught to show off.

"Oh, Conan is very powerful. You caught such a big fish."

Conan touched his head in embarrassment, then pointed to the white horse detective next to him and told the story.

"Fujiwara?" Hakuba squinted his eyes and quickly thought of a detective named Fujiwara Hoshikai that Officer Nakamori had mentioned. However, when the two met for the first time, he was a little unsure whether it was the other person.

(End of this chapter)

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