Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 314 Qingzi wants to become a dua man

Chapter 314 Qingzi wants to become a dua man

Jiang Gutian Senior Secondary Class B.

Kuroba Kaito sat in the second to last seat in the row by the window and stared out the window in a daze.

He originally invited Fujiwara Hoshikai to participate in the operation, but after hearing about the mission and its content, he refused directly because it was not Pandora this time, and told him to be careful of the witch. When he asked the other party how he knew it, the other party just said, "The secret must not be leaked" and refused to reveal more.

He had a hunch that Fujiwara should be as knowledgeable about magic prophecies as Anko, but he himself preferred to believe that his decision was not wrong, so he still sent a warning letter to the Metropolitan Police Department.

(What does Fujiwara-san mean when he says be careful with red children?)
  "Good morning, Kaito." A crisp voice interrupted his fantasy. He turned around slightly unexpectedly and saw the cloth wrapped in Aoko's hand, which seemed a little strange.

"Good morning, what's the thing in Qingzi's hand?"

As if she had expected it, Nakamori Aoko showed off her entire wrist, "This is a little magic."

"Little magic?"

"Yes, when I was changing my shoes just now, Anko taught me a magic trick to turn me into an adult. It is said that as long as I wear this for more than 4 days, I can become an adult. Kaito will also ask Anko for one later, no. You can’t be so childish anymore.”

He is obviously a high school student, but he plays pranks on her like a primary school student.

After hearing this, Kaito lay on the table and laughed at Aoko for being naive, even worse than a kindergarten student.

In another corner of the classroom, Anko, who was bowed down by a group of boys, glared at Kuroba Kaito and Aoko.

(Sooner or later I will make all the men in the world my captives one day, and I will get rid of those who are unwilling to obey one by one, especially you Kuroba Kaito!)

She has received a prophecy from the evil god Lucifer that sinful people will hide in the bright red tower on the day of the full moon.
  Although she didn't listen to it completely, she believed that she could completely make Kuroba Kaito disappear from the world tonight.

Feeling the inexplicable chill, Kuroba Kaito was so frightened that he quickly covered his arms and kept muttering, "Here we go again, here we go again, what kind of grudge does Anko have against me?"
  At night, Kuroba Kaito put on his equipment and arrived on the roof of the North-South Museum of Art. Although he still felt a strong sense of discomfort, he still decided to take action.

With prior planning, he easily cut open the fan in the ventilation duct, followed the pre-prepared fluorescent powder line, and quietly arrived under the container containing the gem. He fumbled and after some efforts, succeeded in getting the gem. Just as he was about to evacuate, the smoke that had been prepared quickly spread, covering his whereabouts.

However, at this moment, Officer Zhongmori suddenly appeared and broke the glass.

Kuroba Kaito was shocked: "Oops."

The distance between the bullet and him was only ten centimeters. If it had been any more deflected, he would have died gloriously.

(This is really strange. Officer Nakamori does not usually carry a gun. I have never seen him behave like this.)
  The police officers in the hands of Officer Nakamori were also shocked by this scene. They had never seen Officer Nakamori look like this. When they were about to persuade him, they were stopped by the crazy Nakamori: "Damn Kid, I want to Kill you!" He said and fired two more shots in Kaito's direction.

"Bang! Bang!"

Kuroba Kaito moved his body flexibly to avoid the shooting, and quickly evacuated the scene while starting his Hot Wheels skateboards. He noticed that there was something evil about Officer Zhongmori today, and he was completely different from his usual person.

It's like being possessed.    It's not a good place to stay for a long time!

Kuroba Kaito rushed out of the museum hall, his heart beating fast and his eyes fixed on the stairs ahead.

The moment he took the first step, Officer Zhongmori's gunfire rang out again. The bullet grazed Kuroba Kaito's ear, passed through the tips of his hair, and almost touched his scalp. He felt an icy wind blowing by and couldn't help but quicken his pace.

"It's close!"

He suddenly understood what danger Fujiwara told him was referring to. It was probably Anko's fault that Officer Nakamori became like this, and the skull necklace around his neck looked like Anko's operation.

Kuroba Kaito quickly stepped onto each step, as if flying in the air. Behind him, Officer Nakamori chased and kept pulling the trigger. The bullet passed through the gap in the stairwell, sparking, but missing Kaito Kuroba.

"We have to find an opportunity to cut his necklace off."

Kuroba Kaito turned around deftly and took out a rope from his arms while running. He quickly tied the rope to the stair railing, then jumped up and slid up the rope. His figure was like a bolt of lightning, disappearing quickly in the dark night.

Officer Nakamori watched Kuroba Kaito go away, gritted his teeth, and ran towards the roof angrily. He was determined not to let the thief escape. He jumped quickly and climbed up the stairs step by step, his face full of enthusiasm and ferocity.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you"

When Kuroba Kaito arrived at the top of the building, Officer Nakamori was already chasing him. Kuroba Kaito looked around hurriedly, looking for a way to escape. His eyes fell on a huge ring hanging from the edge of the roof.

Kuroba Kaito had no time to hesitate, he quickly rushed towards the ring. He made a thrilling roll in the air and accurately grabbed the ring. He used the rotating force of the hanging ring to spin a circle in the air like a flexible monkey, then took the opportunity to take out the poker pistol and pressed the trigger at Officer Zhongmori.

Officer Nakamori was not to be outdone. The two of them pressed the trigger almost at the same time. The poker cut the necklace around Officer Nakamori's neck. The bullet also grazed Kuroba Kaito's wrist, leaving a burning and stinging feeling.

"It should be fine." Holding his wrist that was in severe pain, Kaito quickly evacuated.

Officer Zhongmori, who regained consciousness, watched Kidd quickly pass through several buildings in the air, and roared unwillingly, "Damn Kidd, I will catch you sooner or later."

But after he shouted, he saw the gun in his hand, with green smoke coming out of the barrel, and roared again, "Cunning Kidd, you actually put the pistol into my hand, you are so cunning."

Kaito, who was evacuating from the rope with his skateboard shoes in the distance, heard Officer Nakamori's voice and smiled helplessly, "It's not my fault, Officer Nakamori. If you want to blame it, blame that naughty witch."

Although there were some thrills today, he managed to get through it.

"What? That's the danger Fujiwara mentioned. He still underestimates me."

Just as he was evacuating from the building triumphantly, black feathers suddenly fell from the sky, and then Hongzi, dressed in cool clothes, appeared holding a golden sickle and climbed up from the pile of feathers, as if he appeared out of thin air.

"I've been waiting for you Kuroba Kaito for a long time. No, you should be called Kaitou Kid, but as long as you die, it doesn't matter who you are."

As he spoke, he slashed the golden sickle in his hand horizontally.
  (End of this chapter)

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