Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 299 Shenluo Tianzheng

Chapter 299 Shenluo Tianzheng
  After the exhibition ended successfully, people began to disperse, and the atmosphere in the art gallery became peaceful. The police officers participating in the exhibition were very emotional and fortunate that no accidents occurred during this period.

The tourists I played today were mostly policemen from the Metropolitan Police Department. After seeing the extra people dispersed, they began to make eye contact one after another, waiting for the next order.

After all, none of them dared to be careless until the rightful owner showed up.

At this time, Miss Rubel, who had finished meeting the guests, came to the main hall with light steps.

He leaned into the ear where Fujiwara was looking and said softly: "This is a moment worth celebrating. In order to thank Fujiwara-kun for taking care of me tonight, I plan to thank you properly."

Fujiwara was tickled by the sudden heat, but he did not directly reject Miss Rubell's invitation. He slightly frowned and said calmly, "It's better not to relax easily, Miss Rubell. Just because they didn't show up doesn't mean they will." not coming."

Who knows if they are here or if they are preparing to take action.

Officer Nakamori, who is also in charge of security, agrees with Fujiwara's view. The so-called calm before the storm, the less the monster thieves come, the more panicked he becomes.

"Detective Fujiwara is right, we can't take it lightly. I think it's better for us to be more careful. Lupine's bride, Maoyan, Kidd and others are not ordinary people."

Miss Rubel raised her eyes and smiled softly, "This is what I began to appreciate about Detective Fujiwara, who is always witty and calm. However, I think you are too worried about those so-called Phantom Thieves. Maybe they are as timid as mice, or maybe I have realized the consequences of being our enemy at my art exhibition. And with you protecting me, even if they have ten courages, I won’t dare to come here easily.”

Her tone revealed her contempt for the Phantom Thief, which made Fujiwara feel helpless. Generally speaking, contempt leads to problems.

Officer Zhongmori smiled sheepishly after hearing this, "Don't worry, Miss Rubel, our Neon Police will definitely ensure your safety."

"I believe you. It's time for me to go back and rest." After saying that, she turned and left directly, but before that, she showed a strange smile to Fujiwara, which made Fujiwara feel a little confused.

"Miss Rubel, walk slowly, we'll be fine here." Officer Nakamori patted Fujiwara on the shoulder, saying that he had done a good job and was energetic today.

"Thank you, but I only did what I was required to do, and the matter is not over yet."

"Yes, they may still come here during the night, so we must persist to the end tonight."

Fujiwara nodded, but his eyes were still fixed on the other person's leaving figure.

The scene when I was talking to Miss Rubell two hours ago. At that time, the fragrance on her body was light and fragrant, which complemented her elegant image. But now, the smell of perfume permeating Miss Rubel's body is completely different, exuding the smell of woody incense.

It seemed that she changed her clothes at noon and changed her perfume inexplicably.

"Does anyone really have two perfumes that they can use interchangeably?"

Generally speaking, if a person likes a kind of perfume, then there is a high probability that her preference will be to choose different brands in the same range as much as possible.

At this moment, a police officer came over and reported to Fujiwara that a woman was waiting for him at the door with a lunch box, saying that it was Fujiwara's friend who came to deliver the meal.

"My friend? What's his name?"

"Tears in the next life."

Fujiwara immediately perked up when he heard this. After saying goodbye to Officer Nakamori, he went directly to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, where he saw a woman with long hair and a shawl waiting at the door of the hotel.

Her black hair fluttered gently like wings, paired with her clear eyes, exuding a mysterious and unique charm.

Today Laisheng Lei wore a black dress, showing off her elegant figure and perfect curves, holding a steaming late-night snack in her hand. She frowned slightly, trying to find Fujiwara in the crowd. "You go back first, I will come up later."

After seeing off the young police officer, Fujiwara walked towards Lai Sheng with a contented look on his face.

At the same time, Laisheng Lei seemed to notice a familiar figure approaching her, so she also walked towards Fujiwara. Suddenly she saw Anruette Rubel walking from the opposite side.
  The two women looked at each other and wanted to say hello. After all, they had a brief conversation on the beach. However, she immediately felt Miss Rubell's disregard, as if she didn't exist at all. This sudden indifference made the next life freeze in place with tears.

She immediately turned around and glanced at the other person's leaving figure. The Miss Rubel who had talked to her on the beach seemed to have a completely different temperament from the person in front of her.

As the elevator arrived, Miss Rubel left the lobby. Fujiwara walked to Laisheng Tear and hugged her before she could react.

"Fujiwara you?"

Afterlife Tears was startled by the sudden hug, and took a few steps back in panic. A few thin red clouds quietly appeared and disappeared.
  After Fujiwara realized that this move was inappropriate, he gradually relaxed, smiled and touched his head, "It doesn't mean anything, it just feels like we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Laisheng Lei regained his smile and picked up the lunch in his hand, "You must have had a hard day today. I made some late-night snacks for Fujiwara-kun to try."

As soon as Fujiwara took the lunch box, he felt full of warmth and felt particularly fulfilled and comfortable at this moment.

"Excuse me, Miss Lei, thank you very much."

"That's right. After all, Fujiwara-kun has a heavy burden on his shoulders. He can't get rid of it. He may not be able to eat on time."

So the two of them sat down in the nearby lounge. Fujiwara gently opened the lunch box, and a scent of aroma filled his nostrils. The food is carefully prepared, and every dish shows care and passion.

He couldn't help but feel her tenderness and thoughtfulness again. The emotions in his heart gradually swelled, but he also understood that the time now was not suitable for expression.

After seeing that Fujiwara Xinghai was almost in the state, the tears of the next life began to focus on today's events, trying to get some clues from Fujiwara's mouth.

Fujiwara noticed that Laisheng Lei was a little strange today, especially his tone of voice was a bit cold, but thinking that it was a rare occasion for the other party to come here, he told some things he knew without deliberately hiding them.

"Is that so? I thought you would clear out the exhibition area tonight."

"That's impossible. Even if there are so many people here, they can't be vacated in one day. Moreover, this area is a residential area. If there is too much noise at night, there will be complaints."

The two of them chatted about emptying the lunch box. Lai Sheng Lei packed up the lunch box and prepared to leave. Fujiwara also followed her to the door. After saying goodbye and preparing to go back, Lai Sheng Lei stopped her with words.

"Perhaps Fujiwara-kun should pay more attention to Miss Rubel. I think she is a bit strange."

As for the fact that she didn't recognize herself at all, she didn't say it.




(End of this chapter)

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