Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 290 Love killing, vendetta, fingerprint comparison

Chapter 290 Love killing, vendetta, fingerprint comparison

Fortunately, there is a surveillance camera installed in the restaurant, which happens to be facing the door to the bathroom. Its normal operation can be used as a key clue to narrow down the scope of suspects.

The police called Matsuda Isamu's two friends for separate questioning, and Fujiwara followed along to coordinate surveillance with the restaurant manager.

Based on the time of death, anyone who has been near the bathroom in the past hour is suspected.

It was found that seven people had entered and exited the bathroom.

The police first collect everyone's fingerprints and send them for inspection and comparison, and then begin the identity screening.

Tanaka Kenta - Matsuda Isamu's college classmate and friend. Kenta is a successful lawyer who maintains a long-term friendship with Matsuda.

Suzuki Akashi was an unemployed vagrant who had the best relationship with the deceased. It was he who proposed this trip to the beach to relax.

Rika Sato - the ex-wife of Isamu Matsuda. There were marital conflicts between the two. When she and Isamu Matsuda had a son, she was awarded to Rika when they got married.

Shuichi Yamaguchi, a former colleague of Isamu Matsuda, had a work dispute before and was fired because of Matsuda's report. What is intriguing is that this person is now Sato Rika's dating partner.

Fujiwara also secretly observed the reactions of the two people during the police interview and found that they were obviously panicked. At first, they strongly denied knowing the deceased, but Suzuki Akashi shouted from the next door to expose the two.

"Stop lying, didn't you have a fight with him in the company?"

When Officer Henggou heard that this might be a big clue, he asked again. "Mr. Yamaguchi Shuichi, you had conflicts with the deceased before, right?"

"Yes, I admit that I do hate him, but I am also grateful for his blindness in allowing me to meet the love of my life."

But Fujiwara has mentally ruled out the suspicion of these two people. After all, Matsuda Isamu is a strong man with a height of 189cm. It is impossible for someone less than meters tall to be stabbed in the front. Even if there is a sudden sneak attack, the deceased will probably be pushed away. , in short, it is unlikely to be killed by such a clean blow.

Masako Kato: There is no conflict with the partner of Matsuda Company.

The next person is a man named Ozaki Yukio, who has never seen the deceased before and does not know him.

"That means this is the first time you see him today, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Officer, I only had a few words with him in the parking lot."

When Officer Henggou saw the corner of the other person's eye was swollen, he curiously asked why. Ozaki Yukio just lowered his head and said that he had fallen.

Suzuki Akashi came forward to expose this, saying that he and Matsuda had a fight in the parking lot. “Oh, we just had a fight over the parking space?”

Next, Yokomori continued to ask about the parking lot dispute between Yukio Ozaki and Akashi Suzuki. Ozaki admitted that he and Matsuda got into an argument in the parking lot, but insisted it was just a verbal altercation and no actual fight. He claimed he hit the corner of a wall when he fell, causing swelling at the corner of his eye.

Officer Henggou took the confessions of these people and planned to conduct another round of individual questioning.

As a result, during this round of questioning, we learned that these people were more or less related to the deceased, and they all had some minor conflicts.

On the surface, Masako Kato, as a partner of the company, has no obvious conflicts or motives. However, Rika Sato revealed that Masako Kato had interfered in their marriage, which made her one of the triggers for divorce. However, Masako Kato also revealed during this round of separate interrogation that the so-called two best friends of Matsuda are actually not without conflicts, especially as partners, the relationship between them has been tense recently because they founded the company together. a company. But differences arose due to business issues. Matsuda believed that Tanaka had betrayed him, causing the company to fall into trouble. And as Suzuki Akashi, who has the best relationship, he has been asking Matsuda for money for a long time.

Matsuda Isamu has complained about his two friends many times, "Tanaka is a fox who can abandon his friends at any time for profit, and Yamaguchi is a complete waste, a bastard sent by God to punish him because he hates his life, like A spirit that gnaws away at his wealth like a moth'. However, when Officer Henggou asked her if there was anything she wanted to add about her relationship with the deceased, Masako Kato looked at the ring on her ring finger and fell into deep thought. After a long time, she said, "I hate that bastard. Well, after he gets divorced, he will marry me."

Her words unintentionally confirmed that she actually had a relatively strong motive for murder.

Officer Henggou wrote everything down in detail, and wrote down various key suspects in the police manual.

During the further investigation by the police, they decided to use the background and motives of these people as important clues to continue the in-depth investigation. After discussion, Fujiwara, Officer Henggou and the restaurant manager decided to re-interrogate the suspects and further sort out the relationship between them.

Kenta Tanaka, as a college classmate and friend of Isamu Matsuda, the police noticed that he was a successful lawyer, so there was no need to harm the deceased financially. However, they included him as one of the suspects because the long-term friendship may also hide other conflicts and motives.

As a homeless man, Suzuki Akichi had the closest relationship with the deceased, which aroused the suspicion of the police. He had previously mentioned going to the beach to relax, possibly for other purposes. After all, he had completely lost the ability to be alone for a long time.
  Sato Rika is Matsuda Isamu's ex-wife. There are marital problems and disputes between the two, and they also have a son to raise. Police suspected she had a grudge against the deceased and was in a relationship with Shuichi Yamaguchi, triggering further investigation.

Yamaguchi Shuichi, as a former colleague of Isamu Matsuda, had a conflict with Matsuda due to a work dispute and was fired. He is also the date of Sato Rika, which makes him one of the important suspects. During the interrogation, he admitted that he hated the deceased, but claimed that they had resolved their conflicts and met the love of this life, but Fujiwara expressed doubts about this.

Masako Kato, as a partner in the company with Matsuda, has no obvious conflicts or motives on the surface. However, during a separate interrogation, Sato Rika revealed that Kato Masako had intervened in their marriage, which caused conflicts. At the same time, Masako Kato also revealed that she had a love affair with Isamu Matsuda. The deceased seemed to have promised something before his death, but was not completely satisfied. This information made her a target of police attention.

Ozaki Yukio was a person who had no interaction with the deceased, but during interrogation, Suzuki Akashi revealed that they had an argument and a fight in the parking lot. Ozaki Yukio claimed that it was just a quarrel, but his fall caused the corners of his eyes to swell.

Just when Fujiwara was racking his brains to think about who was the murderer and whether to use the Melancholy Blues experience card, a police officer brought news and the fingerprint comparison results came out.

"who is it?"

Everyone under interrogation watched in shock as Officer Henggou opened the document bag and took out the fingerprint identification report.

"Mr. Shuichi Yamaguchi, you need to come with us for further investigation."

(End of this chapter)

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