Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 262 Diplomat Murder Case

Chapter 262 Diplomat Murder Case

When they arrived at the scene, the diplomat's wife happened to meet the target of the investigation.

Miss Sachiko asked very kindly, "Welcome back, mom."

Seeing the girl in the photo, Kogoro couldn't help but said directly, "Hey, you are just a photo... ugh..."

Hattori Heiji, who reacted quickly, immediately put a chokehold on Kogoro and covered his mouth, so that he would not be exposed so easily.

A detective's job is to keep the mission entrusted to the client.

Kogoro, who covered his mouth, also realized that he was almost exposed. When Hattori Heiji let go of him, he apologized with an awkward smile, "Hahaha."

"Why are you here?" The diplomat's wife did not give her daughter-in-law a good look, and her already unfriendly face became even more ugly.

Tatsumura Takazan, the diplomat's son, who came down from upstairs explained, "I asked her to come here."

After seeing his mother's expression turned ugly, he quietly put his hand on his fiancée's shoulder and said, "Didn't my dad always disagree with meeting Xinzi? This time I forced him to agree."

After seeing her fiancé speak for her, Sachiko regained her courage and asked, "Are these guests of my mother's?"

"Hmph~ Whether I come or not has nothing to do with you, and I don't think your current status is good enough for my mother."

"Sorry, I…"

Tsujimura Kimi passed by the two of them with great disdain. Without even looking at Sachiko, he went around to the second floor to ask his husband to come out to meet with a few people.

When Fujiwara and the others passed by Tsujimura, they heard him muttering: "What, what's so great about a continuation..."

When they arrived on the second floor, they happened to meet a diplomat nearby. He unfolded a portrait and showed it to several people as if to show off.

"It's indeed quite big, but dad will go to the other side to wait for me in the Japanese room. Now I want my husband to introduce some of the guests I invited..."

"it is good."

After talking and drinking, they opened the way for several people. Kogoro sat at the front, followed by Fujiwara and Hattori.

After arriving at the door of the study, Mr. Tsujimura looked at the door and said, "Husband, I have brought all the guests you asked for."

After waiting for a while, there was no response, only the sound of opera.


After calling several times, Mrs. Tsujimura took out the key from her bag.
  I knocked several times and opened the door, only to find Tsujimura lying motionless on the table like a sleeping orchid.

"Husband, wake up quickly!"

Entering Tsujimura Koe and trying to wake him up, the rest of the group also began to take a look at the furnishings in the house. Fujiwara discovered that the diplomat's study was not as big as the Kudo family's.

"Honey, please wake up. Mr. Mori is here?"

Before Tsujimura Koe could get close, the diplomat fell to the ground.

"Boom!" Tsujimura Kimie screamed. Hattori and Kogoro rushed over to check and found that the person was dead.

"Call the police quickly!"

During the inspection, Hattori noticed a small red spot on the back of the diplomat's neck.


Hattori Heiji found a needle under the table and guessed it was the murder weapon used by the murderer. I'm afraid the tip is highly poisonous.

Just when Hattori secretly made up his mind, Fujiwara also secretly made up his mind to leave Hattori with the opportunity to reason and let him make the same wrong reasoning as in the original work.

Without Kudo Shinichi, I'm afraid no one would have noticed that the double-layered pocket couldn't be put in with fishing line. As long as I help deal with the poisonous needle hidden on Tsujimura Kimie's body later, and help remove the damn tape mark, I'm afraid Kudo Shinichi may not be able to deduce the real murderer even if he comes.

However, the fact that the key chain cannot pass through the double pocket will be discovered sooner or later, and Fujiwara cannot hide this. However, even if he makes correct inferences, as long as he does not admit or confess, no one can prove that Tsujimura Kimie is the murderer.

He did what he said, and while Officer Megure and the others were not here, Fujiwara gradually completed this point. Of course, in the eyes of others, Fujiwara just asked Mrs. Tsujimura for the keychain, and then walked around the scene casually.

When Officer Megure arrived at the scene, he saw Kogoro and others covering their faces immediately. Just as he was about to curse, Kogoro took the initiative and said, "I know Officer Megure wants to say that I am the god of plague, but this time it really has nothing to do with me. The diplomat died here before we came."

Officer Megure didn't say much after hearing this, and asked his subordinates who came to the scene in advance to report the situation, "The deceased's name is Tsujimura Fu, 54 years old, and he is a diplomat."

After briefly scanning the scene, Officer Megure asked, "So this is a murder case?"

"It's unlikely. I don't think there's any trauma. Could it be suicide..." Just when Mouri Kogoro was about to turn the case in a nonsensical direction, someone spoke up.

"It's poison." Hattori Heiji was the first to speak.

While looking at the corpse, he told everyone that something was wrong with Tianda Mountain Road, "This deceased was poisoned and killed by someone. You see, there is a red dot at the root of his hair, and a suspected murder weapon fell next to the body." Although Zhen died with his hands and face removed, I think he was poisoned and then deliberately placed like this."

He had a premonition that he might be embarrassed and said that Kogoro was a tough talker, "I don't think it can be completely ruled out that he committed suicide. After all, before we came in, this was a secret room that outsiders could not enter."

Kogoro's words instantly caused Hattori Heiji to question.

(That shouldn’t be the case. He’s asleep. How could Kogoro not be able to spot this trick?)
  "Don't you understand now? Look at this corpse. The lips and tips of the hands and feet of the deceased have turned purple, and there are bleeding spots on the conjunctiva of the eyes. These all indicate that he died of asphyxiation. But it is strange What's strange is that there are no traces of whether the deceased was strangled or drowned, so it is most likely that he was poisoned. And judging from the fact that the body has body temperature and there are no stiffness or dead spots on the body, it should be He was poisoned about 30 minutes before we entered the study, and the murderer lived nearby."

Officer Megure nodded after hearing this, "That makes sense, but who is this guy?"

Fujiwara, who had finished handling everything at this time, helped explain, "He is a detective from Osaka, and his name is Hattori Heiji."

After hearing this, Officer Megure suddenly realized, "Oh, so you are the son of the Osaka Police Headquarters Headquarters who is in high school."

It seemed that Officer Megure had heard of Hattori Heiji's name, and said in surprise, "It's great to meet you and Brother Mori at the same time here."

Kogoro was shocked by Hattori's life experience. He suddenly remembered that he almost hit the other person in the office just now. If a headmaster's son was injured by him, he would really not be able to bear the consequences.

Seeing that the person opposite him was also a detective and a relative of their police force, Officer Megure felt angry and kindly invited Hattori to continue his reasoning.

Hattori Heiji looked around the room and began to make his preliminary guesses about the neat case. As he spoke, he observed several people in the room, for fear that he would miss someone's emotional reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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