Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 244 Bounty Hunter

Chapter 244 Bounty Hunter
  On April 4, Fujiwara, who believed that he had collected enough incriminating evidence, packaged the footage together with the footage recorded by the Guard's Eye and the photo of Mori Kotei holding explosives in both hands and planned to send it to the Metropolitan Police Department. But before setting off, he thought that he hadn't activated his bounty hunter account for a long time, so he could take this opportunity to improve his performance.

The registered bounty hunters will accept tasks regularly. If they are not online for a long time or refuse the task many times, the hunter account will be recycled. If you want to try again, you will have to register again.

Sure enough, Fujiwara logged into his account and found that he had rejected the entrusted account three times and was in the recycling stage. The administrator also sent a message that the account would be recycled if he was not active.

After confirming the launch, I logged into the bounty hunter website and saw the clue tracking related to the Toyo Gunpowder Depot on the homepage cover. Anyone who can provide clues about the gunpowder depot will be rewarded, starting from 100 million. The specific reward depends on the value of the information. .

When such a large batch of gunpowder was stolen, those high-level officials would come together in groups to put pressure on the Metropolitan Police Department to solve the case within a time limit. Public opinion made them anxious, so the reward was much higher than before.

"From the looks of it, I'd better use this vest."

Log in to your account and send a message to the website administrator.

[I have clues about the gunpowder theft. 】

After sending the message, I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and came back. Nearly six replies popped up on the chat interface, all asking for specific details.

He looked very anxious.

[I have collected the prisoner’s information. 】

[When will it be delivered, or how can we proceed with the subsequent transaction? 】

In order to avoid being misled by false information in the direction of the investigation, the National Police Agency will also arrange technical means for secondary confirmation.

[I will send it to you tonight. If possible, I would like to meet with your supervisor and set a suitable price for this information. 】

The liaison officer at the computer desk was a little confused after seeing the news, and quickly called his supervisor from the Internet Intelligence Department to take a look.

"what happened?"

"A hunter said he had a clue and asked to meet the section chief."

"Who? Is he new?"

"Yes, the name 'Dragon King' completed two commissions two months ago and disappeared for a while since then. I sent him an account recovery notice yesterday, and he contacted us today."

After hearing that he was not a resident hunter, the supervisor said that he could give it a try. He invited him over and planned to test it out.

[We can chat, but can I ask if you are alone? 】

【Yes. 】

【So how do we contact you? 】

[When I get downstairs, you guys can come down and pick me up. 】

【Can. 】

Since the establishment of the bounty hunter website, few hunters have been willing to take the initiative to reveal their identities. For people like them in the gray area, keeping their identities secret is the most important thing. Although they have repeatedly encouraged them to walk in the light and become non-staff agents, However, the results have been minimal in recent years, and few have confessed their identities.

Although the supervisor could not guarantee the authenticity of the information, he went to the section chief to report it.

But after considering the two actions last time, the section chief also felt that he could give it a try.

"Then let him come over. If there is any information about the theft of the gunpowder magazine, I will go down and pick him up myself."

After chatting about the specific meeting place, Fujiwara took out the fake face and wig that he had prepared long ago from the storage space, and selected the face of an ordinary-looking man.

Although he agreed to go there in person, this did not mean that Fujiwara Hoshikai was willing to completely disclose his identity information. After all, it is an important matter. If this information is sent by mail like last time, it will not attract their attention.

After putting on the mask and fake face, Fujiwara took a look around on the second floor. After confirming that Conan was not in the office, he walked out with confidence, got on the bus, got off at the nearest stop, and walked to the front of the Metropolitan Police Department. .

The National Police Agency and the Metropolitan Police Department are located in the same building, with the Metropolitan Police Department in the front and the National Police Agency in the back.

After wandering in front of the Metropolitan Police Department for a long time, two men in suits of medium build finally came and asked him about his identity.

"Are you the Dragon King?"

"Yes, we just chatted in the morning."

It was still a bit embarrassing to say the code name in public, so Fujiwara did not hide the peaked cap on his head and followed the two public security policemen into the police station. On the elevator, the two people repeatedly emphasized that Fujiwara did not have to be afraid that his identity would be revealed. Exposed, they will protect his privacy throughout the process.

"I believe you, but does your boss really agree?"

"Well, don't worry."

After arriving at an office with the name of Section Chief, one of them knocked on the door and walked in after getting permission.

A man with graying hair was watching him.

"Finally we meet."

These words sounded like the two parties hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"This is the information I have collected. Take a look at it first." After speaking, Fujiwara handed the USB drive containing the videos and photos to the middle-aged man.

"Okay, sir, you are very neat."

He originally thought that the other party would definitely make a bunch of demands like a lion, but he didn't expect that he would be so cooperative.

After instructing his subordinates to insert the USB flash drive, the section chief chatted with Fujiwara about whether he was interested in becoming a non-staff investigator at the National Police Agency and contributing to maintaining the safety of citizens.

Fujiwara took off his hat and rubbed the wig that was weighed down, "I don't have any ideas for the time being, and it's all by chance."

During the conversation, the subordinates had confirmed the contents of the USB flash drive, but when they saw the face of the real murderer, they all couldn't believe it, and even said it was a bit unexpected.

"The prisoner is Moritani Teiji? Is he the national treasure-level architect? How is this possible?"

People usually have special feelings about celebrities, expecting them to become morally corrupt and fearing that they will cause problems. Especially a big shot like Sengu Teiji is, in a way, the pride of their neon people.

The class principal also couldn't believe it. He couldn't understand what the other party's motives were.

It’s unbelievable why Moritani Teiji, who has made great achievements in the design career, would do such a thing.

Fujiwara's mission was not to let them understand the murderer's motive. Fujiwara did not answer the section chief's rhetorical question. Anyway, Fujiwara had already given them the modus operandi and important photo clues. No matter how entangled they were, they would never be here. Things are vague.

"My mission is to collect information related to the gunpowder theft case. As for the criminal's motives, I am not interested and have no need to know."

"Sir, what you said makes sense, but we failed to consider it. This information is quite beautiful, but the most important thing right now is to find the location of the explosive. We have to find the bomb before they detonate it."

No matter how much they doubt Sengu Emperor Er, they can't arrest him now. Whether he will be discovered is another matter. If he jumps over the wall in a hurry, then everyone is finished.

Fujiwara nodded as if he expected it and took out the second USB flash drive from his pocket, "This is the main topic of our discussion today. Pay a good price for the future that is within reach, Mr. Section Chief."

(End of this chapter)

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