Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 188 You did it on purpose

Chapter 188 You did it on purpose
  The next day, Fujiwara received a call from the editorial department. It was said that the Mihua Museum of Modern Art wanted to cooperate with him to conduct an on-site exhibition under the name "Knights of Heaven's Punishment × Light Yagami".

"How does Mr. Fujiwara feel about this matter?" The editor-in-chief held the phone tightly and waited for Fujiwara's response.

The editorial department has long wanted to hold live events related to Death Note. This is not only the best channel to promote comics, but also an easy way to monetize comics. Generally speaking, those who come to the book signing are loyal fans. For those who are willing to pay for their hobbies and spend money, an autographed original painting can be sold for 5000 yen to such fans.

"Uh-huh, let me think."

As a creator of best-selling comics, he still has to have the arrogance. Of course, he is pretending. Now he is eager to start cutting leeks as soon as possible.

Hearing Fujiwara's unhurried answer, the editor-in-chief was so anxious that he almost yelled. However, as the author of two best-selling comics, the editor-in-chief still respected him very much. He had never been slow to greet him during holidays. This was something he encountered. "The goose that lays golden eggs", the sales volume of the single volume of the comic has now exceeded 2000 million. He does not want to offend such a person, but after all, this is a good opportunity, which can not only expand the popularity of the comic, but also increase his own income. .

Furthermore, it can let more people understand the work and increase its popularity. Moreover, a lot of profits can also be obtained through autograph sessions, original painting auctions, etc., which makes comics more popular, so that people who are not originally interested in comics can also learn about such a work through this event.

The other end of the phone pondered for a while, and finally said: "This proposal is very interesting, I will consider it."

The editor-in-chief was immediately relieved when he heard this sentence, feeling as if he had another chance. He quickly thanked Fujiwara for his consideration and told him that the people at the Mihua Museum of Modern Art were looking forward to cooperating with him.

After hanging up the phone, Fujiwara breathed a sigh of relief and immediately called Tachibana Maya and asked her to contact the Miwa Art Museum in her own name to discuss cooperation matters.

The matter of freeing the left hand and the right hand seems simple, but there are still many steps that need to be completed by oneself, and the tool person Tachibana Maya becomes the most suitable candidate. Fujiwara originally planned to use her to do some things that he could not directly do. , but later Fujiwara figured out that not all things had to be solved by violent means. It is actually a sad thing for the Avengers to understand their motives and witness their actions but not stop them.

In fact, this is not the case. This is actually a savior mentality, a arrogant mentality, thinking that one should do everything and take care of everything. It made him a little tired, so he decided to take a break, do other things and enjoy a peaceful and beautiful day.

After so many days of experience, Fujiwara gradually got rid of the aloof mentality of a time traveler. Because he knew the plot, he began to point fingers at the detectives, unreasonably criticized the murderer and the deceased, and thought about whether the actions of those cases that had not yet happened were possible. Does it really count as a crime? Are the 'victims' who were not killed really worth saving?

Feeling a bit tired.

People's sorrows are not mutually exclusive, and sometimes they feel like they are just noisy.

After giving the task to Tachibana Maya, he threw away the phone and lay on the bed and slept until he was woken up by the horn of a passing car at night.

After waking up, I washed my face and opened the refrigerator to grab something to satisfy my hunger. When I noticed that the refrigerator was empty, there was no food and only a few cans of Budweiser beer were left.

He obviously just went to replenish the goods last week, and no one else has been at home recently. He hasn't even seen the Young Detective Team for a long time, so how could it be cleared out?

"Did I eat so fast?"

The refrigerator is empty, so I might order takeout for dinner.

So when I picked up the office and was about to make a call, I happened to see Xiaozi preparing to pull down the retractable door at the entrance of Polo Cafe diagonally opposite.

But because he couldn't reach the iron fence above, he jumped and reached out to touch it.

"Forget it, I won't order takeout, let's settle it nearby."

So he put down his phone, opened the window, jumped lightly from the second floor of the office, landed smoothly, and rushed to the door of the coffee shop. He walked into the coffee shop under her confused eyes, which made Azusa Enomoto, who was about to go home from get off work, almost angry. Vomiting blood.

"Is Fujiwara here to cause trouble?"

So the helpless Azusa Enomoto reluctantly returned to the kitchen and took out the menu, and handed it to Fujiwara with a sullen face.

"You came just in time."

If you don't come early, you won't come late. Just come when you are ready to get off work.

Fujiwara smiled and took the menu and ordered a simple sandwich and a glass of milk. "Hahaha, don't be like this, don't you usually get off work at eight o'clock? Why are you preparing to go back at seven forty recently? Is there anything urgent recently?"

If there was really an emergency, he wouldn't be willing to drag her away.

"Thank you for your conscience, but you're not in a hurry. Is this all you need? I won't be ordering anything else later." After putting away the menu, Azusa Enomoto turned around and said on the way to the kitchen, putting on her apron.

"No, that's all, please, Xiaozi."

"It's okay, just wait a moment."

After a while, Fujiwara ate a sandwich and talked about Azusa Enomoto's current situation.

"Xiaozi has been very busy recently. Is it because he found other part-time jobs?"

When I chatted with her before, I said that Xiaozi took a leave of absence from college to work here to make money because she needed to save for tuition. However, she has suddenly become busy recently. It is very likely that there are other things that require money. Maybe...

Fujiwara's words surprised her slightly, "Have you seen all this?
  "I did find a new job recently."

"Is it the supermarket?" Fujiwara took a sip of milk and recalled that several nearby supermarkets had posted recruitment notices. The working hours were from 1800 pm to am, and the hourly salary was about yen.

"Yes, that's right, wait a minute, how do you know that?"

"I saw the job announcement."

"Oh, that's right. You guessed it right. I should go to work. You should finish your meal quickly."

"You don't drive away customers like this, do you? But you can work here during the day and organize hotpots in the supermarket at night. Can you be busy?"

Working hours are so tight and you have to stay up late. Whether Xiaozi, a small body, can handle it is also a question.

"Of course I can, Fujiwara-kun, don't underestimate my perseverance."

Azusa Enomoto looked forward with determined eyes, not knowing what he was looking at.

"That's fine, but don't tire yourself out. If there's anything you really need money for urgently, just tell me. I'll help you find a way."

"Okay, but if you don't finish eating, I'll be late."

"Oh, right away." Fujiwara stuffed the leftover sandwich into his mouth hungrily, and Azusa Enomoto had time to take the plate and cup to the kitchen for clearing. Two minutes later, with Fujiwara's help, she finally pulled down the retractable door curtain.

"Would you like me to take you there and take a walk?"

Azusa Enomoto quickly waved her hand and refused, "No, if you are seen by others, you will definitely be misunderstood as a boyfriend and girlfriend. I'd better go by myself."

"Oh, that's okay, bye then?"

"Bye, see you tomorrow."


(End of this chapter)

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