Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 182 Mihua Park

Chapter 182 Mihua Park

The sun shines through the clouds and onto the paths in the park.

On the path of Mihua Park, three men from the detective agency were running.

"Brother Fujiwara, have you come up with the plot of the castle villa murder case you told me last time?"

"No, this story takes place in this park. It tells the story of a morning jogger who discovers a mysterious case and then begins an exciting and exciting investigation process." Fujiwara said, his face full of excitement.

Now he is no longer satisfied with the money brought by Wenzhao Gong and has begun to explore the path of originality, so he often shares his stories with Conan, a mystery fan, and explores his thoughts.

"So what does this case look like? Can you tell me a little bit?"

"Ah haha, of course. You see, one morning, a woman's body was found in the park, and then the protagonist began his journey of detection..." Fujiwara said and ran there unknowingly. The other side of the park.

"Okay, we should stop. You know, this story is not finished yet, I still need to come up with specific details."

Conan nodded, feeling very excited, "Thank you for telling me this story. I think it's very interesting. You have to keep writing. I'm looking forward to the ending of this story."

The greatest pleasure for fans is probably to adopt their own ideas with their favorite authors.

"By the way, Brother Fujiwara, do you know the author of Kindaichi?"

"I don't know, what's wrong, you want to send a letter again?" Fujiwara heard Conan's conversation and replied instinctively.

But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he felt that he shouldn't know that Conan had sent him a letter. Moreover, the letter was not sent in the name of Conan, but his big brother Kudo Shinichi.

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind:

(Are you going to be discovered if you hide yourself?)

(How to explain it if Conan asks?)
  (Should you activate Heaven's Gate immediately to delete this part of the memory?)
  Just as Fujiwara was going through a brainstorm, Conan didn't hear clearly and stopped and asked, "Ah? What did Brother Fujiwara just say?"

Fujiwara slowed down and stopped, holding his knees while squatting and looking at Conan. After realizing that she didn't hear clearly, he secretly chuckled, and then said, "I don't know, but do you have anything to do with him?"

"Well, the magazine is on hiatus again this month. I feel like that person is so sorry to the fans. It's a shame that I waited so long for it."

"Oh, it's been suspended. It's true. It's true that the publication is suspended every now and then, so I'm really sorry for the fans' expectations."

"Yeah, I decided not to buy the comic books again before he finishes."

"Uh uh uh…"

Fujiwara suddenly didn't know how to reply to him.

It was not his intention, but this weird timeline has been weirdly skipping the day when royalties are paid every time in recent times.

Manga subscription fees are settled every six months, and it stands to reason that you can only receive them twice a year. However, since this is the world of Conan and there are countless possibilities for time here, theoretically you can definitely get the commissions several times. In fact, this is indeed the case. Fujiwara said I have received half-year royalties five or six times, and the income has exceeded expectations.

But recently, every time Doujiao asked for a release time, he called and inquired, but the magazine's reply was not yet time, asking him to wait patiently.

This is fucked.

After being unable to get the royalties, Fujiwara simply chose to suspend the publication.

"Maybe there is something wrong with the author. Don't be too impatient. Aren't there still many comics on the market that you can read?"

After speaking, Fujiwara looked back and found that Kogoro had not followed.

"Huh? Where's uncle?"

On the grounds that good health is the foundation of detective work, Fujiwara took Mouri Kogoro and Conan away for a morning jog to do some exercise. Conan is small, but he is agile and has sufficient physical strength. He ran two laps around the small lake in the park without being out of breath. However, Kogoro, who had turned into a greasy uncle, was not in such good condition and he only ran two laps. He just cried out that he was tired and said that he couldn't do it anymore, so he lay down on the park bench and was completely ruined.

"I can't do it anymore. I will never come here again. I shouldn't trust that kid. He wants to kill me..."

Kogoro was full of complaints, complaining that he was deceived by Fujiwara Hoshikai on the grounds that exercise is good for health, and even ran two laps stupidly.

After seeing that Kogoro did not follow, Fujiwara Hoshikai took Conan back the same way and saw Mouri Kogoro lying on his side on the bench.

"It's only been two laps. Isn't it right to give up so easily? Even Conan can last two laps without losing breath. The teacher can't lag behind a child."

When Conan heard Fujiwara's words, he also touched his head and laughed. Although it is inappropriate to compare your physical strength between a child and an adult, it is true that Kogoro cannot outrun a child.

"Did you not do any warm-up exercises just now?"

Kogoro, who felt a little embarrassed, told how he was a long-distance running champion in the police academy and broke the record in the 100-meter dash.

"So don't underestimate me, kid."

After speaking, Kogoro lay down directly on the chair to rest.

"Uncle, you are so mean," Conan teased jokingly. He couldn't compare to a child, but he still had the nerve to claim that he was a long-distance running champion.

Seeing Mouri Kogoro working so hard, Fujiwara remembered what Fei Eri had told him before.

A month ago, I took Kogoro Mori for a physical examination and found that many of his indexes exceeded the standard. The doctor recommended that he stop drinking and smoking and take a period of recuperation.

However, the couple had different opinions on this issue and started to quarrel again. When they invited Xiaolan to dinner the day before yesterday, she said that they had not talked on the phone for almost a month and were angry with each other.

As an outsider, Fujiwara didn't want to get involved in the conflicts between the couple, but under Xiaolan's entrustment, Conan and Fujiwara also had to be responsible for supervising Kogoro.

Kogoro could no longer hear any words about exercise being good for health, so he changed his mind and started with his beloved detective career.

"Didn't the teacher say that having a healthy body is one of the necessary qualities for a detective?"

Kogoro remembered that he had indeed said that, so he stood up reluctantly and started running with Fujiwara.

After a few laps, Conan couldn't stand it anymore and suggested taking a rest.

"Okay, let's take a rest."

Everyone’s physique is different, not to mention that for children, the amount of exercise today is almost the same.

The weather is nice today and there are many people coming to exercise.

Bathed in the morning light, people feel very comfortable.

When the two were about to leave, a beautiful woman wearing yoga class headphones ran past them.

As a result, the six pairs of eyes of the three gentlemen looked over involuntarily, and at the same time, they each gave their own evaluation in their hearts.

The leader of the sex batch, Mouri Kogoro, gave a very good evaluation in his heart.

Although his body has become smaller, his mind is still lustful. Conan nodded implicitly and raised the corners of his mouth.

Fujiwara Xinghai also took a look at it and thought it was pretty good. It had been a long time since he had seen a woman with such an explosive figure. The last time he saw it was the last time.

"Would you like to run for a while longer?"

"Not good!"×2
  (End of this chapter)

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