Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 121 Crossing the Water 7 Tsuki

Chapter 121 Crossing Seven Tsukis of Water
  In a corner of the cafe, a young man held a group photo and silently touched the face of one of them, uttering a sigh of regret.


The waiter was also very confused when he saw that the other party had been sitting there since the opening in the morning until 12 noon without saying anything or ordering anything.

Although the store has a rule not to directly urge customers to order, there is no rule that says they must stay here for a long time without ordering anything.

So the waiter brought the menu with a bad look and said with a smile, "Sir, would you like to order?"

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, he knocked the table twice with cardboard.

At this moment, the young man was looking at the photo and shedding tears silently. Suddenly, the waiter interrupted her thoughts. She came to her senses and realized that she had been cold to him for a long time.

"Oh, sorry, I'm waiting for someone. I'll order it later."

"Oh well."

Although she still didn't understand why he was pretending to be a cold and handsome man in broad daylight and wearing sunglasses, he was just pretending to be cool when he had nothing to do.

After the waiter left, Koshimi Nanatsuki managed to force out a wry smile. She seemed to have been misunderstood as a boy again.

Against the background of the neutral style dress, she looks like an ordinary boy. Because she can't see her eyes with sunglasses, this misunderstanding is deepened.

However, she has long been accustomed to this, and feels that this is quite good, as she can feel free without being disturbed by others.

If she could read minds, she would definitely explain to the waiter that she was wearing sunglasses not to look cool, but to prevent others from noticing she was crying.


What she was holding in her hand was her best friend since childhood. They had originally agreed to travel together when she graduated from college, but a phone call a year ago completely changed this beautiful wish.

One night she suddenly received a phone call in her university dormitory, saying that the eldest lady in the villa where she worked was dead. Then a high school student with a strange accent said that she was the murderer and wanted to take her to the Metropolitan Police Department for fingerprint comparison. , which made her very scared and didn’t know what to do.

That night, Yuesui bought a ticket and rushed to Shikoku Island where she was.

However, when I rushed over, I discovered that Kana had committed suicide by jumping off a cliff, and the local police had also closed the case on the grounds that 'Mizuguchi Kana' had committed suicide out of fear of crime.

Just at this time, a man and a woman walked in. The man looked a little decadent.

The woman was wearing a red dress and was tall. Because she was wearing sunglasses, Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't confirm the identity of the other party and whether it was the two people he was waiting for.

Although Fei Yingli is famous, her influence and photo opportunities are far inferior to those of a third-rate detective, so no one outside the court knows her.

The waiter quickly walked over and asked politely, "Are there two of you?"

Maybe the chili pepper she ate last night hit her throat, and the woman had a very hot temper. She squeezed out the slightly decadent man next to her and sat down quickly. Then she asked the waiter for a cup of black coffee in a very quiet voice, and then looked at the man beside her coldly. He said coldly, "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?"

The man was speechless at this time. He just wanted to find a quieter place to revise his paper. He was offending someone, so he cursed the woman in his heart and found another free seat to sit on.

"It turns out not to be the case."

After seeing that the two of them were not in the same group, Koshimizu Nanatsuki sighed softly and continued to wait.

Probably because she came early, it felt like time passed so long.

According to the previous agreement, Fujiwara Hoshikai took Fei Yingri to the cafe agreed with Koshimizu Nanatsuki. When he was about to approach, Fujiwara noticed something in Fei Yingli's hand, and curiously asked Fei Yingli what the document bag in her hand was.

Fei Yingli looked at the document bag and said, "These are some case materials that the girl wanted to see, so I brought them over. Do you want to see Xinghai?" After saying that, she gestured to hand them to him.

"Oh, it's okay. I won't read it. Since you, the lawyer, have finalized the matter, there should be no problem. What's more, we won the case openly and without any shady secrets."

After saying that, he stopped by the roadside, put on the handbrake, and released it.
  "That's true." Seeing that the other party had no intention of doing so, Concubine Yingli took back the document bag and adjusted the frames of her glasses. When she was about to get out of the car, she suddenly realized a very important issue. She turned back to the car and asked, "But you must Do you want to keep calling me that?"

Since they met, the other party has always called her very formally, and she is relatively kind to him. There is no problem in calling her this way when they first met, but as time went by, she felt that it was very awkward and she had to ask the other party to change it.

"I don't quite understand what you mean. Are you trying to say that I am too unfamiliar with the title of lawyer?"

Fei Yingli smiled happily and said that the answer was correct.

"Well, now that you know, why don't you make a change?"

Fujiwara took a long time to figure out the reason for Fei Yingli's complaint. It turned out to be because of this. It was quite simple.

Because of his respect for his profession, he didn't care much about people's feelings about this title.

As for calling her concubine lawyer all the time, Fujiwara Xinghai also felt awkward. After all, the other party was one of the few people who called her by her name. Even Sonoko and the others, who they thought they knew well, just called themselves Fujiwara brother politely.

But in the final analysis, he couldn't find any good way to call her. Call her sister. It always feels a bit greasy. Calling her aunt is not appropriate. Although she is indeed old enough to be called aunt, how can she be embarrassed to call her such a beautiful face? Auntie. (judo warning)

It's not appropriate to call her Yingli directly. It seems that I can only call her Ms. Yingli...

Seeing that he didn't respond for a long time, Fei Yingli also laughed angrily and cursed, "Is it so difficult to change the name to a smooth one?"

"No, I just..."

Speaking of it, he still felt that the title Fei Yingli was easier to pronounce than Jing Jing, and at most he could add a sister.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Fei Yingli didn't delve into this issue, "I've already called you Xinghai anyway, you can decide what to do. If you call me Fei Lawyer again, then I can only call you Fujiwara Writer. "


This slightly sinister speech made Fujiwara smile bitterly. Although he shouldn't think so, Fei Yingli's character is quite cute.

Childish and stubborn.

Fujiwara waved his hand, "Lawyer Fei, let's go in and meet the girl first. Don't delay the business for such a trivial matter."

Seeing that Fujiwara was more stubborn than she thought, Fei Yingli lost her temper and said, "Oh, the great writer is right, you really shouldn't dwell on such a small issue for too long."

It's just a title change, it's not like asking him to change his name or surname. It shouldn't be that difficult to think of a title that sounds friendly, but if it's really impossible to change it, 'Aunt Yingli' sounds better than Lawyer Fei.


He originally thought that the other party was joking with him, but now it seemed that he was not, so Fujiwara asked tentatively, "Ms. Eri?"

"Let's go, great writer, I'm sorry for you." After saying that, he opened the car door with a straight face and walked out, leaving Fujiwara confused.

(End of this chapter)

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