Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 107 Traffic Jam

Chapter 107 Traffic Jam
  On this day, Kogoro said that he saw Fujiwara staying in the house every day and working on novels and comics, so he took him to the racetrack in the name of taking him to relax to watch Kogoro betting on horses. But after watching for a long time, he lost half of the savings he had accumulated some time ago. If Fujiwara hadn't stopped him, Mouri Kogoro would have become a pauper today.

Fujiwara was only interested in horse racing, and so was Conan. After seeing that several of the horses that everyone was optimistic about were eliminated one after another, everyone left the racecourse.

On the way back, Fujiwara suggested finding a restaurant for a meal, and Conan agreed. He hadn't had a big meal since returning from vacation. Kogoro lowered his face and had no other objections.

So everyone chose to go to Rice Krispies Hotel.


"It's really profitable to be a writer. You're only 20, and you already have a house, a car, and savings." Kogoro said with envy from the bottom of his heart, touching the hood of the car.

He sighed when he thought of the hard life when he was 20 years old and had to work around to earn money because he married Fei Yingli in a hurry. If only he could be so chic.

"It's not bad." Fujiwara doesn't want to brag about his income too much. Yesterday, the Death Note animation copyright income and Kindaichi's new round of sales dividends were recorded, adding up to 11 billion yen.

Fujiwara, who was impoverished a few months ago, is now considered to be in the wealthy class. Although not as good as the top rich, it is enough.

(I wish I had known I would become a writer too.)

Kogoro looked down at the side of the road, lamenting that the first half of his life had been wasted like this.

Conan was also thinking about when he could return to his original self. He didn't want to stay in the Maori Detective Agency all his life and wanted to find a way to return to his original appearance as soon as possible. However, he still cared about the sunglasses he just saw at the racetrack. The man stared at Uncle Kogoro with a fierce expression.

"Is it a coincidence or a plan?"

While waiting for the red light, Fujiwara noticed that the road ahead was closed to traffic. The traffic policeman waved his baton and asked the vehicles to detour, and Fujiwara also followed the traffic flow and diverted.

Seeing this, Kogoro quickly told Fujiwara to turn around quickly. Based on his experience, if the main road was blocked, there would be more and more cars behind him.

After hearing Kogoro's words, Fujiwara was about to turn around and drive back, but the vehicle behind him quickly blocked the road behind him, leaving him with no way to go.

"Damn, why am I so unlucky today? How come I always get into trouble wherever I go?"

Fujiwara simply clicked on the central control screen to play music to spend the long waiting process.

A female police officer standing in a police car held a loudspeaker and shouted at the top of her lungs, asking everyone not to be anxious or to press the horn at will. Someone would direct the road ahead to be cleared.

Maybe it’s too hot in the summer and people tend to be irritable. Seeing that some drivers were still honking their horns, the tough female police officer jumped out of the police car and came to the driver who was causing trouble, grabbed him by the collar, pulled him out of the car window and yelled, “Isn’t that right? Have I already told you, honking the horn in traffic jams is useless!"

Fujiwara, who was not far away, saw this scene and sighed in his heart, are all rice flower policewomen so tough?

Five minutes after arriving, the road was still not clear. Several people in the car were obviously getting impatient, and the first one was Fujiwara Hoshimi himself.

Seeing another female traffic policeman approaching, he immediately rolled down the window and asked what was going on ahead.

"Miss Police Officer, what happened in front?"

When the twin-tailed policewoman saw Fujiwara, she put down the walkie-talkie in her hand and stopped to talk about the car accident ahead.

"A bus collided with a truck. The truck rolled over and blocked the way back and forth. I have already applied for a tow truck and will probably arrive at the scene soon."

"Oh, that's it. It looks like we're going to be stuck in traffic for a long time?"

"Yes." After the policewoman finished speaking, she took the walkie-talkie and adjusted the channel. "This is Team 3. There was a traffic accident on Camellia Street in front of the Miwacho Hotel. If there are any casualties, please send an ambulance team to rescue."

Seeing that the road conditions would not improve for a while, Fujiwara felt that it would be too boring to wait around like this. The Rice Krispies Hotel was not far away, and the car couldn't move anyway, so he might as well go in and have something to eat.

So Fujiwara asked the policewoman if he could park his car here and then go in to eat and then come out. "No sir, you can't park here for a long time, and it's not allowed under the current situation. If you park your car here, the vehicles behind you will be unable to pass."

The traffic flow is being cleared at any time. Although the progress is a bit slow, it is still evacuating in an orderly manner. At this time, the car is undoubtedly more difficult and uncomfortable.

"But under the current situation, even if I can't walk, the cars behind me won't be able to pass either." After saying this, Fujiwara looked at the other party with a "see if I'm right" attitude.

Miike Naeko didn't expect that the other party would come up with this reason, but she still reminded her kindly, "As long as people allow themselves to make mistakes once, they will develop bad habits. It will be difficult to get rid of bad habits by then. ”

"Okay." Fujiwara stopped lingering on this topic once he was satisfied, and then said, "Teacher, please take Conan to order food first. I will come in later when the road is clear and the car is parked."

After all, waiting is waiting, so it’s better to let these two people go in first to fill their stomachs. They watched the horse racing for a long time today and didn’t eat anything.

"Okay." Conan agreed immediately, and Mouri Kogoro thought for a while before agreeing.

After the two got out of the car and left, Fujiwara sang a little song to pass the time. Unexpectedly, he found that the policewoman just now did not leave, as if she was worried that he would leave suddenly.

"Police lady, do you have anything else to ask about me?" Fujiwara rolled down the window and asked.


"Oh, can I turn off the engine and take a rest?"

"Absolutely." Seeing Fujiwara about to unbuckle his seat belt, he immediately added, "But if you do, you will be fined."

"But the car has stalled."

"Despite this, you can still be considered a moving vehicle under traffic laws."


"As long as people allow themselves to make a mistake once, they will develop bad habits. By then, it will be difficult to get rid of bad habits."

Seeing that the other party was so rigid, Fujiwara also gave up persuading him and rolled up the window and stayed quietly for a while. Then when he saw the policewoman leaving, he unbuckled his seat belt and let the seat down, lying down to play with his phone.


After a while, someone knocked on the car window. Fujiwara looked up and saw the serious policewoman from before.

(Is this going to be an idol drama?)

"Sir, because you unbuckled your seat belt, I will now issue you a ticket according to the law. Please show your motor vehicle driver's license."

"Is there any penalty?" Fujiwara reluctantly took out his driver's license and handed it to the other party.

"No points will be deducted this time, but there will be a fine of 1000 yuan." After Miike Naeko finished speaking, she handed a ruling form to Fujiwara and asked him to sign. After Fujiwara finished signing, Miike Naeko picked up the fine and put it on the cardboard.

When she was returning her driver's license, she suddenly saw that the address column listed a certain place in Kyoto.

So she added, "I hope we can work together to create traffic safety in Mihua City."


(End of this chapter)

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