My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 324 Chen Fan is a good soldier

Chapter 324 Chen Fan is a good soldier
  324 Chen Fan is a good soldier.
  Chen Fan raised his head and looked at the straight cliff.

My heart went crazy.

In his heart, a thought kept jumping, like a naughty ape, which could not be shut down or suppressed.

If you fall from above, you will be crippled because there is no protection. If you are unlucky, you may fall to death directly.

The mortality rate for this subject is 50%.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

"How about spending some experience to buy some attributes to add to it?"

Chen Fan couldn't help but feel anxious, with all kinds of thoughts coming and going.

The easiest option at the moment is naturally to add points.

Use some of the experience that you have accumulated so hard in the past to purchase attributes and add them directly to the subject of free climbing.

But although this is easy, it requires a huge amount of system experience.

It's equivalent to only getting out but not getting in.

So another option is more cost-effective, which is to train first. Through training, you can directly improve the relevant attributes, and secondly, you can earn a lot of system experience, killing two birds with one stone.

But this choice comes with risks.

Moreover, Chen Fan had to experience the ordeal of his first free-solo climb.

"Choose the second option!"

Chen Fan gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind.

With a huff, he took a long breath to relieve some tension.

"Start climbing!"

He looked around, looking for the best place to start.

The height they climbed is more than fifty meters, but he can not only climb from a height of fifty meters, but also climb from a height of one hundred meters and go around, so he can start at any location. The veterans started climbing from different locations.

Chen Fan looked around and finally decided to start from the current position.

With a huff, he let out another breath and started to back away.

He took more than ten steps back before he stopped.


He charged forward suddenly, as if he were participating in a fifty-meter dash, and started accelerating at maximum power.


He shot forward like a discharged cannonball.

His terrifying speed shocked everyone around him.

"Holy shit! Why is this guy Chen Fan running so fast?" Tuo Yonggang's eyes widened.

"Hiss—" Wu Zhe's pupils shrank and he took a breath of air.


"So fast?"

"Aren't my eyes dazzled?"

The veterans of Lao A were also shocked.

Just like that, Chen Fan jumped up the cliff.


As if he was parkouring on a cliff, he grabbed a stone more than three meters high.

  He grabbed the stone with his right hand and held it tightly.


Chen Fan let out a breath and relaxed his mood.

At this time, he was holding the stone in his right hand and his body was hanging in the air.

He glanced down.

The height at this time was about three meters, which was not too high, so I didn't feel nervous at all.

He raised his head again, searching for the best option.

At this time, there are three stones on his left side that can be used for strength, and there is also a stone block directly above him that can be grasped. The right side is bare and has no place to draw strength from.

"Choose the second block from the left!"

Chen Fan quickly made a judgment.

He stretched out his left hand, raised it high, and swung his body like a swing. When his body swung to the left and reached the highest point, he grabbed the stone with a snap.

The body shook, but quickly stabilized.

Chen Fan raised his head and looked around, looking for the next suitable place.

The route he chose was not the straightest, but it was the least labor-intensive. He was not too stupid and could always find the best path in the shortest time.

Therefore, the previous climb was not too difficult for him.

But when he climbed to thirty meters, he ran into trouble.

At this time, his physical strength was greatly exhausted, his whole body was covered with sweat, his hands and feet were weak.

But what's even more terrible is that at this time, he can't find a suitable point of strength on his left, right, or above.

There was a mistake in the choice just now.

I was eager for success just now and did not screen carefully. Moreover, due to the angle, I could not see clearly, so I made a mistake in judgment. "Damn it!" Chen Fan cursed.

He instinctively lowered his head and looked down.

At this time, he was more than thirty meters deep in the sky.

I had been climbing just now and didn't look down, so I didn't think there was anything special about this height. But when I looked down now, I saw that it was more than thirty meters, which is equivalent to the height of a ten-story building. Looking at it so vertically, I couldn't help but feel scared.

If it falls, the disability will be minor.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan couldn't help but feel nervous.

In addition, the physical energy consumption is very high at this time, and the hands and feet are sore, so when I feel nervous, my hands have even less strength.


Chen Fan cursed in his heart, hurriedly freed his left hand and used his right hand to grab the stone.

But for some reason, when I grasped the stone firmly with my right hand, my arm suddenly cramped.

"No!" Chen Fan gritted his teeth and hurriedly changed his hands.

But the cramp in my right hand was so severe and painful that I couldn't hold it firmly.

  His whole body fell down.

Fall vertically.


"My God!"

"Go over and catch him!"

The crowd below was in confusion.

In fact, the training for this subject is superficially unprotected and free-handed climbing, but in fact, every climbing training has protection underneath, but it is better hidden and not easy to be discovered, because the key to this subject is to exercise psychology. Overcome fear. If the protection is too obvious, it will not be effective in exercising.

At this point, the protector immediately takes action.

"Oh shit!"

Chen Fan was frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, after all, his psychological quality is stronger than that of ordinary recruits.

  With quick eyesight and quick hands, he hurriedly grabbed a rock.

  His body hit the cliff, and his knees hurt from the impact.

But fortunately, I finally stabilized and didn't fall any further.


He breathed heavily to adjust his mood and calm his heartbeat.

"Stay steady, don't panic! You mustn't panic!"

Chen Fan silently encouraged himself.

"Chen Fan, come on!" Wu Liuyi suddenly shouted.

"Brother Fan, come on!" Chengcai also shouted.

"Chen Fan, you can definitely do it!" Niu Zhiguo also roared.

"Come on!" Tuo Yonggang and Wu Zhe also shouted.

Snap, snap, snap.

The veterans who were watching also applauded together.

Everyone's encouragement gave Chen Fan some strength again.

With a sigh, he exhaled and then began to continue climbing.

Finally, after a long climb, he turned over and climbed onto the cliff.


Chen Fei suddenly fell to the ground, lying on his back, feeling that his whole body was completely limp.


The sound of the system sounded, and another 10,000 system experience was received. At the same time, his attributes for free climbing also soared from sixty-one to more than seventy. In this attempt just now, he overcame his biggest fear, His spirit and will have been greatly tempered, and his results have made major breakthroughs in an instant.


He exhaled deeply, closed his eyes, and felt extremely comfortable.

"Chen Fan, you are a good soldier."

Chen Fan opened his eyes, but Qi Huan was squatting aside with a smile on his face.

Chen Fan rolled his eyes at Qi Huan and was too lazy to answer.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you something just now!" Qi Huan smiled a little bit.


"For recruits' first free climbing, we usually don't ask them to climb directly to the top. We usually only ask them to climb thirty meters!"

"Ah?" Chen Fan was stunned for a moment. After he came to his senses, he sat up and said, "Damn it, Lao Qi, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"I wanted to say, I didn't know you could climb so fast, so I forgot about it!" Qi Huan shrugged, looking innocent.

Chen Fan tapped Qi Huan with his hand, but he didn't know what to say.

Qi Huan is a bitch, how bad he is!

(End of this chapter)

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