My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 311 Old A’s Devil Week

Chapter 311 Old A’s Devil Week
  311 Old A’s Devil Week
  Yuan Lang stood in front of Chen Fan and stared into Chen Fan's eyes.

But Chen Fan was very calm, like a lake without any ripples.

After watching for a while, Yuan Lang asked: "Why aren't you angry? At this time, you should be very angry. You obviously did the right thing, but why did you still get two points deducted? The other three were very angry, but they didn't dare to say That’s all, then why aren’t you angry?”

"Report, it is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders!" Chen Fan spoke loudly and spat on Yuan Lang's face, which was considered a small revenge.

Yuan Lang raised his hand to wipe his face and grinned: "So it's not that I'm not angry, I'm just enduring it!"

He turned around suddenly and said to Qi Huan: "Five points!"

  All the team members looked over together, with complex expressions in their eyes, including confusion, sympathy, and gloating.

Qi Huan was not busy deducting points, but raised his head and looked at Chen Fan.

But Chen Fan remained calm and did not see any dissatisfaction.

Qi Huan then looked at Yuan Lang again, and then added five points after Chen Fan's name.

Yuan Lang stared at Chen Fan for a long time, and then said loudly: "Forty-two, don't think that I will be lenient because you are familiar with me. Let me tell you, I will be harsher on you than others. Student, when I scold him, as long as he doesn't lose his mind, I won't deduct points, but you - I will deduct points if you are emotional, and I will deduct points if you are not emotional! This is my rule, listen. Do you understand?"

"Report, got it!" Chen Fan yelled.

"I'm not deaf, do I need to shout so loudly? Two points deducted!"

In just this moment, Chen Fan was deducted almost ten points.

The other students were frightened into silence.

Because they saw Yuan Lang's moodiness from what happened just now.

Damn it, is that still a human being? Points will be deducted for this, and points will be deducted for that?

Everyone looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan breathed out gently to adjust his emotions, and he soon calmed down.

To be honest, even though he understood Old A's tricks, he was still really angered. It's just that he was good at suppressing it and he was very good at enduring it!
  But he didn't dare to say how long he could endure it!
  Yuan Lang glared at Chen Fan, and then never looked at Chen Fan again. As if the two of them were complete strangers, he leisurely walked back to the front of the team while talking.

"I set the rules here. You are completely at my mercy these few months, that's it. Now run."

But running is not just running, it is running with weights. Each person carries a weight of 25 kilograms.

"Each person carries a weight of twenty-five kilograms. Anyone who dares to cut corners will be eliminated directly!"

Qi Huan shouted while watching everyone put various heavy objects into their backpacks.

"Fuck, it's so heavy!" Tuo Yong just put the backpack on his back and couldn't help but cursed.

Wu Zhe tried the backpack, but also had a grimace on his face.

Wu Liu put his backpack on his back and turned to grin at Chen Fan.

Twenty-five kilograms of weight is actually nothing to them.


Qi Huan blew the whistle.

"Everyone is here, assemble!"

The run begins.

At the beginning, everyone could still form a neat queue, but after running for a while, they dispersed. First, the length of the queue stretched several times, almost 150 meters long, and secondly, there were people standing in the east and west. Yes, like herding sheep.

Running on the football field.

All surrounding searchlights were turned on, and the dark night turned into as bright as day.

Yuan Lang was sitting in an open car with someone driving the car. He drank tea and watched.

Qi Huan sat on one side.

"Keep up, keep up! If you can't keep up, five points will be deducted!"

Those at the back and those 100 meters behind were all deducted five points.

Chen Fan was very relaxed.

Cross-country with a load of 25 kilograms is just a basic exercise for the Seventh Steel Company and is not a problem. Therefore, it is easy for Niu Zhiguo and Wu Liuyi to become talents, not to mention Chen Fan.

Chengcai muttered as he ran: "The chief officer actually sat in the car while running! And drinking tea? Damn, it's really an eye-opener!"

"What's even more surprising is yet to come, so don't complain and just accept it slowly!" Chen Fan warned.

"Fortunately, Chen Fan told us before, otherwise I would have yelled at them today, and I might have been deducted more than ten points!" Niu Zhiguo scolded. “Remember, whatever happens in the future, you must endure it, and try to learn to endure it calmly, without any emotions!”

As soon as he said this, he saw Wu Zhe behind him rushing forward and about to fall to the ground.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Chen Fan grabbed him.

"Wu Zhe, what's wrong?"

"I can't run anymore!"

"Hold on, Wu Zhe, hold on!" Chen Fan pulled Wu Zhe, dragging him to run while preventing him from falling.

Wu Zhe is quite a good guy, so Chen Fan is willing to help him. Anyway, he is very relaxed now.

Of course, he was very careful and tried not to let Yuan Lang see his help.

But Yuan Lang still saw it.

"Forty-two, what are you doing?"

"Report, Thirty-nine was about to fall down just now, I helped him!"

"Are you giving him a hand? Do you think I'm blind, Qi Huan——"


"Two points! Deduct two points for me!"

Qi Huan hesitated a little and looked at Yuan Lang.

But Yuan Lang didn't look at him, he just looked at Chen Fan fiercely: "Forty-Two, what do you think you are doing? Show me the comradeship? I tell you, we don't need it here!"

Chen Fan was silent.

"Why, are you angry? Are you not convinced?"

"Report, no!"

"If you don't agree, you have to obey. Here, I have the final say! My words are the rules!" Yuan Lang cursed fiercely and drove forward in the car.

"I'm sorry." Wu Zhe said weakly.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. He did it on purpose. If he doesn't look for trouble here, he will definitely look for trouble there. It's okay!"

Finally, the long ten-kilometer weight-bearing run is over.

Most people had their cheeks clenched tightly.

Qi Huan announced his future training schedule with an expressionless face: “One ten-kilometer cross-country trip with weights in the morning, noon and evening, one hundred push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and wall squats each in the morning and evening, and a four-hundred-meter obstacle course in the morning and evening. , free climbing once each, all items require a full load of 25 kilograms, and all items need to be completed before meal time, because they cannot affect normal daily course training. "

Yuan Lang wandered around his team: "Everyone is deducted one point. Is this considered standing at attention?"

Everyone quickly steeled themselves and stood at attention.

"Don't let me catch you anymore, I can't even win."

Qi Huan made a cross on the scorebook.

The week-long devil training finally started with great vigor.

Training, training, all physical training.

I had just finished the grueling physical training and had just taken off my backpack. Other training started immediately, seamlessly, without any rest or leisure.

Students often just take off the terrible backpacks on their backs, then lean next to the desks and continue to listen to the instructor's lectures.

There is always a pool of sweat flowing in front of their seats.

Moreover, the results of daily homework assignments will also be included in the total score.

These trainings actually train their ability to complete tasks under extreme conditions.

At first, many people were cursing, but slowly, the students in the room finally lost the energy to be angry. They just looked at Yuan Lang helplessly.

Someone was secretly pinching his thigh.

Someone was among those who screwed themselves hard.

Everyone has only one purpose, stick to it.

A week is as long as a year, but no one gives up. Everyone is waiting for Sunday's rest, because that day can replenish the exhausted energy and face the next week.

(End of this chapter)

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