My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 231 I want to go to Red Company 3

Chapter 231 Chengcai wants to go to the Red Third Company

231 Chengcai wants to go to Hongsanlian

The wheels of the military train kept colliding with the rails, and the sound of banging and banging was endless.

The night flooded in from a distance, and the surroundings gradually became blurry.

Most of the people in the carriage were asleep, and there were only a few dim lights left.

Chen Fan walked towards Xu Sanduo carrying a bag of melon seeds.

Xu Sanda opened his eyes and read the book in the dim light.

He was reading an English-Chinese version of "The Happy Prince".

Xu Sanduo actually only has a junior high school education, so it is extremely difficult to see this kind of thing.

To be honest, if Chen Fan had only Xu Sanduo's level of English, it would have been impossible for him to finish reading the English-Chinese bilingual "The Happy Prince", but Xu Sanduo persisted.

His idea is to cover up the Chinese characters below, cover up a section and then compare it with the Chinese characters below.

Sometimes he would take out the small English-Chinese dictionary in his pocket and read it, muttering to himself.

He watched very attentively, wiping his eyes while watching, and cried empathetically.

Chen Fan originally wanted to take a nap, but couldn't fall asleep, so he simply took a bag of melon seeds from Bai Tiejun's backpack and came to chat with Xu Sanduo.

"Xu Sanduo, don't look at it. The lighting is bad and it will hurt your eyes. If you don't pay attention to your eyesight, you won't be able to be a soldier even after learning English."

Xu Sanduo sniffed, and Chen Fan took a few pieces of paper to him from his pocket. He wiped his nose and said: "Brother Fan, I'm not studying. This book is very good, it makes people very sad, really, very sad." Sadness is very sad, there is a happy statue, and suddenly one day he understood sadness. He saw..."

Chen Fan was afraid that Xu Sanduo would talk to him again, so he quickly interrupted: "No matter what he said, don't read it now. You must protect your eyes in the future. You are a sharpshooter. The most important thing about a sharpshooter is his eyes."

Xu Sanduo was very obedient and put the book away as expected. Moreover, his train of thought was interrupted and he stopped telling Chen Fan his thoughts.

Chen Fan sat down next to Xu Sanduo.

"Brother Fan?" Chengcai walked over like a ghost.

Chengcai was actually sitting not far from Xu Sanduo.

But he pretended to be asleep before because he didn't want to talk to Xu Sanduo.

Ever since Xu Sanduo did 333 abdominal wraps, he didn't want to see Xu Sanduo again, let alone talk to Xu Sanduo.

After Chengcai sat down, he first took out a pack of Hongtashan, handed one to Chen Fan, and then threw one to Xu Sanduo. Whether he did it intentionally or accidentally, the cigarette fell at Xu Sanduo's feet.

Xu Sanduo picked up the cigarette and handed it to Chengcai while saying that smoking was not allowed in the carriage.

Chen Fan didn't take Chengcai's cigarette and just said: "Forget it, let's smoke again later!"

Chengcai put away the cigarette.

"What were you thinking just now? I see you are all looking outside in a daze!" Chen Fan asked.

"I didn't think about anything." Xu Sanduo replied.

"Just brag, I'm counting. You've been watching for five hours, and I've been watching for four. This means you think more than me." Chengcai immediately exposed Xu Sanduo's old tricks.

Xu Sanduo was embarrassed: "I really didn't think about anything."

"Not only did you think about it, you also cried." Chengcai added. He liked to do and say anything that made Xu Sanduo feel bad.

"That's because I feel uncomfortable reading."

"Yes, it's a fairy tale!" Chengcai said with disdain, "Happy Prince. Xu Sanduo, can you think of something practical? You're in your twenties and you're still reading this!"

"I'm not even twenty yet...I'm a talented person. Do you think people will die of grief?"

"You're going to die for me? Can you think of something useful?" Chengcai was disdainful again.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing. It's late at night and it's not a good time to quarrel. It's rare for the three of us to sit together so leisurely and talk about something else!" Chen Fan advised. Chengcai sighed, turned to look at Chen Fan and said, "Brother Fan, I was actually thinking just now that I won't be able to get ahead in the seventh company. In the last sniper competition, I only got third place in the company." , with this result, I will never be able to make a difference in the Seventh Company!"

Before Chen Fan could answer, Xu Sanduo's eyes widened: "Chengcai, don't always think about whether you are good or not. What we are talking about is collaboration."

"Cooperation? The company asked you to cooperate as a junior, are you willing?" Chengcai sneered.

Xu Sanduo was stunned for a while and shook his head.

Chengcai twitched the corner of his mouth and sneered: "Xu Sanduo, I don't think you are a resigned person anymore. You work so hard every day, don't you also want to be the leader?"

He sighed, looked around, and waited until everyone around him was asleep before saying softly: "Brother Fan, there is something that I have been thinking about for a long time. I want you to help me think about it. I want to ask you to help me think about it." If I don’t perform outstandingly in this exercise, I will go to the Red Third Company.”

When Xu Sanduo heard this, he became anxious and looked at the sleeping people around him: "Chengcai, are you crazy?"

Chengcai shook his head: "I'm not crazy."

Xu Sanduo quickly lowered his voice and said: "You are crazy! Gang Seventh Company only has eliminated soldiers, and there are no soldiers who have changed jobs."

"Then I will be the first one. There are too many good soldiers in the Seventh Company, and they will be buried here. The Third Company needs top soldiers, and there is an urgent need for snipers like me. I can take the lead in the Third Company. , not only can I be transferred to a non-commissioned officer, but I can also be a squad leader, but in the seventh company, I can transfer at most one non-commissioned officer, and squad leader is impossible!"

"You can do it well!"

"I'm not you, Xu Sanduo. You are a smart person, don't stare at me. I just discovered not long ago that you are a smart person, and you are more serious than a fool. Who can beat you in the Seventh Company?

Don’t you know that even the people in your class are overwhelmed by you?

Now, except Brother Fan, who is not afraid of you in the Seventh Company? Even squad leader Wu will hide when he sees you!
  I'm afraid of you too. I'm still a sniper now, but who knows if you will become a sniper one day. If you also become a sniper, Xu Sanduo, then I won't even be able to keep the third place! "

Xu Sanduo almost knitted his eyebrows together: "Don't say I'm smart, no one has ever said I'm smart."

Chengcai asked Xu Sanduo gently: "Do you know what smart means here?"

"I know, that means I'm good at finding opportunities."

Chengcai nodded: "Look, you also have this word in your heart, you know how to look for opportunities."

"You told me. You said survival is not easy and opportunities are limited."

"You remember."

"I will remember whoever speaks to me. I will remember whoever speaks. Not only your words, but also Brother Fan's words." Xu Sanduo was a little anxious and his voice became louder.

"Okay, stop making noise, be careful not to wake up others!" Chen Fan had no choice but to advise.

Xu Sanduo and Chengcai both shut up.

Chengcai seemed to have made up his mind, but he still raised his head and looked at Chen Fan and said: "Brother Fan, these are just the thoughts in my heart. The thoughts that I have been thinking about every day these days, I don't know what to say. No, I don't know if I can do this, so - I also want to hear your opinion. If you say that I'm not allowed to go, or that I can't go, then I won't go, although I really want to transfer non-commissioned officers, although I really want to be the squad leader, but, Brother Fan, your opinion is the most important to me!"

Xu Sanduo also turned his head and looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan raised his hand and patted Chengcai.

"Chengcai, first of all, thank you for telling me these things. You can tell me these words in advance and let me help you as a reference. It shows that you really treat me as a brother in your heart, so I am very happy!"

"Secondly, I actually support you to go to other companies. It's really not easy to get ahead in the seventh company. It's even harder to be the squad leader. But if you go to other companies, you will definitely have a better chance!"

"Really Brother Fan? Can I really go to other companies? Don't you blame me for not being your observer?" After hearing Chen Fan's words, Cheng Cai became excited and his voice trembled.

Chen Fan nodded, but finally said: "However, when to go, which company to go to, and how to go, this is a big problem.

Chengcai, do you still remember who Seventh Company hates the most? What Seventh Company hates most is traitors, so if you don’t do this well, you will become a traitor that everyone in Seventh Company despises. Do you want you to become a traitor of Seventh Company? "

Chengcai originally wanted to say that as long as he can stand out, he will be a traitor, but I don't care, but as the words came to his lips, he changed it to: "Brother Fan, if you can't do it, who would be willing to do it?"

Chen Fan nodded, and then said: "Also, you should carefully consider which company you want to go to? The first thing is that the company you go to must have a position suitable for you. Can you be a sniper if you go to the third company? ? The Third Company has not set up a sniper position until now! Secondly, whether the atmosphere of the company is in tune with you is also a question. A good company does not mean it will be suitable for you! "

"In addition, how to get there is also a question. Should you seek connections by yourself and seek help from others, or should you let others take the initiative to take a fancy to you and come to you? You have to think carefully about these things?"

(End of this chapter)

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