My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 223 Night reconnaissance and prisoner capture

Chapter 223 Night reconnaissance and prisoner capture

223 Night reconnaissance and prisoner capture

Gao Cheng still doesn't believe Xu Sanduo.

Or, to be more precise, Gao Cheng still didn't believe that his judgment would be wrong.

In Gao Cheng's eyes, Xu Sanduo is a coward. Even though Xu Sanduo's previous five-kilometer armed cross-country performance was really pretty good. Although he couldn't keep up with Wu Liuyi, he was still in the forefront. But he still firmly believed that people like Xu Sanduo , cannot become a good soldier at all.

He thought so from the first moment he saw Xu Sanduo,
  To this day, he still holds the same view.

So even though Xu Sanduo had defeated Wu Liuyi and defeated many top soldiers of Gang 7th Company at this time, and he even shined in today's assessment, he still didn't believe that Xu Sanduo was a good soldier.

"It must be good luck!"

He thought disapprovingly in his heart.

His favorite soldiers are Wu Liuyi, Chen Fan, and even Chengcai, but there is no model like Xu Sanduo.

Therefore, when Chen Fan wanted to make a bet with him, he agreed without hesitation.

The next training is night reconnaissance and prisoner capture.

This subject is a specialized course for the Seventh Steel Company, and is not taught by other companies of the 702nd Regiment. However, the Seventh Company is a reconnaissance company. Although it focuses on armored reconnaissance, this subject is still very important, and Gao Cheng takes it seriously.

Of course, there is another point. Gao Cheng's results in this subject are also quite excellent.

He excelled in this subject when he was in the military academy, and he has always been at the forefront after joining the army. After so many years, even though he has not directly participated in grassroots training for so many years, he is still quite confident in this subject.

Many soldiers fought against him, but he beat them all to pieces.

This subject does not require much physical fitness or age, and it is very suitable for him to teach those guys who don’t know the heights of the world, so he likes this subject very much.

If he had to choose a first place in this subject, then he would definitely be the first place in the 7th Steel Company. Even when he got to the division headquarters and compared with the guys in the division reconnaissance camp, he was not afraid.

Therefore, Gao Cheng confidently made a bet with Chen Fan.

He still didn't believe it. Could Xu Sanduo be better than him in this subject?
  For a purely physical course like the five-kilometer armed cross-country, Xu Sanduo is better, so it’s not a big deal. That guy has been running in the mountains since he was a child. How can he not run fast?
  If he hadn't been older, he would still be dissatisfied with Xu Sanduo.

But the subject of night reconnaissance and capture is different. This is a subject that tests wisdom, character, and skills. It is not something that many people can do!

This training will be held at eight o'clock in the evening.

At this time, the sky and the earth are completely pitch black. In addition, there are clouds tonight, and the moonlight cannot shine through. It is pitch black everywhere. Although it is a bit exaggerated to describe it as being unable to reach out, the field of vision is really poor. .

Several military trucks were lined up in a row, their bright car lights shining brightly.

In front of the car lights, Steel Seven Company stood in three orderly rows.

"For today's training, we are divided into three groups, one platoon and one group. The platoon leader organizes the specific training on his own."

"The first platoon is training here, the second platoon is in Xiaoliangshan, and the third platoon is in Houhe."

Gao Cheng finished issuing orders to the entire company and then came to the first platoon.

He held a gun in one hand and a helmet in the other, and walked around in a neat row.

"Tonight's first training, the first squad is responsible for night reconnaissance, and the second and third squads are imaginary enemies. Two of them are tongues, lurking in the dark. The task of the first squad is to find the tongues without alerting the imaginary enemies. And successfully captured, is that clear?”

"Clear!" the soldiers shouted at the top of their lungs.

"Okay, I'll give you ten minutes to prepare. It's now 8:07, and at 8:17, the night reconnaissance and capture drills officially begin. In five minutes, the imaginary enemy will enter the predetermined area!"

Gao Cheng also followed Class 2 and Class 3 into the jungle.

"Chen Fan, let's play tongue."

"The two of us?"


After Gao Cheng gave the relevant instructions, he immediately turned around and ran away.

"Company commander, where are you going?" Chen Fan asked knowingly.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. Go over there!" Gao Cheng pointed to a location.


After Chen Fan trotted away, Gao Cheng smiled and immediately turned around and ran towards the river.

Not long after, ten minutes passed.

"Action!" The squad leader of Class 1 waved his hand.

A dozen soldiers immediately swooped into the jungle.

The deputy squad leader made a vigilant reconnaissance, then raised his hand and slashed in the three o'clock direction, and the soldiers behind him immediately ran away in that direction.

"Squad leader!" Xu Sanduo suddenly pulled the squad leader of Class 1 gently.

"Xu Sanduo, what's wrong?"

"Squad leader, I have an idea. You guys go first, and I'll catch up with you later!"

"You?" The squad leader was slightly surprised.

"The company commander is very cunning. You are in front and can be used as bait. If he is really hiding nearby, he will definitely get out when he sees you passing by. Then I can catch him!"

The squad leader was startled, but then his face was full of smiles. He raised his hand and patted Xu Sanduo: "Xu Sanduo, you are a good boy!"

He was very happy.

He was about to retire, but he had been worried that the squad leader of the first class did not have suitable personnel. However, now, he increasingly felt that Xu Sanduo was the most suitable person, so he was happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, Xu Sanduo, then be careful, I will leave a mark for you in front, please pay attention!"


After a while, several heavily armed and camouflaged soldiers from the third squad walked past the river.

They scouted everywhere as they walked, but neither found Gao Cheng or Chen Fan. When they were far away, the calm river surface suddenly made a splash, the water surface parted, and a black figure emerged from the water.


Gao Cheng gasped for air, and the expression on his face was a little weird after holding his breath for a long time, but after getting out of the water, he smiled.

"Young man, you are the only one who wants to catch me!"

He shook himself, shook his Bayi-type automatic rifle, then returned to the shore, looked around, and was about to run over from the eleven o'clock direction.

But before he could take action, a pair of hands stretched out from the soil behind him, grabbed his leg and pulled it. As soon as Gao Cheng fell down, he was kicked hard in the crotch. Gao Cheng spat out in pain, but before he could do it, it was too late. Shouting, a smelly sock was stuffed in his mouth. Gao Cheng still wanted to fight back, but the armed belt on his body had been pulled down to make a rope for binding people, and his neck was also strangled at the same time.

Xu Sanduo happily ran away with the prisoner on his back, shouting loudly as he ran: "Catch the tongue! I caught the tongue!"

Gao Cheng was speechless and struggled to breathe. Then, Gao Cheng was thrown heavily into the clearing in the forest.

Upon hearing Xu Sanduo's shouts, the scouts immediately gathered from all directions.

“Look who’s tongue-in-cheek today!”

"I guess it's Chen Fan!"

"It would be fun if it was really him. Even he was brutally murdered by Xu Sanduo, hahahaha - it seems that the Seventh Steel Company will be Xu Sanduo's world from now on!"

Everyone laughed and walked towards Xu Sanduo.

The monitor of the second shift knelt down and patted the tongue, "Tongue, don't be silent."

Wu Liuyi pushed his tongue and suddenly exclaimed: "Damn it! Isn't this the company commander? No, has he lost his breath?"

Everyone stared and saw that it was indeed the company commander Gao Cheng.

The company commander lay on the ground and did not move for a long time.

"Baitiejun! Baitiejun!"

"I'm coming!"

"Rescue quickly!"

"I got it!" Bai Tiejun pressed his chest tightly, and then gave artificial respiration regardless of anything else.

Gao Cheng moved and kicked Bai Tiejun down first: "Don't resort to artificial respiration! Who caught me? The third squad leader or the second squad leader? Or Gan Xiaoning?"

Everyone listened and didn't say anything. They just looked at each other and looked at each other. It was funny for a while.

It seems that the company commander really fainted just now!

"The report is from Xu Sanduo!" the squad leader of class one replied proudly.

"Xu Xu Sanduo?" Gao Cheng's expression suddenly became unnatural. He looked at Xu Sanduo strangely. He didn't want to admit it, so he had to go down the steps: "The boat capsized in the gutter...Xu Sanduo, don't strangle your neck when you catch your tongue. Tongues are also human beings." , the tongue... also needs to breathe." Soon, Gao Cheng found a way to divert everyone's attention. He suddenly asked loudly: "Where is Chen Fan? Have you caught Chen Fan?"

"Chen Fan?" Everyone was stunned and looked everywhere, but no one saw Chen Fan.

"Today there are two tongues, one is me and the other is Chen Fan. Which one of you caught it?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all shook their heads.

"I didn't catch it!"

"I haven't seen Chen Fan!"

"I haven't seen it either!"

Gao Cheng then waved his hand quickly: "Keep looking! Keep looking! The training is not over yet!"

Everyone dispersed in a hurry and continued to conduct prisoner capture and night reconnaissance exercises.

Gao Cheng found a place to sit down, took a few breaths, and then touched his neck, which was still aching.

"Oh shit!"

He spat, not sure whether he was scolding himself or whom.

After fifteen or six minutes, all the soldiers who had gone out came back.

"did not find!"

"Report, not found!"

"Company Commander, is there something wrong with that boy Chen Fan?"

Everyone gathered around chattering.

"You haven't seen it?"



Gao Cheng stood up and pointed in a direction: "He just went out this way——"

"Company Commander, we almost dug three feet into that place, but we still can't find it!"

"Company Commander, will something happen to Chen Fan?"

Gao Cheng frowned: "This place - something happened? That's not a big deal, but - forget it, let's look for it again!"

He waved his hand to dismiss everyone, then found a place, took out something and wanted to drain the water.

"Fuck, company commander, what do you want to do!"

Gao Cheng had just taken out the things when a scream suddenly came from the grass below, and then a black figure jumped up in horror.

"Fuck you!" Gao Cheng was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. When he looked closely, he saw that it was Chen Fan who had been hiding in the grass.

(End of this chapter)

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