My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 216 Xu Sanduo, remember, you are a soldier of Steel Company 3

Chapter 216 Xu Sanduo, remember, you are a soldier of the Seventh Steel Company
  217Xu Sanduo, remember, you are a soldier of Gang th Company
  Chen Fan had quick eyes and quick hands and hugged Xu Sanduo.

But it wasn't just him who took action, Bai Tiejun, Gan Xiaoning, Chengcai, Wu Liuyi, and others all extended their hands and caught Xu Sanduo together.

"Quick, quick, take him back to the dormitory!"

"Water! Water—someone brought water!"

"Glucose! Use glucose!"

"Hygienist! Where is the hygienist?"

A group of people moved a person back to the dormitory in a hurry.

But many people couldn't squeeze in and could only stare at the horizontal bar in a daze.

The scraped palms on the horizontal bar left blood stains.

"Three hundred and thirty-three...oh my god."



Everyone was deeply shocked.

Niu Zhiguo stood motionless like an iron pillar. Everyone else ran towards the dormitory to see Xu Sanduo, but he seemed to be stupid, motionless, his eyes just stared at the horizontal bar, just looking at the top Blood red, he kept chanting in his heart: "Three hundred and thirty-three! Three hundred and thirty-three!"

The dormitory of the Seventh Company was in complete chaos. First aid kits, hot water, and cold water were all a mess. Fortunately, no one was paying attention to housekeeping now.

"Bai Tiejun!" Chen Fan shouted.

But no response.

"Bai Tiejun, get over here quickly!"

"Coming, coming!" Bai Tiejun stumbled into Class 1's dormitory.

"Let's see how he is doing?"

Bai Tiejun's first aid is still very good, especially battlefield first aid. At this time, the health worker has not arrived yet, so he can only let him take a look first.

Bai Tiejun quickly leaned over to check. After watching for a while, he stood up and said, "It's okay, he won't die!"

Hearing this, Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had known this result for a long time, he was relieved at this time. He still trusted Bai Tiejun's ability.

At this time, Gao Cheng walked in: "Is Xu Sanduo okay?"

"It's okay for now, but we have to wait for a few days! Company commander, Xu Sanduo is handsome today, isn't he?"

"Handsome? What is handsome?"

"Show your face?"

Gao Cheng sighed, took off his hat and scratched his head, then raised his head and asked Chen Fan: "What do you want to say?"

"Company Commander, I know you have always looked down on Xu Sanduo, because he is not the kind of flamboyant person you like. Seventh Company is very flamboyant, and the people you like are all flamboyant, but we can't look down on those who have nothing to show off. Lian Chief, today I want to hear you say it in person, Xu Sanduo, you are so handsome!"

But Gao Cheng avoided his gaze: "I'm going to get some... get some medicine."

But after he walked out, he walked in the wrong direction. When he found out that he had turned back, Chen Fan blocked him again: "Company Commander, is Xu Sanduo handsome today?"

There were people everywhere in the corridor, but there was no sound. Everyone was watching, listening and waiting quietly.

Gao Cheng knew he had no way to hide, so he could only nod his head: "Handsome!"

"Really handsome or fake?"

"So handsome!" Gao Cheng said these two words seriously.

"Xu Sanduo—did you hear that? The company commander praised you for being so handsome today—" Chen Fan shouted loudly.

Ping ping ping pong.

Xu Sanduo rushed out of the dormitory, stumbling.

After rushing out, he looked at Gao Cheng blankly.

Gao Cheng gave Xu Sanduo a thumbs up: "Xu Sanduo, today - this is what you are doing!"

Xu Sanduo stared blankly, then suddenly staggered and staggered, and suddenly rushed out in another direction, like a drunken man. “Xu Sanduo, where are you going?” the squad leader of Class 1 hurriedly chased him out of the dormitory.


Xu Sanduo vomited out, but he quickly covered his mouth with his right hand to prevent vomiting on the ground. Moreover, he had nothing to vomit, just nausea and discomfort.

"Xu Sanduo!" Chengcai also rushed over and supported Xu Sanduo.

Xu Sanduo forced the nausea back into his stomach, then raised his hand and grabbed Chengcai. He struggled to get up and took a look, only to find that it was Chengcai: "Chengcai." Xu Sanduo clung to him as if he was seeing his closest relative. Hold on tight.

"You idiot, you are really crazy today. Is it worth it?"

Xu Sanduo didn't answer, he just rushed into the water room and vomited.

When he was almost done vomiting, Xu Sanduo's neck was drooping. Everyone hurriedly supported him and even almost lifted him up.

At this moment, Wu Liuyi suddenly stopped everyone and said loudly: "Let him go!"

Everyone looked at Wu Liuyi in astonishment.

"If you keep supporting him like this, he will still be a noodle next week! Let him walk back on his own! He must act like a soldier! The soldiers of Steel Company 7 have to stand until death, and the same goes for him!"

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what to do!

"Listen to Squad Leader Wu and let him leave!" Chen Fan also stood up and said.

"Don't help him! Let him walk by himself! Even when he crawls, he crawls by himself! Xu Sanduo, stand up straight!" Wu Liuyi shouted.

But Xu Sanduo made no move.

Wu Liuyi strode up to Xu Sanduo with a sullen face, and said almost sternly: "Soldier Xu Sanduo! Stand at attention——"

He shouted the command at the top of his lungs.

Sure enough, after hearing this command, Xu Sanduo started to move. He broke out from the arms of several people, but he couldn't stand up straight, so he went to grab the people next to him, but Wu Liuyi stared at him, and everyone avoided him.

"Xu Sanduo... stand at attention!"

Xu Sanduo stood at attention like noodles.

Many people begged Wu Liuyi with their eyes, but Wu Liuyi remained unmoved.

"Xu Sanduo, stand at attention!"

With a bang, Xu Sanduo fell to the ground.

"Xu Sanduo!" Wu Liuyi ordered: "You are a soldier, you are the 4951st soldier of Steel Company 7, you must have the bones of a soldier!"

Xu Sanduo moved a little, but soon became motionless again.

"Stand up, Xu Sanduo! Stand up -" Wu Liuyi kicked Xu Sanduo, and Xu Sanduo moved twice more.

"Should we carry it back first?" Hong Xingguo couldn't bear it.

"Forget it, Squad Leader Wu, take it back first!"

"No!" Wu Liuyi stopped: "If he can't stand up this time, he will never stand up in his life. Don't come over to help him. Let him do it by himself!" Wu Liuyi is very tough, even Gao Cheng doesn't give him face. He kicked Xu Sanduo: "Xu Sanduo, get up and walk back by yourself!"

Xu Sanduo remained motionless.

"Xu Sanduo, you idiot!" Wu Liuliu was furious: "Stand up for me!"

"I'm not a turtle!" Xu Sanduo finally moved. He roared loudly, then struggled hard and shouted at Wu Liuyi: "I'm not a turtle!"

"Then just walk back by yourself!"

Xu Sanduo's eyes were blood red and his teeth were chattering. He stared at Wu Liuyi for a while, then turned around suddenly and struggled back crookedly.

Someone wanted to help Xu Sanduo, but Wu Liuyi stopped him!
  Xu Sanduo struggled back to the dormitory by himself, then slept for two days, vomited fourteen times, fell out of bed forty-seven times, and the number of falls was incalculable.

For two days, I felt like a ball was about to be kicked out of the earth. A week later, I felt like I was still on the horizontal bar, spinning and looping.

But he finally got through it!

(End of this chapter)

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