Chapter 199 On duty, spy

199 on duty, spy

The military truck roared and sped to a small town not far away.

Everyone got off the car and gathered together.

After standing in line, the instructor came to speak in front of everyone.

"Comrades, this exercise is organized by the Army Group. It is of great significance to our 702nd Regiment and our T Division. It is equivalent to a year-end assessment, just like the final exam when you were studying. We have done a lot of work during this year. We have done a lot of training and put in a lot of effort, but these are invisible to our superiors. Only through this exercise can we show our abilities and strength and tell them that we are the best. Therefore, this exercise, You can only succeed, not fail!”

"Any mistake or omission in any detail means failure!"

"This exercise not only tests our fighting skills, but also our organization, maneuverability, and support are all within the scope of the assessment. Therefore, whether our large force can pass through this town safely in a while will be our first priority. An exam question!"

"I also saw it just now. Some comrades were very dissatisfied with being transferred to perform duties. Here, I want to seriously criticize these comrades!"

When he said this, Hong Xingguo deliberately looked at Chen Fan and Bai Tiejun. Bai Tiejun lowered his head in shame, but Chen Fan remained motionless and just looked ahead calmly.

"The reason why your squad leader transferred you here is because you work hard and have a correct attitude, which can ensure that we pass the first small test of this big test smoothly. So, comrades, can you come and perform this task? This is an honor and you should be proud of it!”

Hong Xingguo was still very eloquent. He spoke eloquently and for several minutes at a time. He was worthy of being a political worker. He could brag about the smallest things to the sky, as if it could affect the end of the world. At first, everyone listened attentively. But after a while, someone yawned.

Hong Xingguo was a little annoyed, but he held it back. He glanced at the time secretly and realized that he had been talking for a while. He quickly stopped talking and gave instructions.

"Work in pairs, and there must be someone on duty at every intersection!"

After Hong Xingguo's order, Bai Tiejun immediately dragged Chen Fan and rushed all the way to one of the intersections. This intersection was neither the front nor the last, but somewhere in the middle.

"This is the best location among these intersections. There are fewer people, less things, and not too dusty!" Bai Tiejun said with a smile the advantages of this intersection.

The two men came to stand at the intersection, and soon a group of people gathered around them.

"Comrade of the People's Liberation Army, are you going to conduct another exercise?"

"You guys were earlier last year than this year! Did something happen this year? Why did it take so long?"

"Little comrade, are you new here? I don't think I saw you last year?"

A group of people gathered around, chattering and asking questions.

Chen Fan waved his hand and pushed everyone back while shouting: "Fellows, please step back a little, and all of you should move back. In a moment, the armored vehicle will come over, and it will hit everyone, so move back."

Chen Fan and Bai Tiejun drove the people back more than ten meters and then set up a cordon.


A dark man in his forties rode a tricycle and bumped into him. He scared away many people watching the excitement. The guy rode the bike in front of Chen Fan and lifted the raincloth covering it, revealing his body. Piles of snacks and drinks below.

"Comrade, what flavors of snacks and drinks do you like this year? Do you still like these?" the middle-aged man asked while holding Chen Fan. Chen Fan was confused when he was asked what the situation was.

Fortunately, Bai Tiejun hurriedly came to the rescue. Bai Tiejun came over and took a look: "Brother, did you just start this business this year? Why are there no spicy strips?"

"Oh, forget it. I had an extra drink last night and fell asleep. When I woke up this morning, all the spicy bars were snatched up by those other people!"

Chen Fan was stunned by the conversation between the two people. When there were few people around, he couldn't help but ask: "Old Bai, what's going on with these people?"

"They are vendors who specialize in our business. They follow us wherever we go, selling snacks and drinks to us, and some even sell fried rice."

"Really?" Chen Fan's eyes widened.

He had actually heard of the so-called powerful military chariots, but he never expected that these things would actually happen to him.

After being stunned for a moment, he finally came to his senses and said, somewhat dumbfounded: "So even if we go to the canteen with money, we can't buy anything now!"

"Yes, that's what I mean!" Bai Tiejun chuckled, then came over and said mysteriously: "Chen Fan, don't underestimate these people, they can sell everything, they can even sell information to you?"

"Information, is it true or false?"

"Of course it's true. Let me tell you -" Bai Tiejun looked around and saw that there was no one in the army, so he lowered his voice and said, "I killed a sniper last year and bought it from them. intelligence!"

"Fuck you!" Chen Fan cursed, so he had to be careful later, otherwise he would be sold as four or five bottles of drinks, and would he suffer a big loss?
  "Chen Fan——" Hong Xingguo shouted while driving: "Concentrate on duty, the troops are coming!"


Chen Fan quickly separated from Bai Tiejun, each standing on one side, watching warily.

"Look, a brand new infantry fighting vehicle!"

"Oh - this year's car is so powerful!"

"That's right, this is our army's newly upgraded Type 86 infantry fighting vehicle. It's the most advanced armored vehicle in the world, and it's not even available in the United States!"

Chirping, twittering, twittering, the common people suddenly became excited, pointing and talking non-stop. Some people talked about it in a decent way, while others were just talking nonsense.

"Stand back, stand back a little, fellow villagers, stand back—"

The people pressed forward more and more, so Chen Fan had to keep pushing people back.

Suddenly, he raised his head and discovered a small building. On the top of the building, a man was holding a camera and taking pictures wildly.

"Hey - what are you doing?" Chen Fan pointed his finger and shouted loudly.

But the armored vehicle rumbled over, the noise was so loud that it made people's ears buzz, and the man happened to have his back to Chen Fan and the others and was swatting away the Type 86 infantry fighting vehicle, so he didn't hear it. .

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked again, and soon determined that something was wrong with the person who took the photo. He must be a spy. How could ordinary people use such professional camera equipment worth tens of thousands to take pictures of armored vehicles? Therefore, there must be something wrong. question!
  (End of this chapter)

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