My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 194 Steel Company 7, I’m here

Chapter 194 Steel Company , I’m back
  194 Steel Seventh Company, I'm back
  The sun sets in the west.

The setting sun is like blood.

Suddenly, a Pajero with a military license plate drove into the empty war-ready highway.

The car was traveling very fast, picking up fallen leaves and dust on the road.

The vehicle rushed to a sudden stop in front of the main gate of the 702nd Regiment, and the front of the vehicle nodded hard.

The sentry stepped forward to check. When he saw Chen Fan and Chengcai in the car, a smile suddenly appeared on his face. He quickly waved to the other sentry, and Juma moved away and raised the railing.

"I'm finally back!" Cheng Cai couldn't help but raise his arms, as if he wanted to embrace the wind blowing from inside.

"Yes, I'm finally back!" Chen Fan also sighed with emotion. Although this training camp was only for three months, now that I think about it carefully, it seems like several years.

He took a deep breath, as if the air was sweet.

The vehicles had not even reached the gate of the Seventh Steel Company when they heard the loud sound of gongs and drums coming over.

When the car turned the corner and looked forward, sure enough, Gaocheng Hong Xingguo and the officers and soldiers of the 7th Steel Company lined up on both sides of the gate. They were beating gongs and drums to welcome Chen Fan and Cheng Cai back.

"You guys are very good at things - no wonder you two want to come back early. If I were you, I would also hope to come back early." The driver said with a smile.

This driver is from the military region, and he drives specifically for leaders. This time, when he comes back, the superior leader personally arranges it, which can be regarded as an honor. After all, Chen Fan's performance is still remarkable.

The vehicle stopped at the gate, and Chen Fan and Cheng Cai got out of the car.

The gate of the Seventh Steel Company is still the same, not majestic at all. Today, there is a banner hanging above it with a few big words written on it: "Warmly welcome Chen Fan and Chengcai to their triumphant return from training!"


The gongs and drums kept ringing.

"Reporting to the company commander and instructor, Chen Fan and Cheng Cai have completed the sniper training. I am reporting to you, please give me instructions!"

"Take a break!"


Gao Cheng returned the gift, then walked to Chen Fan, raised his hand and slapped Chen Fan twice, then slapped Cheng Cai twice, then turned to look at Hong Xingguo and said: "Old Hong, please Don’t tell me, it’s really much stronger!”

"I think what makes them stronger is the temperament and spirit of soldiers. Now, they no longer look like first-year soldiers. I think many third-year soldiers don't have the same spirit as them!"

Hong Xingguo was also very happy and laughed.

Gao Cheng circled around Chen Fan and Cheng Cai, and finally came to Chen Fan. He raised his hand and punched Chen Fan on the chest. However, Chen Fan's body was so strong that he could not move at all. .

"You two boys can do it. The commendation order was sent to the company before the people arrived. Yes, yes, you did not embarrass the Seventh Steel Company in this training camp!"

Gao Cheng spoke in his trademark loud voice, not for two people, but for the entire Gang 7th Company and the soldiers of the Dagong 6th Company who came over to watch the excitement.

After saying that, he turned back and looked behind him. After searching for a while, he finally found the squad leader of the cooking class, so he pointed with his hand: "Um - I asked you to add extra food tonight? Have you added it?"

"Reporting to the company commander, it has been added. Chen Fan and Cheng Cai's favorite dishes have been cooked, and the beer is also ready!"

Gao Cheng then retracted his gaze and looked at Chen Fan: "Let's eat first, and we'll talk about it after dinner. Don't you miss it a little bit after not having food for three months?"

"Company Commander, I really want to eat our company's braised pork!"

"I've already made arrangements for you. Let's go and eat first -"

dong dong dong, dong dong dong.

The gongs and drums sounded again.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Chen Fan and Chengcai walked towards the cooking class with great energy. Unknowingly, a feeling of pride and pride surged into their hearts. This evening, at eight o'clock.

Chen Fan ran a few steps quickly to catch up with Wu Liuyi.

Wu Liuyi was walking alone on the forest path, smoking a cigarette.

"Deputy deputy?" Chen Fan chased after him.

When Wu Liuyi heard his voice, he stopped, turned around and looked at him. He didn't know whether he was joking or sincere. He smiled and said: "You kid, these three months have really not been in vain. You have really changed." Is it the same?"

"Not much has changed, right?"

"I have changed, my body has become stronger, my spirit has changed, and most importantly, I really look like a soldier!"

"I still need to learn more from the deputy classmate." Chen Fan chuckled.

"No!" Wu Liuyi raised his hands to express his refusal: "But don't learn from me. If you learn from me, you will go backwards!"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Chen Fan heard a feeling of loneliness from Wu Liuyi's words.

But I can really understand what a proud person Wu Liuyi is, and he has always had the capital to be proud, but now - since Chen Fan, Xu Sanduo and Chengcai came to Steel Seventh Company, he basically has very few There is a chance to be proud.

During the long-distance race, Xu Sanduo has gradually caught up with him and will soon be on par with him;
  In shooting, Cheng Cai was more talented than him, but in other aspects, Chen Fan completely crushed him. No matter which one, he could never find a subject that could make him stand tall and proud.

He gradually fell from the most dazzling one to the second echelon, so his loneliness and helplessness are really understandable.

But there is nothing Chen Fan can do. He also wants to make progress and become the best soldier. But after all, there is only one best in every company. If he becomes the number one, then Wu Liuyi can only be reduced to a background wall. .

Chen Fan didn't know how to comfort him.

Moreover, for Wu Liuyi, this is a hurdle. If he encounters it earlier, it will actually be better. If he cannot get over this hurdle, then his life will definitely be very difficult.

Just like what Gao Cheng said about Wu Liuyi: Wu Liuyi is too strong now, and if he is strong, he will break easily. What he needs to learn now is to soften himself, just like water, but there is no doubt that this It is an arduous and painful process.

Chen Fan took out two packets of Zhonghua from his arms and handed them to Wu Liuyi: "Deputy deputy, these are for you!"

In fact, at first he wanted to buy one directly. After all, he has no shortage of money now. Those copyrights alone are enough for him to be popular and popular. He has no shortage of money to spend, but in the end he held back. Wu Liuyi is a very good person. If the weather is bad, just buy one pack of them, so buying two packs is enough, but buying one pack is not beautiful.

Sure enough, when Wu Liuyi saw the two packs of Chinese cigarettes, he immediately smiled, a sincere and happy smile. He hugged Chen Fan and said, "I guess you still have some conscience and can still remember me! But! ——It’s not easy for you kid, so I want you to have a pack, right? Give the remaining pack to the company commander, who also likes to smoke these cigarettes!”

"I've already sent him off, company commander!" Chen Fan said.

Wu Liuyi was stunned. After a moment, he raised his hand and patted Chen Fan on the shoulder: "You are better than me. When I was your age, I didn't understand anything."

Chen Fan chuckled and walked forward with Wu Liuyi.

"Deputy deputy, what are you doing these days? You've been out for three months and you feel like you don't know anything anymore?"

"You two came back at the right time. There is a drill at the end of the year, and you two have caught up!"

"Drill? What drill?"

"This time we go to the prairie!" Wu Liuyi said proudly.


"Yes!" Wu Liuyi patted Chen Fan on the shoulder: "There is no grassland in our place. This time I will open your eyes and let you see what is called a flat plain! Oh, by the way, our 702nd Regiment is not mechanized Troops? Then, you can see a real mechanized charge. Hundreds of tanks line up and charge together. Gee, that scene - that's a spectacular sight!"

Speaking of the upcoming exercise, Wu Liuyi couldn't help but be elated, changing from his previous dejection.

(End of this chapter)

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