My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 141 Let’s cooperate

Chapter 141 Let’s cooperate
  141 Chengcai, let’s cooperate
  Chen Fan searched around and found a small tree branch on the ground. He used the small tree branch as a pen to draw a simple topographic map. Then he pointed at the topographic map with the small tree branch and said, "Look, everyone, this is Topographic map of our area.”

"The red team is going to raid the base camp of our 702nd Regiment, so the best way is to go around here. The other way is from here, but we walked this road and didn't see them on the road, so he just Be able to take the first path.”

"After they are defeated by us, they will definitely have to retreat along the same route. We go here to ambush. The terrain here is long and narrow, with high mountains and deep forests. If we hide inside, the red commander can just pass by here and we can shoot him in the head!" "

Chen Fan expressed his thoughts one by one.

After hearing his thoughts, several people at the scene looked at each other. They looked at me and I looked at you and stopped talking. However, the expressions on everyone's faces were wonderful. Some people were shocked, such as Xu Sanduo. , and some people are slightly skeptical, such as Chengcai.

When Chen Fan saw that everyone was silent, he quickly smiled and said, "Everyone, let me know what you think."

Niu Zhiguo looked left and right, and finally decided to express his thoughts: "Chen Fan, I think your idea is not very feasible. Your idea is good, but how can we behead Hong Fang with just a few of us?" Leader? If nothing else, you know who the leader is? There are so many people here at once, how do you judge which one is the commander? "

As soon as Niu Zhiguo's words came out, everyone's chat boxes opened up, and they all started chattering.

"Yes, Brother Fan, we don't even know who the leader of the 115th Regiment is, how can we behead him?"

"Also, we don't even have a sniper rifle, how can we snipe? The best shooting distance of the Bayi Bar is within two hundred meters. It's not easy to do it any further. If you want to snipe the commander of the Red Army from this distance, it's really difficult. Impossible! Don’t let the Red Army commander fail to kill us and send us to the west!"

"And their leader must be sitting in the car, our bullets can't penetrate him at all!"

"Unless we use an artillery bomb to attack, where do we have mortars?"

"Actually, a four-zero fire is fine. How about we get a four-zero fire?"

Everyone shared their thoughts with each other.

Chen Fan actually had a hot head just now. After all, after watching so many military dramas, it was inevitable that he would have a beheading dream in his mind. Now that everyone's opinions were expressed one by one, he quickly calmed down. What everyone said was true. is the problem.

However, Chen Fan did not stop thinking about it. He just pondered for a moment and then started to analyze it himself.

"The problems you just mentioned are indeed problems, but we actually have ways to solve them. First of all, to determine who is the leader of the 115th Regiment, we can use the vehicle model and military rank to judge. Ordinary officers are definitely not qualified. Cars are only available at the group leader level. We don’t know about the others, but we have all seen the car our group leader rides in, right? So by looking at the vehicle, we can basically tell where their group leader is sitting. Then take a look at his military rank, prove it two by two, and you can basically confirm it!"

"Brother Fan, what if the person sitting in the car is not the regiment leader but the political commissar?" Xu Sanduo asked.

Chen Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this: "It's not bad to kill a political commissar. It can be regarded as a successful beheading."

"Brother Fan, I have a question, we don't have a sniper rifle!" Chengcai said.

"This is indeed a problem, but we can take advantage of a drill. In real combat, the effective distance of the Type 81 automatic rifle is definitely within four hundred meters, but this is a drill and the laser is fired, so a thousand Within meters, the laser will definitely not change in any way. As long as the laser receiver on the opponent's body receives the laser we fired, it will be judged as being killed. Chengcai, didn't you bring a telescope? When the time comes, we will use the telescope to observe. Then he fired from a distance and shot him in the head."

After listening to Chen Fan's words, several people looked at me and I looked at you, feeling surprised and happy.

"Brother Fan, what are you waiting for? Let's do it?"

"Yes, fuck him!"

"If we can really kill the leader of the 115th Regiment, tsk tsk, we will have a great achievement!"

Everyone became excited immediately. "Walk!"

"set off!"

"Let's go!"

Several people stood up quickly and walked towards the path Chen Fan mentioned.

Everyone lined up in a row and moved forward in a fighting formation. One person was in front to explore the way, one person was responsible for cutting off the rear, and the others lined up in the middle, one after the other.

After marching as fast as possible for an hour, everyone finally arrived at the place Chen Fan mentioned.

"Look, there are really ruts on the ground!" Xu Sanduo was the first to notice something strange on the ground. At this time, everyone else was observing the surrounding environment. Before they had time to observe the ground, only Xu Sanduo stared at the ground for the first time.

Everyone quickly came to where Xu Sanduo was standing and looked at the ground. Sure enough, one after another, rut marks were crisscrossed and extremely obvious.

"These are the wheels of an infantry fighting vehicle!"

"This must be from a tank!"

"How do you know this is a tank? It looks similar to an infantry fighting vehicle, right?"

"Idiot, didn't you notice that the ruts are so deep? The infantry fighting vehicle is only a dozen tons. How many tons is a tank? It's more than fifty tons. Can it be the same?"

"Oh - so that's it!"

Everyone was chattering.

However, Chen Fan did not participate in everyone's discussion. He looked around, observed, and searched for the best place to ambush.

Chengcai did not discuss it with anyone else. He also stood next to Chen Fan and watched. After watching for a while, he pointed to a place with his finger: "Brother Fan, what do you think of that position?"

Chen Fan actually also took a fancy to that place. Firstly, it was high up and had a wide view. Secondly, there was an escape route there. If the mission failed, he could immediately burrow into the forest and hide quickly.

"That place is good, we will ambush there soon!" Chen Fan nodded.

After hearing this, Chengcai grinned, very happy.

"Chengcai, how about you take charge of observation in a while and I'll take charge of sniping? Let's work together to do something big. If this thing comes to pass, the two of us and a third-class meritorious worker will definitely not be able to escape!"

"Okay!" Chengcai nodded quickly, smiling like a flower.

If someone else invites him to form a team, he will definitely become a sniper, but with Chen Fan, he is not so confident. Compared with Chen Fan, his marksmanship is not even a bit worse.

Therefore, he was really willing to work with Chen Fan, one as an observer and the other as a sniper!
  (End of this chapter)

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