My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 130 Absolutely fast, relatively accurate

Chapter 130 Absolutely fast, relatively accurate

130 is definitely fast and relatively accurate

Two days after Li Yun arrived at the 7th Steel Company, the invited shooting instructor also came to the 7th Company.

For this on-the-go shooting training, Li Yun generously invited a team of experts, some of whom helped train the infantry fighting vehicle on-the-go shooting, and another instructor helped train the soldiers on the on-the-go shooting.

The instructor responsible for shooting while the soldiers are on the move is called Zhao Ting, and he is the shooting instructor of the special operations brigade. However, the specific special operations brigade is unclear and appears to be very mysterious.

The 7th Steel Company does not teach the special shooting method of shooting while on the move, and no one has teaching qualifications. Only some special departments can teach it.

So if you want to learn this thing, you have to hire someone.

Gao Cheng was originally not very interested in this thing, but because he was going to fight against the 115th Regiment next month, he thought about it carefully and felt that he should pay more attention to it. This can be regarded as a big move.

Therefore, the training for this subject was quickly arranged.

"Comrades, today I will teach you some simple shooting skills on the move." Zhao Ting said standing in front of the team.

He is a short, stocky sergeant with dark skin and piercing eyes. At first glance, he looks like someone who has worked in a special position.

However, compared to his energy and energy, his lecture level was very average. I don't know whether it was because of nervousness or poor eloquence, but he stumbled a bit when he spoke.

"Shooting while moving, to put it simply and popularly, means shooting without aiming, or it is called shooting with inaccurate aim."

"We all know that the principle of aiming is actually three points and one line. So now we say that shooting while moving means shooting without aiming. Is there any contradiction between the two?"

"The answer is no!"

"However, there is indeed a conflict of ideas between the two methods. Our conventional shooting is precision shooting, and the purpose is to shoot one enemy at a time without missing any bullets. However, the purpose of our shooting while moving is to suppress firepower. He does not use Killing the target is the primary goal."

Zhao Ting gradually became more fluent, but his speech was not vivid, and it felt like he was giving an endorsement.

Therefore, many soldiers of the Seventh Company shook their heads secretly when they heard it, feeling that it was extremely boring. But when Chen Fan heard it, his eyes lit up, and millions of years burst out in his mind.

"I understand, absolutely fast and relatively accurate!" As he thought about it, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

What Zhao Ting said was not in-depth, and it felt like he was talking here and there. However, Chen Fan had seen and listened to a lot, and he suddenly had an idea and realized what he was talking about.

The concept of absolute fast alignment has been very popular in the parallel time and space on the earth for some time.

However, here, this concept only stays in some special units, and there is no such thing as "absolutely fast and relatively accurate" for the time being, but the meaning is somewhat close.

Zhao Ting is actually not a good teacher, because his lectures are a bit chaotic, especially when asked by a few soldiers, he immediately became a little confused and didn't know how to answer the question.

But Chen Fan still listened attentively.

[Ding—If you listen carefully, think proactively, and don’t take the instructor’s minor flaws seriously, your experience will be +100]

The system's voice rang.

Therefore, Chen Fan listened more and more seriously, but many soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company began to murmur secretly after hearing this.

"What exactly did the instructor mean? Why did he say to aim at one moment and then say not to look with your eyes at the next?"

"Is this instructor a fake? Why do you speak so confusingly?"

After the disbandment, everyone was in groups of seven or eight, each talking quietly and slandering.

However, Chen Fan did not participate.

At this moment, he was practicing shooting on the move with his exclusive rifle.

This kind of marksmanship is what he should train vigorously in the future, because this is the marksmanship that can really be used on the battlefield.

If you are doing target practice at ordinary times, static precision shooting is definitely more useful, but on the battlefield, people certainly cannot stand still, so shooting while moving is the real practical marksmanship.

He held the gun in both hands and stabilized his lower body, but his head kept turning. Wherever his head turned, the muzzle of the gun turned.

At the beginning, it was difficult for him to be coordinated. He would often turn his head and the muzzle of the gun would still be at the original position, or the muzzle would rotate too much, far exceeding the deflection angle of his head. But with practice, After more than a hundred or two hundred times, such big mistakes gradually became less and less, and his eyes and muzzle were much more coordinated. The key to this shooting method is that the muzzle of the gun is coordinated. Wherever the eye sees, the muzzle turns to where it is, up and down.

After practicing for almost half an hour, the system beeped with a ding, and more than three hundred points of experience were credited.

"Brother Fan——Brother Fan——"

As soon as he put down the gun, Chengcai trotted over from the other side.

Chen Fan patted the small stone slab next to him and motioned for Chengcai to sit down.

Chengcai handed over a bottle of water, and Chen Fan was not polite. He opened it, raised his head, and drank a few sips from the air. Then he handed the rest back to Chengcai. Chengcai also opened the bottle and took a few big sips. Wiping his mouth, he turned his head and glanced into the distance. Seeing if he saw Zhao Ting, he asked in a low voice: "Brother Fan, is this instructor fake? Why are the things he said so inconsistent?"

"What he said is correct, but the expression is not clear enough. What he means is that when we shoot, especially on the battlefield, we must first pursue fast movements, and then pursue accurate shooting.

Absolutely fast and relatively accurate.

Be the first to fire and suppress the enemy.

As long as you shoot, even if you miss, it will suppress the enemy.

On the battlefield, both sides are in close combat, life and death are determined in the blink of an eye, and whoever moves faster will survive, so it is impossible to aim slowly, aim for a long time, and aim with precision like we usually do in training."

Chengcai was stunned for a long time after listening to Chen Fan's narration, but then he nodded, feeling a little enlightened.


Not long after, the instructor's whistle blew.

"Seventh Company, assemble!"

Zhao Ting strode to the front of the team, looked around, and said in a deep voice: "Comrades, before proceeding to the next step of study, let's review what we just said. We'll ask a comrade to give a brief summary. , which comrade comes first?"

Zhao Ting looked around, but there was no reaction.

He smiled awkwardly: "Well, since no one is willing to take the initiative, I will call the name. Then - will this comrade answer it?"

He achieves success with just one finger.

Chengcai was startled and looked around. When he was sure that he was really being called, he straightened up quickly and said, "Report - the instructor just told us so much. In fact, it can be summed up in just one sentence. It's absolutely quick." , relatively accurate!”

Absolutely fast and accurate?

The soldiers of the seventh company were stunned when they heard this.

Even Zhao Ting was stunned after hearing this.

Absolutely fast and accurate?

Did he ever say such a thing?

It seems that he has never said it before. This is the first time he has heard such a sentence, but when he thinks about it carefully, these few words accurately summarize all his thoughts.

After coming back to his senses, he smiled and nodded: "Comrade, what's your name?"

When Chengcai heard this, he was overjoyed: "Report, my name is Chengcai!"

"Comrade Chengcai, you are very smart. You understood all my spirit at once, and you were able to sum it up in such a penetrating sentence. You are very good!"


"Comrade Chengcai, tell me!"

"Report, this sentence was not summed up by me, but by Comrade Chen Fan. The reason why I know this sentence is because he told me during the break just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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