Siheyuan: Xu Damao corrects his evil ways

Chapter 169 169, I want to protect this person

Chapter 169 169, I want to protect this person
  In the workplace, when things happen, they are handled on the spot, and most of them are just for show.

So if Deputy Factory Manager Li calls Chief Hu over at this time, asks about the matter, and then scolds him, it means there is no problem.

However, no.

Even Deputy Factory Director Li pretended that this was not the case.

Section Chief Hu first took Xu Damao back to the Publicity Department and comforted him.

Then he went to find Deputy Director Li without stopping.

He knew that this was a taboo thing for him to do.

Xu Damao is a member of the Publicity Department, if Section Chief Hu handles him according to normal procedures. Even if Deputy Factory Director Li thought Xu Damao was important, he would at most call Section Chief Hu over and ask the matter clearly before deciding whether to protect or not.

The premise is that Comrade Li thinks Xu Damao is quite important. In reality, Deputy Director Li probably won't pay attention to this matter.

In a steel rolling mill with tens of thousands of people, a projectionist is indeed very valuable. But that's because the rolling mill only needs one, not just one.

Of course, if we only talk about salary, few projectionists are willing to join the steel rolling mill.

For example, Xu Damao's salary of 34.5 before he worked as a substitute was really uncompetitive.

These days, every person has their own way of doing things. The so-called no profit is taken from every other line, even across regions.

Like projectionists in movie theaters, they have their own high wages and their own benefits.

They looked down upon colleagues like Xu Damao, who earned a salary of more than 30 yuan and had to go to the countryside to climb mountains and wade in rivers.

People like Xu Damao would not tell their peers how they make money.

This is the so-called cross-region no profit. This is why the older generation of businessmen all have their own business paths. In later generations, it is the so-called channel construction.

After all, things are the same, that is, a different way of saying it.

Naturally, the Xu family and his son understood all the twists and turns, but the most that Old Xu taught his disciples was a few techniques. If you want to know how projectionists in different places earn money, go and explore on your own.

This is the mentality of making extra money these days. Since it is so-called extra money, there are naturally various irregularities. Who would brag about this?

Despite all the difficulties, Deputy Director Li could still find a projectionist if he wanted.

Section Chief Hu's attempt to find Deputy Factory Director Li was not successful. It was not that Comrade Li didn't see him, but that Comrade Li had gone to the district for a meeting.

Chief Hu didn't know whether this was true or not, but he knew he was finished.

Of course, Deputy Director Li is not qualified to handle the appointment or removal of a section chief. But basically without the circle of Deputy Factory Director Li and the protective wing of Deputy Factory Director Li, people like Section Chief Hu will become a target for others.

This process does not happen immediately, but in the future career, the best outcome for Section Chief Hu is to retire safely.

It seems like a funny thing, but it's mostly true.

A leader can allow his subordinates to be confused in official matters, but it is best not to joke about the private matters he entrusts to you.

What's more, this private matter still cannot be seen in the light.

Of course, these are all Section Chief Hu's fears. The specific situation depends on what Xu Damao said to Deputy Director Li, and whether what he said touched Deputy Director Li's pain points.

This also shows the sensitivity of this kind of old fried dough sticks.

No matter today or in future generations, when we go to work, we encounter many such old fritters. We feel that these people are just like rotten old masters. They don’t understand anything. How can they survive in this industry?

But if the old youtiao likes the person doing the work, maybe one phone call can solve the problem that others can't solve after going through the process for more than ten days.

That is to say, this kind of veteran can grasp the core of something.

In the current matter, Section Chief Hu focused on two things. One was to make Xu Damao change his mind, and the other was to explain it clearly to Deputy Director Li.

Logically speaking, Xu Damao is still making a living in the hands of Chief Hu. Even if Chief Hu is sued, he still has to deal with the situation at least.

But at this time, Xu Damao's middle-class soul broke out again, and he directly set up a fight to the death with Hu Ke.

It seems like a very important thing, related to the future.

But that’s what happens to people who don’t care about their future.

What does Xu Damao lack?

The reason why I want to do this job is just because there is no job these days, and I don’t even have a way to eat some meat.

According to Xu Damao's idea, if it didn't work out, he would go to Lou Tan's place to search for food, and then go directly to Hong Kong Island to live alone. As long as you are not arrogant, you can survive. Maybe after a few years, I can still get the treatment of a Hong Kong businessman.

But Xu Damao, a second-tier middle school student, scared Section Chief Hu straight away.

I don’t know anything else, but I ran to the office building N times in the afternoon. As a result, he never met Comrade Li once. Now Section Chief Hu knew that he was really doomed.

Section Chief Hu calmed down and first went to the small bus station to take a look. His eyes narrowed, and there were all the cars from the steel rolling mill. The presence of the car means that Deputy Director Li is here. The fact that Deputy Director Li was here but did not see him could only prove that there were more important things than seeing him now.

Section Chief Hu wiped the non-existent sweat on his head, shook his head, sighed, turned around and walked directly to the Purchasing Department.

The best thing about Laoyouzi is that basically every department has their acquaintances.

It doesn't matter how good the relationship is, but it is definitely possible to stay together for warmth.

Of course, this kind of hugging together for warmth is not about helping someone without principles, that is, trying to save those who can be saved. Those who can't be saved may even be trampled on. Section Chief Hu didn't say anything when he entered. Instead, he glanced at an acquaintance of his in the Procurement Department. The other party received Section Chief Hu's inquiry and did not speak. He just pointed the cap of the pen in his hand towards an office in a covert manner.

Section Chief Hu took a closer look and saw that this was the office of Chang Wu, deputy section chief of the Procurement Section.

This made Chief Hu's mind flash again. Lao Wu was the person on his line.

Naturally, it's not a faction or anything, but the line of mountain goods business.

The head of the purchasing department will naturally not do those small businesses. If he has a little bit of involvement in other places, it is not a small number.

But Lao Wu was different. He and the chief section chief were both members of Deputy Factory Director Li, so naturally there would be no infighting. So he took over this thing that the section chief looked down upon.

Section Chief Hu is different. After all, the Propaganda Department is in charge of virtual objects. It is rare to find a place where you can make extra money, so you will definitely not let it go.

This is the difference between departments and departments, and it is also a difference in status.

For example, the first and second leaders in the purchasing department were all assigned by Deputy Director Li.

Section Chief Hu was just posted on his own after Factory Director Yang and others didn't take it seriously.

That's why Section Chief Hu was so flustered because of Xu Damao.

At this time, when Comrade Li was talking to his confidants, Chief Hu couldn't just rush in blankly.

But if they finish talking, maybe the matter will be decided.

For a moment, Section Chief Hu was like an ant on a hot pot, not knowing where to start.

Fortunately, Deputy Factory Director Li did not keep Section Chief Hu waiting too impatiently.

After more than ten minutes, Deputy Director Li walked out, and half a step behind him was Comrade Wu.

Deputy Factory Director Li was just stunned for a moment when he saw Section Chief Hu, but he had no other attitude.

Section Chief Hu hurriedly stepped forward. Unknowingly, Section Chief Hu's waist bent down.

Section Chief Hu suppressed his panic and said with a smile: "Director Li, there are some things I want to report to you."

Comrade Li smiled and said: "Chief Hu, you are really eager to pursue me."

Deputy Section Chief Wu behind him also chided in, "Section Chief Hu's work attitude is worth learning from."

Section Chief Hu's mouth twitched involuntarily, "What the hell, what are you pretending to be?" I've been talking to Comrade Li for so long inside, I don't believe he doesn't understand.

Deputy Factory Director Li led Section Chief Hu outside, and Section Chief Hu began to explain on the way. It's just that he still habitually shirks all his responsibilities. This is also the biggest weakness of old oilmen, who are unwilling to take responsibility.

Therefore, in the workplace, most experienced people are assistants and conservatives.

It's really the kind of department that takes charge of its own affairs, and basically uses this kind of person as its leader.

To be honest, this disappointed Deputy Director Li.

The student translation incident some time ago made Deputy Director Li take a high look at Section Chief Hu.

Although the proposal and organization of the matter were not initiated by Section Chief Hu, Deputy Director Li still appreciated this sensitivity.

If Section Chief Hu could tell the truth at this time, or if he changed his reasons, Comrade Li might be able to be accommodating.

When he went to the Purchasing Department just now, he asked the Publicity Department if they knew about this matter and what the whole story was. The other thing is to discuss with Lao Wu how to eliminate Section Chief Hu from this line.

No one is irreplaceable, and there are also deputy section chiefs in the Publicity Department who have nothing to do.

When they arrived at the office, Deputy Director Li sat down. He looked straight at Section Chief Hu. This oppressive look made Section Chief Hu panic.

At this time, Section Chief Hu couldn't help but want to slap himself in the mouth.

This is not official business, so how can we use official routines to deceive the leaders.

But before Section Chief Hu could come up with a solution, Deputy Director Li had already started asking.

Deputy Director Li asked, "Is it the boss of the Lou family or someone else?"

As soon as these words came out, Chief Hu's heart fell off the cliff.

Section Chief Hu couldn't think of an excuse at this time and said directly: "It's Uncle Wen, the old housekeeper of the Lou family. He should come here on behalf of the boss of the Lou family. Here are two small yellow croakers. This is not the point. The point is that when I first entered the factory, I owed him a favor."

Section Chief Hu knew that he lost. He did not lose to Xu Damao, but to his own panic.

This is another problem of the old youtiao who is unable to bear the responsibility. When encountering emergencies, especially when his own future is at stake, he tends to panic.

Deputy Director Li looked better than before, with an inexplicable smile hanging on his lips, which he thought was very interesting.

From his understanding of the matter, he also understood that this kind of internal fighting was not uncommon in big families.

He knew about the Lou family's wealth in Sijiu City, and he also knew about how many boats the Lou family had.

All the small actions of the family are considered small Karami to the forces represented by Deputy Factory Director Li and others.

Thinking of the Lou family's wealth, Deputy Factory Manager Li looked at Section Chief Hu and said quietly: "I want to protect Xu Damao."

(End of this chapter)

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