Chapter 258 Prescribe the right medicine

It’s exactly what I expected!

Upon hearing this, Lin Zhengyi showed such an expression.

He had already guessed that with the character of Hong Kong students, he would definitely want to help after seeing his aunt's family situation.

After thinking for a while, he said, "You have already asked, so of course I will help. But help with this kind of thing, it is definitely not possible to give money directly. This can solve a temporary emergency, but it will not solve the fundamental problem!"

"So, we must take the right medicine, find out all the problems in her family first, and then help solve them one by one, then it will be useful, right?"


Hong Kong students looked confused.

"Why do you think your aunt's family is so poor?" Lin Zhengyi asked.

"There are many children, a lot of food, and her salary is low. When I just chatted with her, I found out that she couldn't find a serious job because she had to take care of her children, so she could only earn a little money by sewing clothes for others. .”

"But these days, the living standard in Xiangjiang has become higher. Most people throw their clothes away when they are torn. Then they buy new ones. Only some poor people sew them. In this case, she earns very little. !”

"In addition, she has to take care of her children, so she doesn't have time to do this job. She doesn't dare to take too many orders, so she earns even less!" Hong Kong thought for a while and said.

"That's right!"

Lin Zhengyi nodded, but then said, "But there is still a problem!"

"What's the problem?" Hong Kong asked in confusion.

"Her husband!"

Lin Zhengyi explained, "When she was chatting just now, she didn't say anything about her husband, but before we entered the door, did we hear her saying that she didn't work?"

"It seems so!" Hong Kong Sheng thought about it carefully and nodded.

"That's the biggest problem!"

Lin Zhengyi said sternly, "It stands to reason that in a place like Xiangjiang, even if a man just finds a construction site and fights two bags of cement and sand, he can earn three to four thousand in a month, right?"

"She has three or four children at home. If her husband is willing to earn money, even though this amount of money will not make her family rich, it will definitely not be like just now, and the family will be destitute, right?"

"Taking a step back, if her husband doesn't work, but is willing to help take care of the children at home, so that she can have time to go out and find a job in a factory or something, the family will be much better, right?

"So, the biggest problem in her family is her husband."

"Then we need to help her husband find a job?" Hong Kong Sheng thought for a while and responded.

"No, no, no!"

Lin Zhengyi shook his head and said, "If his husband was willing to go out to work, he would have gone out to work a long time ago. A grown man, with hands and feet, even if he is thin and cannot find those manual jobs, he can go to a restaurant to serve dishes and wash dishes." A bowl or something is always okay, right?”

"But right now, her husband is obviously not working. What does this mean? It means that her husband is unwilling to work!"

"So, I think if you want to help her, it's best for her to divorce her husband!"

"After the divorce, I will help her children find a kindergarten or elementary school that provides noon care, or even afternoon care, and let them all go to school. I will cover all the tuition fees."

"Then find a job for your aunt, and ask her to send her children there when she goes to school, and then pick them up after get off work in the evening. Only in this way can their family's predicament be completely solved!" Lin Zhengyi said seriously.


Hong Kong Sheng listened and couldn't help but nodded.

This sounds like it will indeed solve the problem.


"But why let her get a divorce?" Hong Kong Sheng asked puzzled.

"Her husband doesn't make money, and he doesn't take care of the children. If she keeps her husband, he will be a bigger burden to her than the children. She might as well let him go."

After Lin Zhengyi explained, he added, "Besides, that guy dared to stare at you lustfully just after you entered the door. It makes me feel sick if this kind of person gets even the slightest bit of light on him."


Hong Kong students suddenly felt touched in their hearts.

It turns out that the reason why my aunt got divorced was to protect herself!


Hong Kong Sheng suddenly thought of something again and said, "Wait a minute, but what should I say about the divorce? I feel that if I say it directly, she might not agree. After all, they are still a couple, and he is still The child’s father!”

"This is indeed a problem!" Lin Zhengyi couldn't help but nodded as he listened.

Why do many couples in reality have bad relationships but never get divorced?

The biggest reason is the children.

In order for the child to have a father/mother.

Even if the father/mother is irresponsible, if they have it, at least they will not be said to be a child without a father/mother.

Think about it!

Lin Zhengyi said again, "Well, didn't your aunt leave you her home phone number just now? After waiting, you call her and tell her that you see that her family is not doing well, and you want to help her. , but you don’t have the ability, so you ask me for help!”

"Finally, after your hard pleas, I agreed, but I also put forward a condition, hoping that she would get a divorce, because I felt that her husband was unhappy, and her husband just looked at you lustfully, so I didn't want her to My husband takes advantage of it!"

"Of course, when it comes to this, she will definitely think that her husband is the father of the child after all, and will not agree easily. Then you say, I will help her children find a better school, and I will pay for the future schooling. All inclusive!”

"She thinks that her husband is the father of the child and will not divorce her husband easily. However, if she does not divorce, the child will not be able to receive a better education. She will use the child to restrain her husband and make her stand between the child and her husband. She must make the right choice in the end!"

Hear this!

Hong Kong's eyes lit up and he said, "That's a good idea. I'll make a call now!"

With that said, she was about to call Lin Zhengyi's big brother.


Lin Zhengyi immediately stopped her and said, "We have just left now. If you call back right away, how can you show that you are begging? It will make her feel very relaxed and easy!"

"People often don't cherish something after they get it easily. Only after it is relatively difficult to get it, they will cherish it more."

"Besides, it will take time to arrange schooling for her children and work arrangements for her, right?"

"So, wait two days, I'll finish these things, and you can call me again. You'll have a two-day buffer, which will also reflect your pleading and make her cherish this opportunity even more."

"Makes sense!"

Hong Kong Sheng listened and nodded.

Then, she wasn't so anxious anymore.


At this time, Lin Zhengyi took out a card from the side and handed it to Hong Kong Sheng, saying, "This bank card is for you!"

"This is..." Hong Kong Sheng took it and said hesitantly.

"There is 50,000 yuan in the money, and I will give you 50,000 yuan every month in the future. It is your pocket money!" Lin Zhengyi said seriously.

When Hong Kong students saw this, they immediately wanted to refuse.

But Lin Zhengyi saw what she was thinking, and immediately said, "Little Stutter and Liangzi are also there, and I also gave them to Cheng Wenjing, but you lost your memory before and couldn't spend money, so I didn't give it to you, so don't be polite! "

Upon hearing this, Hong Kong students took the next step.

Little Stutter and Liangzi also have them, and Cheng Wenjing also has them. That is to say, there are only Judy Tang, her and Azhen at home.

But the problem is, Judy Tang is not short of money!

He is even richer than Lin Zhengyi.

So, in general, she and Azhen, who are the only ones in the family who have amnesia, do not have it, but everyone else has it.

This means that only by accepting this card can you become a member of the family.

"Looking back, I'll let you and Cheng Wenjing buy a car together. Both Xiao Stutter and Liangzi have it. Cheng Wenjing didn't have time to buy it before, so we just happen to be together now."

"So you don't have to refuse! Don't worry about the driver's license or anything like that. I'll find someone to help you get it later, and then you can learn from Little Stutter or Liangzi, and then you can drive it after you know how!" Lin Zhengyi said seriously.

"it is good!"

This time, Hong Kong students did not refuse.

She understood that this car was owned by all the women in the family, and if she didn't follow it, she would be a bit independent.

(End of this chapter)

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