Chapter 144 Chinese Pinyin
  After the video on the preparation of penicillin was played, ancient people from various dynasties had recorded every step in detail.

The preparation of penicillin takes time and cannot be made in a short time.

Therefore, ancient people from various dynasties put penicillin aside and planned to see what happened to simplified Chinese characters in later generations.

It is about time to learn the writing of later generations, and ancient people from all dynasties have made preparations.

In particular, ordinary people in various dynasties stopped their farm work and planned to wait and see for a while to see if they could learn to write.

Although everyone has no expectations, they still have to give it a try.

It's free anyway. If you don't try it, it's useless. If you have an advantage, don't take advantage of it.

In order to seize the opportunity of reading and literacy, parents from all dynasties called their children out one after another to learn words from the videos.

For ordinary people, this is the only opportunity to get ahead, and they must be grasped.

Not only ordinary people, but also princes, generals and ministers from various dynasties have asked their children to learn simplified Chinese characters.

Because they understand very well that as Su Chen’s live broadcast continues, more and more things from later generations will inevitably affect their era and change their lives.

In order to cope with this trend, it is very necessary to learn the simplified Chinese characters of later generations.

Ancient people from all dynasties were ready, waiting for the anchor to start playing the teaching video of simplified Chinese characters.

To learn simplified Chinese characters, you must first start with pinyin.

Considering that ancient people from various dynasties did not understand pinyin, Su Chen specially prepared a video to introduce why Chinese characters have pinyin.

[Do you know why Chinese characters have pinyin? Did you know that Chinese characters were almost abolished? #中华文化#汉字#Pinyin】

As soon as the video title came out, many ancient people couldn't understand it and didn't know what pinyin meant.

Seeing that Chinese characters were almost abolished shocked all the readers.

They never thought that Chinese characters could be almost abolished. Chinese characters have a long history, with a history of thousands of years.

How can Chinese characters be almost abolished if they are used well?
  Some smart people speculated that a very serious crisis must have occurred in later generations, which caused the Chinese characters that had lasted for thousands of years to be almost abolished.

However, what reassures the scholars of all dynasties is that it has not been abolished, otherwise the Chinese culture that has been passed down for thousands of years will be cut off.

Many ancient people have realized the importance of Pinyin. The reason why Chinese characters have not been almost abolished is probably because the emergence of Pinyin saved Chinese characters.

[In ancient times, Chinese characters were relatively complicated and there was no pinyin, so more than 90% of the people did not know the characters.

What should the ancients do when they encounter Chinese characters they don’t recognize without pinyin? You can only read it with the teacher.

What if I don’t recognize the teacher either? Therefore, the ancients at that time used homophones to notate the pronunciation.

During the Western Han Dynasty, people invented Qieyin, but very few people knew it, so 90% of the people were still illiterate.

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, with the exchange of Eastern and Western cultures, the Latinized Pinyin alphabet came into being.

At that time, many Western missionaries came to China. In order to learn Chinese characters and preach, they began to use Latin letters to notate Chinese characters, which gave the Chinese people great inspiration.

By the end of the Qing Dynasty, China was already very backward and wars broke out frequently. Many people believed that the complexity of Chinese characters was the root cause of China's backwardness.

Therefore, Lu Xun, Cai Yuanpei and others advocated abolishing Chinese characters and replacing them with Latin letters in order to improve the literacy rate of the people in the short term.

In 1913, someone proposed a complete pinyin scheme, which eventually evolved into modern Chinese pinyin.

So far, with the modern pinyin of Chinese characters, the literacy rate of people across the country has increased significantly. 】

Scholars from all dynasties deeply agree that they did not know how much effort they put into learning Chinese characters.

If you want to recognize a Chinese character, you need to label it with homophones.

But sometimes, they don't even know the pronunciation, which brings great obstacles to their understanding of Chinese characters.

In order to learn how to read and write a Chinese character, they had to endure a lot of hardships when they were young.

It is precisely because the threshold for learning Chinese characters is too high, coupled with the high cost of reading and literacy, that there are very few readers who can read and interpret sentences.

Liu Che: The two methods of homophonic characters and transliteration are indeed very cumbersome, and it is too difficult for ordinary people to learn. They just don’t know what is so magical about Pinyin, and it actually greatly improved the literacy rate of future generations of ordinary people.

He had been learning Chinese characters this way since he was a child, and he knew how difficult it was to learn Chinese characters.

Now he knows that Chinese characters in later generations have pinyin, which greatly reduces the difficulty of character recognition and greatly improves the literacy rate of people in later generations. This makes him very curious and eager to know what pinyin is.

He couldn't help but think that if the pinyin effect was really that good, maybe Chinese pinyin could be implemented nationwide so that more people could become literate.

Li Shimin: What is going on with Lu Xun and Cai Yuanpei? As Chinese people, they can forget their ancestors and extinguish the inheritance of Chinese culture. Even if you want to improve the literacy rate of the people, you cannot advocate the abolition of Chinese characters. Chinese characters have been used for thousands of years and have become an integral part of Chinese culture.

He didn't know what kind of crisis occurred at the end of the Qing Dynasty that led some people to want to abolish Chinese characters that had been used for thousands of years.

Chinese characters are the soul of Chinese culture. If Chinese characters are abolished, the backbone of the Chinese nation will be completely broken.

But to his relief, the timely emergence of Pinyin prevented the end of Chinese culture.

This made him even more curious about Chinese pinyin and he couldn't wait to see it.

Many people believed that the complexity of Chinese characters was the source of China's backwardness and advocated the abolition of Chinese characters. Qianlong's feelings were particularly complicated, and he felt an indescribable loneliness.

He generally knew a little bit about what happened in the late Qing Dynasty.

So many cultural relics were plundered by foreign invaders, which shows how bad the situation was in the late Qing Dynasty.

But he seemed to have far underestimated the corruption situation in the late Qing Dynasty, otherwise there would not have been so many people at that time blaming the root of China's backwardness on Chinese characters.

It can be seen that the huge gap between national power and foreign countries in the late Qing Dynasty made people at that time extremely desperate, which led to so many people feeling deeply inferior to Chinese culture and even wanting to abolish Chinese characters.

Ever since he learned about the situation in the late Qing Dynasty, he had often thought about how to improve the strength of the Qing Dynasty and avoid the recurrence of the tragedy of foreign countries' large-scale invasion of China.

After much deliberation, he still felt that he needed to learn excellent foreign knowledge so as to arm the Qing Dynasty and avoid making the same mistakes again.

If the Qing Dynasty wanted to catch up with the West at this time, it must carry out universal education. Only in this way can there be enough scientific talents to develop and strengthen the Qing Dynasty.

Implementing education for all may start with Chinese pinyin.

[The pinyin of most Chinese characters is composed of initial consonants and finals. There are 23 initial consonants and 24 finals. 】

As soon as these words came out, many ancient people frowned, feeling that pinyin was more difficult than they imagined.

There are 23 initial consonants and 24 finals, which sounds very complicated. Except for a few ancients who backed down, most of the ancients continued to listen patiently.

The video continues. In the picture, a beautiful teacher writes 23 initial consonants on the blackboard and points to each initial consonant to read aloud. The children below are reading along with the teacher.

[There are 23 initial consonants, b (broadcast), p (splash), m (touch), f (Buddha), d (de), t (special), n (nee), l (le), g (brother) , k (family), h (drink), j (chicken), q (seven), x (west), zh (weaving), ch (eat), sh (teacher), r (day), z (capital) , c (thorn), s (thinking), y (clothes), w (house)]

After the teacher in the video finished reading, the ancient people from all over the world looked confused.

The symbols in front of the Chinese characters are so strange that everyone has never seen them before. They look like tadpoles.

And they all feel similar. If you don’t look carefully, you really can’t tell the difference.

Some ancient people instantly guessed that these characters should be the Latin letters mentioned before. At first glance, they were not born in the land of China, so it is no wonder that they look strange.

Fortunately, there are corresponding Chinese characters behind each initial consonant, so scholars from all dynasties can understand how to spell the initial consonant.

This is somewhat similar to the phonetic notation of homophones, except that the object of the phonetic notation is replaced by Latin letters.

Many corrupt scholars from various dynasties were so angry that they blew their beards and stared when they saw that the person teaching in the video was a woman.

Reading and literacy can only be done by men, so teachers should also be men. Women are not qualified to be teachers.

The young scholars around these corrupt scholars tried to persuade them not to get too excited.

After all, the beauties in the video are from future generations. Presumably, women from future generations can also teach and educate people. No matter how dissatisfied they are, they can only keep it in their hearts.

It can be seen from the video played on the screen before that the status of women in later generations is completely different from that of their time.

After all, I have seen scantily clad beauties twisting and turning before, and they have millions of likes, which shows that people in the future have become accustomed to it.

Even women can wear revealing clothes and dance in front of the public, not to mention that the teacher is a woman.

Qianlong was stunned for a moment when he saw the initial consonants. Isn't this the Western English alphabet?

He had correspondence with the West, so he naturally knew these English letters.

But then he understood. Later, the strength of the West increased greatly and the Qing Dynasty was shattered into pieces. These English letters were also spread to the land of China.

After the beautiful teacher finished reading once, she came several times in succession.

Ever since, the pronunciation of the 23 initial consonants has been echoing in the ears of ancient people from all dynasties.

Fortunately for scholars, they already know Chinese characters. After reading it a few times, they basically know the pronunciation of each initial consonant.

However, if you want to completely memorize the pronunciation of the 23 initial consonants, I am afraid it will take some more time.

However, scholars from various dynasties were not in a hurry. They had already taken out pen and paper and recorded all the letters and pronunciations of the 23 initial consonants.

As long as you read it several times in private, you can memorize it all. After all, these initial consonants are much more complicated than learning Chinese characters in the first place.

But for ordinary people who don't know Chinese characters in the first place, the 23 initial consonants are like a wordless bible and cannot be remembered at all.

This is the case for Xu Erniu from Xujiacun. While the beautiful woman in the video was reading aloud, he was also reading along with her.

But after reading it aloud, he couldn't remember the pronunciation of the initial consonants. After all, he didn't know the phonetic Chinese characters.

After reading it aloud several times, it was still the same and he still couldn't remember it, so he had no choice but to give up.

As he expected, he was not the type to study at all.

Xu Erniu: Doudou, how many of the 23 initial consonants do you remember?
  Doudou: Dad, I remember everything.

Xu Erniu was stunned when he heard it. He couldn't believe it. How could he remember it so quickly?
  He asked his son to read it aloud to see if he really remembered it.

As early as when the 23 initial consonants appeared, Doudou used branches to write them out on the ground.

Although the painting is not so standardized, it can still be seen.

Doudou pointed to the initial consonants on the ground and read them one by one. Xu Erniu listened to his son's reading, and then listened to the teacher's reading. He was shocked to find that his son did remember the pronunciation of all the initial consonants.

Although there are some differences between what the son reads and what the teacher reads aloud, they are still basically the same.

After discovering this, Xu Erniu was so excited that he called his ancestors for blessing.

The son has a talent for reading, which means that their Xu family will have a scholar.

[There are 24 vowels in the list, a (ah), o (oh), e (goose), i (clothes), u (black), v (fish), ai (close), ei (eh), ui (prestige) , ao (boil), ou (欧), iu (mail), ie (ye), ve (month), er (ear), an (安), en (恩), in (because), un (question) , vn (halo), ang (ang), eng (hum), ing (eagle), ong (weng)]

When the 23 initial consonants came out at the beginning, people still didn’t quite understand why Chinese pinyin was composed of initial consonants and finals.

But when the pronunciation of the 24 vowels came out, the hearts of scholars from all dynasties were beating wildly and their hearts were shocked.

Because they finally discovered how magical the pinyin composed of initial consonants and finals is. The combination of the two is exactly the pronunciation of Chinese characters.

Li Shimin: It’s incredible. How did later generations think of the pinyin of Chinese characters? If I had pinyin when I was a child, reading and literacy would not be so hard.

When he first saw the initial consonant, he felt strange and didn't see anything.

But when the pronunciation of the final came out, it suddenly became clear to him, and he understood everything at once.

For example, the Chinese character "good", according to the combination of initial consonants and finals, is h (to drink) and ao (to boil).

Another example is the Tang character of the Tang Dynasty, which is t (特) ang (ANG) Tang.

Then he verified other Chinese characters and found that each Chinese character is a combination of initial consonants and finals.

The magic of Chinese pinyin really opened his eyes. He never thought that one day Chinese characters would be so easy to write. It is no wonder that the literacy rate of people in later generations has increased significantly.

The ones who were most shocked were the teachers from various dynasties.

When they taught young children writing in private schools, they took great pains and exhausted various methods, but the effect was still not good.

Now that Pinyin is available, they believe reading and literacy will become easier for schoolchildren.

Pinyin teaching only covers 23 initial consonants and 24 finals. After a morning of teaching, ancient people from all dynasties finally memorized the pronunciation of initial consonants and finals.

After everyone understands Pinyin, it also lays a solid foundation for the subsequent teaching of simplified characters.

(End of this chapter)

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