Chapter 113 Point-and-shoot Camera

Li Longji held Yang Yuhuan in his arms, and the two drank and had fun. They were so happy.

The wine they drank from their glasses was the Beijing Erguotou they grabbed from the live broadcast room.

Li Longji had better luck and grabbed five boxes of Erguotou, but he was very happy.

Li Longji: Beauty, how do you think Erguotou tastes?

Yang Yuhuan: Your Majesty, this wine is so strong and spicy that I am not used to it.

Li Longji: This Erguotou is suitable for men. It’s normal for beautiful women not to be used to it.

Li Longji asked the palace maid to pour mellow wine for the imperial concubine, while he drank Erguotou alone.

After a few mouthfuls, he gradually became drunk and became a little awkward when speaking.

When Yang Yuhuan saw this, he wanted to stop Li Longji from continuing to drink, but Li Longji could finally get rid of his sorrow by getting drunk, so he was still willing to stop the glass of wine in his hand.

Ever since he learned that the prosperous Kaiyuan era was destroyed by the Anshi Rebellion, his heart has been full of anxiety and he has nowhere to vent.

Knowing that An Lushan and Yang Guozhong were the chief culprits of the Anshi Rebellion, he had already ordered them to be imprisoned.

But his sorrow did not disappear, just because he knew that the root causes that caused the Kaiyuan prosperity to cease to exist had not been eliminated, and the Anshi Rebellion was only a superficial inducement.

The Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty was extremely splendid, and the Anshi Rebellion could not destroy such a prosperous Tang Dynasty.

It can only be said that under the prosperity of the Kaiyuan era, the Tang Dynasty was already riddled with holes and was on the verge of collapse.

Even if there was no Anshi Rebellion, there would still be other people rebelling.

But what is the fundamental reason that caused the foundation of the Tang Dynasty to shake? He has not figured it out these days.

He now particularly wants to know the reasons behind the Anshi Rebellion and what went wrong in the Tang Dynasty that caused the Anshi Rebellion.

But he has never been able to find the answer to this question.

It is precisely because of this that he uses alcohol to drown his sorrows and relieve the anxiety in his heart.

Ming dynasty.

Zhu Di and his family gathered together and had a great time, and the wine glass was filled with Beijing Erguotou.

His luck was amazing. He had grabbed the maximum purchase quantity of instant noodles and snowflake salt.

This time it was the same, I grabbed ten boxes of Beijing Erguotou.

Not only him, but also his fat son Zhu Gaochi and his obedient grandson Zhu Zhanji grabbed ten boxes of Erguotou.

Such incredible luck is enough to show that they are blessed with great luck and are born emperors.

Zhu Di: Come on, come on, don’t be stunned. The aroma of this later wine makes people salivate. I don’t know how it tastes in your mouth. Everyone should try this Beijing Erguotou.

Under Zhu Di's greeting, everyone raised their wine glasses and drank the Erguotou in one gulp.

After a cup of Erguotou, everyone grinned at first, and then immediately had endless aftertaste, showing an expression of enjoyment.

Zhu Gaochi: Father, this is the first time for me to drink such a mellow wine, but the stamina is a bit strong.

Zhu Zhanji: Grandpa Huang, this Erguotou is exactly as the anchor introduced. It has strong alcoholic power, long staying power and a long aftertaste.

Zhu Di: Erguotou is really a rare good wine in the world. If you can master the method of brewing Erguotou, you can often drink this kind of wine in the future.

Zhu Zhanji: Grandpa Huang, why don’t you ask the anchor to see if he can teach us the brewing method of Beijing Erguotou. If we in Beijing can brew Erguotou in the future, it will be a Beijing Erguotou worthy of the name.

When Zhu Di heard this, he thought it made sense. Erguotou was only introduced in Beijing later, so it might as well appear in advance now. With the previous examples, whether it is the method of making instant noodles or the method of making snowflake salt, he feels that the anchor will not refuse and will also announce the brewing process of Erguotou.

Zhu Di: Anchor, Beijing Erguotou appeared in our city later. Can you tell us the brewing process of Erguotou now?

Zhu Di's words also attracted the attention of many people, whether they were princes, generals, ministers, gentry or businessmen, they all pricked up their ears.

They have tasted Erguotou, which is indeed tasty and strong enough, far better than their wine.

If you can know the brewing process of Erguotou, then you can drink it anytime you want, wouldn’t it be wonderful?

Su Chen hesitated and thought deeply, wondering whether he should tell everyone the brewing method.

Brewing liquor requires a lot of food, and people in ancient times often did not have enough to eat.

He is worried that after the Erguotou brewing process is announced, unscrupulous businessmen will use a large amount of grain to make wine in pursuit of high profits.

But then he felt that his worries were unnecessary. The rulers of various dynasties would definitely impose restrictions on the brewing industry and would not allow unscrupulous businessmen to mess around.

"It's okay to tell you the brewing process of Erguotou, but the anchor needs to explain that brewing Erguotou requires a large amount of grain. The anchor recommends that the emperors of each dynasty strictly control it. In the case of a bumper grain harvest, more wine can be brewed. Ordinary people can't eat it. It is not recommended to brew Erguotou if you are full.”

Liu Xiu: I’m sorry, host, I won’t starve the people just to make wine.

Li Shimin: My Tang Dynasty is in a period of recuperation. I can only brew Erguotou on a small scale. I will never use a large amount of grain to make wine. Host, please rest assured.

Song Renzong Zhao Zhen: The Song Dynasty under my governance has a prosperous economy, people live and work in peace and contentment, and the brewing industry is also very developed. The anchor can announce the brewing process of Erguotou.

Zhu Di: Don’t worry, anchor. I know that food is the most important thing for the people. I will not disregard the lives of the people just to make wine.

Seeing the emperors from various dynasties expressing their opinions one after another, Su Chen felt more relieved.

"Okay, as before, the video of Erguotou brewing process will be played for everyone tomorrow afternoon."

Words of gratitude from ancient people from various dynasties floated through the live broadcast room, especially the big businessmen who were mainly engaged in brewing wine.

Once the brewing process of Erguotou is announced, wine merchants like them will benefit the most and can quickly launch their own Erguotou to seize the market.

After the barrage in the live broadcast room gradually subsided, Su Chen started the last session of the night.

"It's time for the lottery now, please be ready to grab the red envelopes."

As soon as these words came out, ancient people from all dynasties concentrated their efforts and wanted to try their luck. They all had too many questions to ask the anchor.

"Okay, the countdown begins..."

A big red envelope appeared in the live broadcast room. Everyone clicked desperately, and finally a lucky person grabbed it.

"Congratulations to the lucky winner tonight, Li Longji, for grabbing the red envelope. The product that will be sold tomorrow night is Polaroid."

When Li Longji heard that it was him, he couldn't believe it for a moment and froze on the spot.

"Does His Majesty Xuanzong have any questions to ask?"

After hearing this, Li Longji immediately came to his senses and quickly expressed the problem in his heart.

Li Longji: Anchor, I want to know the specific situation of the Anshi Rebellion and why the Tang Dynasty suddenly turned from prosperity to decline.

Su Chen nodded, not surprised at all by Li Longji's question.

"After the anchor finds the detailed information tomorrow, he will tell His Majesty Xuanzong the answer. That's it for tonight's live broadcast. Good night everyone, see you tomorrow night."

(End of this chapter)

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