Da Qin: I exposed myself as a time traveler, why are you Zhao Gao panicking?

Chapter 209 Students from all over the world enter Xianyang!

Chapter 209 Students from all over the world enter Xianyang!

The person who read it was filled with indignation, and the surrounding audience was also indignant.

For a time, there was an upsurge in Xianyang City to denounce the nobles of the Six Kingdoms.

People expressed their intention to support the Qin court and maintain the stability of the Qin Dynasty.

Some people even spontaneously organized and protested in front of the mansions of nobles from the six countries, demanding severe punishment from the Qin court!

This newspaper was like a fire, igniting the fire of justice in the hearts of Xianyang people.

They are no longer just passive recipients, but actively participate in national affairs, using their actions to express their support for the court and their anger towards the nobles of the six countries.

And at this moment, outside Xianyang City!

Groups of students carrying books and studying, either in small groups or alone, came in great numbers!

They gathered here from all directions just to go to Xianyang to participate in the imperial examination.

Seeing the people in the city rushing to discuss what was written in the newspaper, the students also stopped to watch.

"Is this a report from the newly established newspaper office of the imperial court? How can it convey the world's major events so quickly!" A student exclaimed, his eyes shining with curiosity and expectation.

"That's right. Looking at this report, we can see that the imperial court is already alert to the conspiracy of the nobles of the six countries. When we enter Xianyang to participate in the imperial examination, we will definitely serve the imperial court and help them pacify the world!"

Another student made an impassioned speech, causing everyone around him to nod in agreement.

As people poured into the city, students eagerly searched for traces of newspapers.

I saw newsboys holding newspapers in the streets and alleys, shouting and selling.

Students stopped to buy and read them one after another.

"Look, this newspaper reveals the conspiracy of the nobles of the six countries. It's really thrilling!" A student excitedly pointed to the text in the newspaper and shared it with his companions.

"Indeed, the imperial court's move is really wise and decisive. As scholars, we should support the imperial court and safeguard the Qin Dynasty." Another person nodded in praise.

In teahouses, restaurants and other gathering places, students even had lively discussions around newspapers.

"This newspaper is really the mouthpiece of the imperial court and the eyes and ears of the people. With it, we can keep abreast of major world events and no longer close our eyes and listen." A student said with emotion.

"Not only that, newspapers can also guide public opinion and expose evil. It seems that the court will be more powerful in cracking down on the remnants of evil." Another person analyzed, causing people around him to nod in agreement.

Students from all over the world, with great ambitions, traveled thousands of miles and poured into Xianyang.

They may travel together or alone, but no matter how difficult the journey is, it is difficult to stop their inner excitement and enthusiasm.

Along the way, the students were chatting and laughing, discussing knowledge and current affairs, and looking forward to showing off their skills in the imperial examination.

Whenever they talked about the conspiracy of the nobles of the six countries exposed in the newspapers, they became even more indignant and vowed to serve the imperial court.

As the outline of Xianyang City gradually became clearer, the excitement of the students became increasingly uncontrollable.

They rushed to the city gate just to get a glimpse of the ancient capital.

The city's bustling scene, majestic palaces, and wide streets all shocked and yearned them.

"Is this Xianyang City? It's really impressive!" A student exclaimed.

"When I enter the city this time, I will definitely work hard to get a title on the gold list!" Another person clenched his fists and said with confidence.

"That's it. I will do my best to stand out." Another person echoed, his tone full of firmness and determination.

The atmosphere in the inns, teahouses and academies in Xianyang City was extremely warm. The students were either in groups or facing each other in pairs, all excitedly exchanging their experiences and expectations about the imperial examinations.

In the inn, someone stood up and made an impassioned speech: "This imperial examination is really a grand event for our country to select talents! We should cherish this opportunity and serve the court with our talents and knowledge, so that we can live up to what we have learned in our lives!"

When everyone heard the impassioned speech, their hearts were filled with excitement.

Their eyes were bright, as if they saw themselves standing on the court, making suggestions and making contributions to the court.

"What my dear friend said is absolutely true!" A student couldn't help but echoed loudly, "We should take this as an opportunity to fully demonstrate what we have learned and live up to His Majesty's high expectations."

"Exactly! Exactly!" Another student clapped his hands on the table and said excitedly, "The imperial court established the imperial examination to recruit talents. It is really an act of a wise king. If we are selected, we will die!"

Everyone nodded in agreement, with firm and expectant looks on their faces.

They seemed to have seen the day when they would leap over the dragon gate and become famous, and their hearts were filled with endless longing and excitement.

"I would like to work with you!" Someone raised his teacup and signaled to everyone, "I hope that we can all show what we have learned, serve the imperial court, and contribute our strength to the Qin Dynasty!"

"Let's encourage you together!" Everyone responded in unison, and the cups clinked together with a crisp sound.

In the teahouse, the fragrance of tea lingered, and the students sat around the table and talked incessantly.

Someone said excitedly: "This imperial examination will bring out talents in large numbers. We will definitely be able to show off our skills and realize our ambition of leaping over the dragon's gate!"

Another person said: "That's right! Become a farmer in the morning, and ascend to the Emperor's Hall in the evening. This is the life-long dream of our students, and it can finally be realized today."

In the academy, the sound of books is even louder. Students are either reciting classics loudly or exchanging their thoughts in low voices.

Someone lamented: "Although the road to the imperial examination is difficult, as long as you study hard, you will eventually get ahead. If you are selected this time, you will do your best to serve the Qin Dynasty!"

When everyone heard the words, they all showed excitement and excitement.


In the court hall, Li Si respectfully reported to Zulong: "Your Majesty, students from all over the world have flocked to Xianyang, and the number of people participating in the imperial examination is unprecedented. This is a sign of the prosperity of our dynasty, and it is truly a blessing to your majesty."

When Zu Long heard this, his face was filled with joy, and his eyes shone with excitement and anticipation.

He said solemnly: "Okay! This is a blessing for our court. Li Si, you must assist Ting Weiqing in carefully arranging the examination room to ensure that the imperial examination is fair and just."

Li Si bowed to accept the order and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will do my best to live up to your Majesty's trust."

After receiving the order, Li Si did not dare to slack off at all and immediately started arranging everything in the examination room.

He knew very well that this imperial examination was related to the future of the country and had a heavy responsibility, so he had to ensure that nothing went wrong.

Therefore, he urgently summoned many officials and solemnly ordered: "The imperial examination is a major event for the country to select talents. The order of the examination room is very important. You must perform your duties and assist Lord Tingwei in strictly maintaining the safety of the examination room to ensure that there is no trace of anything." Wrong."

The officials all bowed to accept the order and responded in unison: "Don't worry, Mr. Li, we will do our best to maintain order in the examination room and ensure the smooth conduct of the examination."

Later, Li Si and Qin Chi came hand in hand and personally inspected the surrounding environment of the examination room and checked various safety measures one by one.

Seeing that everything was in order, he felt a little relieved.

"Sir, what do you think of the layout around the examination room?" Li Si pointed to the facilities around the examination room and humbly asked Qin Chi for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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